Lance Archer

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"Come on Y/N, we're gonna be late!" Brandi calls to you from the door of the locker room. 

"Yeah yeah, hold up!" You shout back and finally finish adjusting your top into a comfortable position. "Okay, I'm good. Let's go." You emerge from the back of the locker room and walk over to Brandi standing by the door.

"Finally." Brandi teases you.

"Shush." You shake your head and follow her away from the locker rooms and down into the arena for Cody's match.

The two of you say hello to Cody as you pass and slip behind the barricade to watch the match. You take a moment to appreciate the staging of the arena. Various cardboard and plastic poker chips are stacked around the ramp and the arena. Above you, the lights are beaming down into the ring with a wide array of colors. The PR and decorating team really went all out for Double or Nothing this year.

"Alright, let's get this thing started." Brandi looks excitedly to the ring as Cody's opponent for the match, Lance Archer finally makes his way down to the ring.

"Yeah, lets." Your eyes fall on the murderhawk himself, six feet and eight inches of pure muscle and animosity.

You've always kind of had a thing for Archer, ever since you saw some clips of him while he worked TNA and a few other companies before he landed in AEW. Brandi of course knows this, you do tell her everything when it comes to crushes after all. 

She nudges you on the shoulder when she catches you staring at Lance as he steps up onto the apron with ease and slips between the ring ropes.

"N/N, I know you think he's a beefcake but come on," Brandi warns you. "At least try and look a little excited for Cody."

"Sorry." You laugh a little and nod to Cody who's now looking at you and Brandi from his corner of the ring.

The bell rings and the match gets underway, something that you and just about everyone else in the crowd have been waiting to see. It's a brutal fight on both men's parts but eventually, Cody manages to gain the upper hand and capture a win. This crowns him as the first-ever TNT Television champion and also sends Brandi over the barricade and to the ring.

"Wait up!" You hop the barricade after her as she makes her way into the ring.

You slow down since there's no reason to run and walk past Lance as he goes to make his way back to the locker room to sulk.

"You put up a hell of a fight big man." You comment when you pass him. "Pleasure seeing your work up close." You wink with a smile and hop up onto the ring apron.

Archer nods at you and heads up the ramp to the backstage area. You join Brandi and Cody in the ring to celebrate with them. After they've made their celebration with one another and the crowd its about time for the next match to begin, which just happens to be a women championship match against you and Hikaru Shida.

Your entrance music plays for a minute and you do your usual ring pose before you settle into your corner and wait for Shida to come out from backstage. She makes her way down tot he ring and the two of you shake hands and exchange words before the bell rings.

"May the best woman win, Hikaru." You shake her hand firmly and the bell rings.

Back behind the barricade, Brandi comes out to cheer you on after she leaves Cody back in his locker room. While she's out there she notices that Lance has also come back out with Jake hanging around him. Curious about why Lance is out for the match she saunters over to the pair.

"Archer." She catches Lance's attention with a friendly smile. "You and my husband put on quite the show." She comments.

"Yeah." Lance nods, "What can I help you with?" He looks down at Brandi.

"I was just wondering why you came back out here is all." Brandi shrugs. "I don't wanna assume that maybe your out here to do something about Y/N possibly becoming champion because she's good friends with me and Cody are you?"

"Nothing like that." Lance shakes his head. "Y/N's talented, there's no harm in enjoying a good wrestling match is there?"

"Point taken." Brandi nods her head and decides to leave Archer alone for the moment. 

Instead, she slides over to Jake who is more interested in his phone then the match. A quick chat with him and it's revealed that Lance might have a little bit of a crush on you. The two of them have a little chat about yours and Lance's mutual feelings when all of a sudden the bell rings.

You've done it! You've managed to pull a crucifix pin at the last second and pin Shida for her championship. You rush to your feet as soon as the bell rings and ignore the warm stream of blood oozing from a cut on your forehead. The ref hands you the belt then ushers you backstage to get looked at. The last thing you see before you exit the main arena is Brandi talking to Jake and Lance.

"I better go check up on her." Brandi shakes her head worriedly. "That was quite a bit of blood." She sighs and glances over at Archer. "Why don't you join me Jake, and bring Archer too." She insists.

Jake nods his head, getting at what Brandi is trying to do and all three of them head backstage. Back in the infirmary, you sit pretty with a smug look on your face as you get cleaned up so the doc can stitch you up.

Your eyes flick to the door when a large figure steps through it. You are surprised to see Lance and Jake come in the door before Brandi follows in after them.

"Looking good champ!" Brandi walks over to you and pats you on the back.

"Well duh, when do I not look good Brandi?" You laugh. "Jake, Lance, you guys come to pay homage to your new women's champion?" 

"Yes ma'am." Jake nods his head, "Congratulations on the win tonight Y/N, you more than deserve it."

"Thanks Jake." You nod.

"That was some performance you put on," Lance speaks up. "Almost as good as mine and Cody's." He teases you.

"Yeah? This coming from the guy that lost?" You tease him right back.

You and Lance exchange a few more words before him and Jake are ushered out of the infirmary with Brandi so you can get stitched up.

Later that night you are enjoying a drink at some local pub when Lance shows up. You notice that he looks a little surprised to see you as he walks your way.

"You took a nasty hit to the head and now your out drinking?" He takes a seat next to you and swivels your way.

"Alcohol my friend." You raise your glass. "Makes all your problems fade away." You joke and take a sip from the glass. "What you drinkin' Archer?"

"Just beer is fine with me doll," Lance replies and hails the bartender over.

"Boring." You light-heartedly sneer. "Can I get a couple of shots please?" You ask the bartender with a bat of your eyelashes. "Tonights a night to celebrate Lance!" You nod to him and down one of the shots. "Come on, ease up, and let's have some fun!" You slide the other shot to him.

"Alright." Lance chuckles. "To our new champion and an unforgettable night." He raised his glass and downs the shot.

"Now we're talking!" You giggle. "Tonight might just be YOUR lucky day pal."

AN: No question for this chapter, but I do have an announcement! The next chapter up will be an Orange Cassidy chapter because that confrontation with Jericho this past Wednesday got me feeling some type of way. 

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