Shawn Spears

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"Kick his ass babe!" You roar from the other side of the barricade separating the small crowd from the ring.

Shawn turns around to face you, Cody held tight in a side headlock and flexes his biceps with a wink. You laugh lightly and cheer louder to cheer your cocky boyfriend on.

"Come on, you got this!" You continue to cheer from the sidelines, earning you dirty looks from Brandi on the other side of the barricade.

The two of you actually used to be friends once upon a time. Before Brandi got with Cody that is. The two of you were best friends in fact. But that all changed when you met Cody. You had a huge thing for the American Nightmare back in the day, which Brandi was more than aware of. She stole him right from under your feet, that's when your friendship ended.

Of course, you've more than gotten over Cody since then. No, you've moved on to bigger and better men, aka Shawn Spears. The charming and gristly Canadian caught your eye as soon as he signed with AEW, and you just so happened to catch his eye as well.

"Yeah! Drop him into the table, Shawn!" You watch with glee as Shawn backdrops Cody into a table from the ring apron with a loud thud.

You glance over at Brandi and she looks more than pissed at you. She glares your way which makes you crack a grin, doubting very much that she'd actually come over and do anything about it.

Your little comments keep on coming as Shawn dominates in the ring. Near the end of the match, Brandi finally snaps and it surprises you a bit when she all of a sudden comes storming over to you. Sammy Guevara who you've been standing with to watch the match backs off a bit as Brandi stomps over to the barricade that you're standing behind.

"Hi, Brandi!" You give your former BFF a wave with a grin.

"Y/N." Brandi grits her teeth at you.

"That's my name." You reply, chin on your hand leaning against the thick barricade.

"You've got some nerve." Brandi snaps at you. "Cheering for your cheating asshole of a boyfriend like that."

"Sounds to me like you're just jealous because MY man is winning and yours is a loser." You reply casually, eyes looking past Brandi at the ring where Shawn has Cody in another hold.

"You know you used to be such a good person." Brandi shakes her head.

"Oh no." You laugh aloud in an almost snort. "Is this the part where you try and sympathize with me? Oh, so sorry for being a whore and taking your man from you Y/N. I just couldn't help myself." You mimic Brandi's voice in an annoying tone. "Save it, sweetie, I'm over it. In fact, I am MORE than happy that you got with bleach blonde over there." You gesture to Cody in the ring. "I'd feel bad for you if you were still a nobody ring announcer instead of the hotwife of a successful wrestler." You sneer, still not making eye contact with Brandi.

"Oh, you bitch." Brandi snaps even further and suddenly has a handful of your hair, yanking it down hard as she can.

You gasp as your hair is pulled and brace your arms against the barricade to stop your head from colliding with it.

"Oh hell no!" You growl and shove Brandi hard off of you.

Brandi stumbles back and you hop over the barricade and tackle her to the floor. The sound of the bell being rung and the match being stopped is drowned out by the sound of the rest of the crowd growing rowdy and you and Brandi yelling slurs at each other as you roll around on the floor.

You manage to gain the upper hand first, throwing punches into Brandi as hard as you can as she tries to best to block as well as push you off of her. Brandi eventually manages to pull you off of her and slides on top of you to repay the favor of nasty shots to the face.

"Y/N!" You can vaguely hear Shawn above you as Brandi reigns down punches on you.

A good solid punch to the nose and you can feel warm blood oozing from your nostrils and down to your lips. Having had enough of this you use your legs to maneuver Brandi off of you long enough for Shawn to reach down and pull you up off of the floor.

Cody does the same to Brandi as Shawn holds a steel grip on you.

"That's enough Y/N, babe." Shawn holds you tightly to calm you down.

"Let it go honey." You hear Cody a few feet away from you talking to Brandi.

"Yeah that's right Brandi, let your husband fight your battles for you whore." You scream in anger.

"How's your nose feel?" Brandi snaps back, just as angry as you.

"Ha, take a look in the mirror sweetie." You retaliate, knowing that you definitely left some bruises on your opponent. "You hit like a bitch by the way." You add as Shawn starts dragging you off to the backstage area.

You are still seething by the time Shawn gets you back to the locker room. He sits you down in a chair and turns around to get something to clean the blood smeared all over your face up.

"That was some scrap baby," Shawn comments as he walks back over to you with a damp cloth.

"I don't wanna hear it." You huff, thinking that you are about to get lectured by your boyfriend.

"Hey, no complaints here baby." Shawn shakes his head. "The way you just jumped into action like that? Hot as hell." He kisses the top of your forehead and begins wiping the blood off of you.

"Thanks, babe." You crack a small smile.

"I mean it Y/N baby, I didn't know you could throw down like that." Shawn continues.

"That should be a reminder never to piss me off." You joke with a small laugh.

"Yes, ma'am." Shawn chuckles with you and pulls you onto his lap after he's got you all cleaned up. "Now come here and give daddy some sugar."

"Only if you promise to make sure that Brandi and Cody both get their asses kicked next week." You reply with a grin and wrap your arms around Shawn's neck.

It would be my pleasure baby girl." Shawn grins and presses a sweet kiss to your lips.

QOTC: Y'all like Shawn Spears? I personally love him. Even back when he was Tye Dillinger back in WWE. Also, how are we feeling about maybe a Lance Archer or Juice Robinson chapter in the near future? Let me know below!

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