MJF/Sammy Guevara

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"Y/N, how are you feeling tonight shorty?" You are forced to look up from your phone when your father's youngest lackie saunters into the room like he owns the place.

"Fine, Sammy." You glance up at him with a nonchalant half-grin. "If you're looking for my dad he's in a meeting with Khan right now." You inform him and go back to scrolling through Twitter.

"And what if I came looking for you?" Sammy replies with a wink.

Knowing that you aren't getting rid of Guevara anytime soon you pocket your phone with a sigh and give him the attention that so desperately craves.

"Haven't you been chewed out by my dad enough already for flirting with me?" You quirk a brow at him as he takes a seat in front of you.

"Call me stubborn." Sammy laughs with a grin. "Come on Y/N, you can't sit there and pretend that you aren't just a little bit into me, can you?" 

"I can." You reply dryly. "And I will. For your own safety." You stand to your feet and pat Sammy on the shoulder. "Tell my dad I left for the lady's locker room will you?"

"Is that where you're going?" Sammy asks you, doubtful that you're telling him the truth.

"Maybe." You reply with a small laugh before you exit the room.

Sammy shakes his head as you leave, he has no intention of pursuing you. He knows that you love playing hard to get. And it will be oh so worth it when you finally quit playing games and let him take you out on a date. Despite your father's disdain for you dating his co-workers.

You make your way down the hall in search of something to occupy your time or someone. Whichever you happen upon first. Fate comes knocking at the door when you pass by the entrance to the tunnel just as Max and Wardlow are heading backstage from the ring.

"Well well well, look who we have here Wardlow." You instantly catch Max's eye as you pass him. "Little Jericho."

"Maxwell." You come to a full stop and decide that Max is as good as anyone to mess around with.

"Where's the rest of your dad's entourage? Or is Jericho's cute little amateur running it alone tonight?" Max asks with a self-entitled grin.

"What's it to you?" You snark back at him. "Hey, Wardlow." You nod to the silent giant standing behind Max.

"Well we wouldn't want daddy's little girl getting herself into trouble would we?" Max laughs that annoying laugh again.

"I can handle myself just fine, thanks." You roll your eyes.

"Mhm, I'm sure you can." Max's eye rake up and down your body as he cracks a grin.

You go to tell him to shove off and keep his eyes level with your own when all of a sudden Sammy is behind you giving Max a death glare.

"Y/N, there you are." Sammy slides next to you as close as he can get and glares at MAx. "Chris is looking for you, team meeting." He tells you.

"Oh, yeah alright." You nod and turn around with Sammy. "Catch you later Max." You give him a small wave before Sammy drags you off.

"Yeah, by loser." Sammy snickers as he walks off with you.

You and Sammy walk away with Sammy dragging you by the arm. In his mind the quicker he gets you away from Max the better.

"Sammy, will you slow down?" You dig your heels into the floor so Sammy is forced to come to a stop for a moment.

"Sorry." Sammy comes to a stop and lets your arm go.

"Damn right!" You take your arm back from him. "Since when are you so eager to go to one of my dad's boring team meetings anyways?"

"Since you decided that hanging out with Max and his caveman of a buddy," Sammy replies sharply. "Those two are never up to any good."

"Oh yeah, like we're a bunch of saints." You laugh aloud. "Whatever let's just get going." You roll your eyes and continue on down the hall at a slower pace this time.

You know that the only reason Sammy is all of a sudden so eager to get you back to the locker room is that he's jealous of you having a conversation with Max. 

The two of you arrive back in the locker room and you take a seat next to Santana while Sammy sits down by Jake in the only other free seat. Chris of course takes almost no time to get into one of his speeches about god-know-what. You start to tune him out after a bit and whisper quietly with Santana.

"Where did you wander off to mami?" Santana asks casually.

"Just out, no big deal." You shrug.

"Yeah, then why does Guevara look like he's ready to hit someone?" Santana nods over to Sammy in the corner of the room.

"I did talk to Max earlier, maybe he's jealous." You shrug again.

"Oh yeah, that's definitely it." Santana nods.

Chris drones on for a little longer until someone knocks on the door. Chris answers it and you pop to attention when Max and Wardlow come strolling in. You watch carefully as Max and Chris greet one another and Chris asks what Max is doing here.

"I come bearing gifts!" Max nods over to Wardlow holding a box for his companion.

"Gifts? How nice." Chris grins and waits for Max to show him what he brought for the group.

You glance over at Sammy once again giving Max the death glare as he starts to hand out some custom jackets with his logo on it.

"For you." Max hands you over one with a grin.

You take the jacket and slip it on, a perfect fit. Sammy rolls his eyes from a few feet behind you as you admire yourself in the mirror on the far wall.

"Well would you look at that, you're daughters quite the looker, Chris!" Max compliments you with a grin and slings a casual arm around your shoulder.

That's the last straw for Sammy. Seeing Max so close coupled with the fact that Sammy is the only one in the room without one of Max's jackets and he's ready to go off.

"I'd take my hand off of her before I come over there and beat your ass rich boy!" Sammy warns as he walks over to you.

"Big talk coming from you." Max scoffs.

By the time Sammy has made his way across the room Santana has pulled you out of the danger zone and over to his and Ortiz's side. Chris looks about as baffled as one can imagine as he processes what's going down in his locker room and how his daughter is involved.

"Hey! Seriously you two?" You step away from Santana to confront your two suitors. "You're both acting like children. No one is throwing hands over me."

With that comment, Chris has finally grasped what's going on here and is quick to step in front of you.

"She's right about that." Chris nods his head. "Because neither of you numbskulls is dating my daughter." He insists. "Maxwell, thanks for the jackets but get out. And Sammy? Absolutely not." He shakes his head at both men.

"Dad!" You go to protest but Chris shakes his head and turns to Santana. 

"Take her home please." He tasks Santana with getting you out of the arena. "We'll talk later sweetheart." Chris insists.

"Whatever." You roll your eyes at your father as Santana ushers you out of the room.

You have a sneaking suspicion that neither Max nor Sammy is about to give up that easily. At least you'd hope not.

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