Tama Tonga

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"Just remember to keep it toned down, okay?" You take your eyes off of the road for a second to look over at your boyfriend. "Not everyone in my family is like me." You remind him of how some members of your family can be.

"Don't sweat it babe." Tama shake his head, that ever-so-confident grin on his face. "I've got this, I'll make sure to keep it PG when the fam is around." He chuckles.

"God help us both." You sigh, knowing full well that Tama Tonga is not a person to keep anything PG for long.

The rest of the ride back to your parent's home is relatively silent. You remind Tama of the names of a few select relatives and also that you are attending the 13th birthday of one of your younger cousins.

"Well this is it." You pull your car into the already packed driveway of your parents house. "Grab the present from the back for me please." You ask Tama and pockets your keys after taking a deep breathe.

As soon as you close the door to your car you are greeted by three smaller kids barreling down the driveway towards you.

"Y/N!!" A singsong of kids attack your legs, all wearing smiles.

"Hey guys." You ruffle one of the kids hair with a grin. "You didn't miss me did you?" You look down at all their smiling faces with a small laugh.

"We did." One of the younger ones nods her head. "You've been gone so long, aunt (moms name) talks about you all the time." She grins up at you.

"Does she now?" You giggle. "Well you guys better go tell her i'm here then." You shoo them all off with a light push.

Once the hoard of small faces is gone Tama walks over to your side with the present you got your little cousin in his arms.

"Sounds like you're a fan favorite around here babe." He chuckles and waits for you to head into the party.

"Yep." You grin, proud of the mantra. "All my little cousins think i'm amazing." You start walking up to the open front door of the house.

You barely get a few steps in the door when a break shows in the crowd of people and your mother comes strutting through with your aunt in tow.

"Mom." You smile as she pulls you into a hug.

"Y/N!" She gushes as she holds you tight. "I'm so glad you could take time off to come home." She pats your back. "Now, where is this boyfriend of yours." She lets you go and immediately looks in your general area for a face she hasn't seen before.

"Mom, this is my boyfriend Tama. Tama this is my mom, and my aunt." You step to the side so Tama is in full view of your family, not that he could hide behind you anyway.

You look at Tama then at your mom, then back to Tama. You've been nervous about the two of them meeting for some time now. Your mother was under the impression that you'd settle down with a nice tame nerdy dude, like the types you hung around with in school. She had no idea you'd settled down with 6 feet of confident asshole Tongan beefcake.

"Nice to meet you." You watch as your mom greets Tama with a smile and shakes his hand.

"It's nice to meet you to Mrs. L/N." Tama nods with a small smile.

You are relieved when your mom gets called by someone before the conversation can go any further. Your aunt in tow with her you are free to parade Tama to the back yard to drop off your present.

"Y/N's here!" One of the kids yells as soon as you step into the back yard.

You freeze when all the adults in the back yard as well as some older kids eyes fall on you and Tama.

"Hey everyone." You chuckle nervously and wave.

Tama drops off the present and stays at your side as all your cousins and aunts and uncles make their way over to you and Tama to say hello. You are surprised to see that Tama manages to fly under the radar the whole time. You get a little scared though when your mom calls you over to her and your aunt alone, leaving Tama with a group of your small cousins.

"Auntie!" You give your aunt a hug since you didn't get a chance to before.

"Y/N, my favorite niece." Your aunt pulls you into a tight hug. "It's so nice to see you again, and that boyfriend of yours, quite the man." She comments.

"Auntie." You raise a brow at her.

"Oh don't worry Y/N." Your aunt shakes her head with a smile. "I like him, he's tall, and handsome. Where did you pick him up at?" She asks you curiously.

"We work together for the same company." You explain. "He was quite the flirt until I finally decided to let him take me out on a date." You laugh to yourself, recalling the first few months you started working with Tama.

"Oooh, he looks like a flirt to." Your aunt comments as she glances across the yard at Tama talking with some of the younger kids.

"He's a good guy." You direct this comment a little more at your mom than your aunt.

"I'm sure." Your mom speaks up and nods her head.

You talk with your mom and aunt a little bit more then head back over to Tama to give him a break from all the little kids surrounding him.

"Alright." You break through the crowd of kids to get to Tama. "Let's give the big man some space shall we?" You shoo all the kids off. "How you doing over here babe." You giggle as Tama sighs as all the kids leave.

"Man, and i thought i had a big family." Tama sighs. "What did your mom want?" He asks you curiously.

"Oh nothing important." You wave your hand. "She seems to be a little wary of you." You shake your head. "She'll get over it though, and my aunt already seems to love you." You make a small glance over at the two of them talking to one another and looking over at you and Tama.

"Good good." Tama nods his head, his arm snaking around your waist. "Because I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon."

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