Kip Sabian

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"And just what about you makes you so special?" You ask the handsome man in front of you, pressing your glass to your lips with a grin.

"You want an honest answer to that sweetheart?" The man replies, his eyes shifting from your own gaze down to your lips and back again.

"Why not." You shrug, a confident grin still ever present on your face.

"And that is the story of how Kip managed to rope me in." You finish your tale of how you met your current boyfriend of 1 year to your little sister and mother.

"Wow." Your mom nods her head, her brows raised as she gazes at you , her eldest daughter.

"Yeah." Your sister speaks up next to you. "To be honest N/N, he kind of sounds like an asshole." She tells it to you straight, your mom nodding in agreement.

You nod your head with a grin, knowing that both your mom and sister would both be right to assume that Kip is a total jerk from the story that you just got telling them. Even though you know at heart, Kip is a sickenly sweet man.

"That's fair." You chuckle at both your mom and sister. "Kip is kind of an asshole yeah. At least we know i have a type right?" You take a sip from your wine glass. "But in all honesty guy, Kip is a wonderful guy. Most of the time, we get along just fine." You assure them.

Your mother and sister share a look and pick up their own wine glasses, each taking a small sip and returning them back to the coffee table in front of them. You sigh with a small smile, it feeling good to have your mom and sister come visit you for a change. You knew very well that the two of them were due a nice vacation for a little bit.

"So where is Kip anyway?" You sister speaks up again after a few seconds of comfortable silence.

"Well it's Saturday night and like 10 pm so he's most likely out having drinks with his friends." You shrug, not knowing for sure where your boyfriend could be. "I told him that you guys were coming over for the week, so he took it upon himself to give us some family time before he introduces himself." You recall having a conversation about your mom and sister with Kip earlier in the week.

"Oh." Your mom nods her head, picking up her wine glass again. "That's convenient." She takes a sip from the glass.

"Mom." You give her a stern look.

"I know I know." Your mother throws her hands up in defense. "I swore off telling you who you should and shouldn't date a long time ago." She insists.

You shake your head again, recalling the countless your mom had warned you about the shady dudes that you used to date when you were a teen. You sigh contently and turn to your sister silently looking down at her phone.

"So sis." You grin at her when she sets her phone down. "I was thinking, since I know mom is bound to be heading off to bed soon. Would you maybe wanna join me at the club i am almost certain Kip and his buddies are hanging out at?" You suggest the idea to her with a grin.

"Really?" She perks right up at the mention of the idea. "Is that okay with you mom?" You both look over at your mother for approval.

"Sure, go have fun." Your mom nods with a sigh and finishes off her wine.

"Great! Thanks mom." Your sister jumps from her feet and hugs your mom before she takes off to the spare bedroom to change.

You laugh at how eager she is to get out and have some fun. You are already in some club appropriate clothes so you finish off your wine and settle in with your mom for a bit.

"There's plenty of wine in the kitchen, and plenty of fresh food and leftovers if you get hungry." You explain where everything she may need is. "The tv has all the cable channels plus netflix so i'm sure you'll find something to watch. Plus my study has a ton of books in it." You point down the dark hallway to the last room on the left.

"I'll be fine sweetie." Your mom smiles at you and pats your shoulder. "You go have fun with your sister, and rope in that boyfriend of yours so I can meet him." She insists.

"Thanks mom, love you." You stand to your feet and give your mother a small hug before you gather your sister and head out.

The two of you mingle on the drive downtown, you are planning on heading to the club that you know Kip and his friends like to hang out.

"Here we are." You manage to find a decent spot to park a block away from the club, you spot Kip's car a few cars down to. "See that's Kip's car." You point to it when you pass it with your sister in tow.

The two of you head into the club and you scan the area for Kip and his friends. You spot them all lingering at a booth all with drinks in their hands.

"Someone call for some chicks to join the party?" You ask with a grin as you walk up to the table.

"Y/N, babe!" Kip's eyes light up when he sees you. "You are looking fucking gorgeous." He grins as his eyes rake over you. "And this must be your sister." His gaze moves to the left to take in your sister standing silently next to you.

"Yeah, and thanks babe." You still blush when he compliments you. "Guys this is my younger sister s/n." You introduce Kip and his friends to her.

Your sister takes up a conversation with one of Kip's younger friends while you slide in the booth onto Kip's lap. He gladly snakes his arms around your waist as you sit down with a giggle.

"God you look fucking gorgeous." He sigh, his hands poking at your exposed thighs.

"And you look just as handsome." You lean down and press a kiss to Kip's lips with a grin. "Hope you don't mind us breaking up the party. S/N was dying to get out on the club scene at least once during her trip." You glance over at you sister giggling with a smile.

"It's fine babe." Kip shrugs his shoulders. "We were just having some drinks, in fact i was getting ready to call it." He admits that he was growing tired of being out.

"Kip Sabian." You look down at your boyfriend. "Calling it a night so early." You shake your head. "I was hoping to at least get a dance with you." You fake a small frown.

"Oh is that so?" Kip replies, licking his lips. "Well in that case." You feel his hand squeeze your ass lightly. "Your wish is my command princess." Kip lightly pushes your back off of him and out to the floor.

You grin as Kip grabs your hand and drags you out to the dance floor. It reminds you of the night that the two of you met. The pure sexual tension between the two of you held that night was almost unbearable to your friends. You knew from the moment you laid eyes on Kip that he was going to be trouble.

"I love you." You take a chance as the music pumping in the club dies down for a second as you and Kip dance close.

"I love you to princess." Your hear Kip whisper back just as the music picks back up again.

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