Drew Gulak

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"Just do me a favor and behave yourself for once, Tony." You shake your head at the confident and smug look on your client's face that obviously pertains that he's up to something.

"Don't worry Y/N, you know I've got this one in the bag." Tony waves his hand at you.

"That's what I'm afraid of." You shake your head with a small smile.

Tony's music starts up and you stray behind for a moment so he can get his usual entrance done without you being in the way of the cameras. After a moment or two, you break the curtain and head out to join him on the ramp.

"You should go sit with Byron and whoever else they roped into working tonight, I've got Swerve." Tony nods over to the commentary table on the other side of the ring.

"And by that you mean, you don't want me getting in the way right?" You roll your eyes.

"Exactly." Tony nods and pats you on the bare back of your shoulder.

You roll your eyes again and turn to move around the ring and over to the commentary table. You wonder who they managed to get to be Byron's partner for 205 Live with everything going on. You round the last corner and glance at the commentary and your eyes lock on to the man sitting on Byron's left, Drew Gulak.

"No way." You mumble to yourself as you walk over to the table.

The last time that you saw Drew was a few days before he left the show to head to the main roster. He used to be good friends with Tony when the two of them weren't trying to kill each other in the ring. You've always kind of liked Drew, thought he was cute and all.

"Oh, it looks like Tony's manager, Y/N L/N, will be joining us on commentary." You hear Byron speak up as you near the table. "Y/N, it's a pleasure to have you with us tonight." Byron nods to you as you pull up the office chair sitting a couple of feet away from Drew.

"It's great to be here, Byron. Thanks." You nod back and slip the extra headset on as you take a seat a foot or two from Drew.

You remain cool and collected as the bell rings and Byron starts firing off a million questions about Tony as per usual. Drew, on the other hand, remains silent for the first few minutes. You fall into casual conversation with Byron since you've done this many a time before. Drew's eyes flick from you to the small monitor on the desk and back a few times.

"Do you ever think that this rivalry between Nese and Swerve will ever come to an end, Y/N?" Byron asked you yet another question.

"Well, when you consider the fact that the ONLY reason that Tony and I even keep coming back for these matches is that we love to prove that Scott just doesn't have what it takes to get one up over the premiere athlete. This little feud we have going on will continue until Scott finally gets it through his head, Byron." You switch to manager mode and make sure you get your point across.

"Get what exactly through his head?" Byron asks you to elaborate.

"That Tony is just THAT much better than he is, of course." You reply with a smug smile.

Next to you Drew cracks a small chuckle and what you're pretty sure is an inaudible chuckle which makes you smile. The show goes to a commercial for a few minutes and Drew finally speaks up.

"I see you haven't changed a bit." Drew laughs loud enough for you to hear this time. "Still as snarky as ever."

"Well, you know me." You reply. "Always was one to take no words from anyone." You laugh with him. "It's good to see you again Drew." 

"Yeah, its good to see you again too." Drew nods. "I like the new hair, by the way, it suits you." He compliments your newly cut hair.

"Thanks. And I see that you're still opting to look sharp in a suit." You not to Drew's sharp-looking charcoal grey suit.

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