Seth Rollins

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"Hey, Seth!" You flash the current Univeral champion a grin as you pass him in the hallway.

"Hey, Y/N!" Seth waves to you, the same grin on his face.

You continue down the hall, not able to drop the smile from your face. You are on your way to record the newest episode of firefly funhouse, creative thought it would be a great idea if Bray had a cheerful helper on the show that wasn't a puppet. So they hired you for the job on account of your cheerful and fun demeanor.

You get to the backstage area where the firefly funhouse stage is set up and spot Bray talking to a few of the camera crew. You walk over to his side and introduce yourself.

"Bray!" You greet him with a grin. "My names Y/N, I'm your new assistant." You inform him of your new role with enthusiasm.

"My my." Bray smiles and shakes your hand. "You're a mighty cheerful one aren't you." He compliments you. "I'm sure that we'll get along just peachy." He chuckles lightly.

"I'm sure we will too." You nod and laugh with him.

You're given some clothes to better suit the theme of the show and a place to change. Once you're changed you go ahead and join Bray on the set of the show. The two of you record a few shots, which all come out perfectly then take a break for a while.

"Whew." You sigh and exit the stage. "Well, I'm parched." You shake your head and scan the area for some water.

"You'll have to go to catering for that I'm afraid." Bray comes up behind you and clasps a hand on your shoulder.

"Oh." You nod. "Okay then, I'll be back in a few minutes then." You shrug and head out to grab some water from catering.

On your way down to catering, you run into Seth again, from the looks of it he's coming back from the ring.

"Seth, we meet again." You giggle and greet him.

"It seems like it." Seth chuckles with you. "How've you been Y/N?" He asks you lightly.

"Fine." You nod with a smile. "They've got me working with Bray now, on his show." You explain.

"Oh." Seth nods. "That must be fun. Though I'd watch out with Bray." He warns you.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about it, Seth." You shake your head. "I can handle myself." You insist.

"I'm sure you can." Seth chuckles and nods his head. "I'll be seeing you around Y/N." He waves goodbye before he leaves.

You grab your water from catering, unbeknownst to you that Bray has been carefully watching you this whole time. 

"Well well." Bray chuckles to himself. "Seems like our buddy Seth has taken a liking to Y/N." He rubs his hands together, a plan forming in his head.

You get back to the recording room to find Bray hanging out in a chair. You walk over to him and decide to mingle a bit before it's time to record again.

"So Bray." You take a seat and pop the cap on your water bottle. "How's this new gig been for you?" You ask him curiously.

"Oh just fine." Bray nods his head. "I enjoy it a lot." He insists. "What about you Y/N? A young girl like you must get quite a lot of attention, no?" He asks you with a sly grin.

"Oh, I guess?" You shrug. "I'm not really interested in any of them though." You take a sip of water.

"Oh really?" Bray raises a brow at you. "Not even good ole Seth Rollins, he seems to have taken a liking to you." He comments.

"Seth is nice." You nod your head. "I doubt he likes me in that way though." You shake your head.

"Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that." Bray chuckles. "Anyway, we should get back to it." He rises to his feet and walks back over to the stage.

You nod and finish your water before heading back over to the stage. You and Bray do a few more takes and you start to get this uneasy feeling. Especially when Bray switches to the takes of his Fiend persona, those ones you arent in. But man do they give you the creeps. There's just something about that mask that makes Bray seem different.

A few weeks go by of you and Bray working together, and you start to feel more and more uneasy when you have to stay by and watch him to takes of the Fiend. You also notice that he might be right about Seth actually liking you. He always seems to come around and ask how you're doing when you need someone to talk to.

"Hey, Seth." You pass him in the hall again on your way to Bray's recording room.

"Y/N." Seth grins when he sees you. "How's Bray been treating you." He asks you curiously.

"Oh just fine." You nod. "But that masks gives me the creeps though." You shudder at the thought of it.

"Yeah, does me too." Seth agrees with you. "Anyway, I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna get some dinner with me sometime when you're not busy of course?" He asks you nervously, a hand on the back of his neck.

"Dinner?" You repeat back to him. "Yeah, that be great." You nod. "I'll let you know when I'm free." You insist.

"Great." Seth grins. "I'll see you around then." With that Seth leaves you to continue on your path to work.

You get to the recording room to find that it's dark, and no one seems to be around. You furrow your brows and call out.

"Hello?" You call out into the darkroom.

"Hello." A deep voice startles you as a hand grabs your wrist and drags you out of the room.

Something covers your eyes as you're dragged out of the room, and you find yourself unable to scream. When you are able to see again you find yourself out on the ramp of the arena, most of the lights off and the crowd eerily silent.

"Seth Rollins." Your head snaps back to see your kidnapper to find Bray in his Fiend mask to be the one holding you hostage. "I brought you a present." The spotlight turns on you, revealing you to the crowd. "Tell me, Seth, what are you willing to do to save your previous Y/N?" Bray asks.

You whimper and strain your eyes to look inside the ring in front of you, Seth stands in the middle of it, his eyes locked onto you.

"Let her go Bray," Seth warns.

"Oh Bray isn't here," Bray replies.

"I said let her go!" Seth warns again. "What do you want? A title match? You got one." He states quickly. "Just let her go." Seth pleads. 

"It's been a pleasure doing business with you Seth." Bray chuckles and the lights go out again.

When they come back on Bray is gone and Seth is halfway up the ramp, you try to rise to your feet but find them weak. Seth is at your side in an instant and helps you to your feet.

"Y/N. holy shit are you okay?" Seth asks you as you lean on him for support.

"Yeah." You nod your head. "Just a little shaken up is all." You insist and hold onto Seth's arm.

"Man, I'm gonna kill him," Seth mumbles to himself as he helps you backstage.

"Please do." You hear him and agree. "He deserves it." You shake the goosebumps from your skin.

"Damn right he does." Seth nods his head and kisses your cheek. "Don't worry sweetheart, I'll make sure you stay safe from now on." Seth insists and pulls you into a hug.

"Thank you." You hug him back tightly.

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