Lance Archer

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"Come on Moxley, it's barely even been three days." You arrive a little late to work due to some traffic only to find out that your charming delinquent of a best friend and client has already gotten himself roped into another title picture after just defending said title a few ago.

"What can I say, I just seem to have that effect on people." Moxley grins at you with a shrug.

"If by effect you mean you make people want to fight you, then yes. You'd be totally correct." You complain and run a hand across your face.

Moxley pats you on the shoulder with his usually I don't care attitude and walks over to his gym bag to retrieve his belt since the two of you are due in the ring soon.

"Who is is this time?" You groan and rise to your feet. "Please tell me you at least got into it with someone easy this time. And less annoying?"

"Lance Archer." Mox drops the name and heads for the door without a second thought.

"Oh, Perfect!" You throw your hands in the air followed by a shake of your head. "You just live to make my life hell, don't you? You sigh and fall into step with Moxley.

"Mhm, but you put up with me anyway." Moxley laughs.

The two of you head out to the ring so Moxley can get his time in the ring in with some random from backstage and fulfill his weekly quota for screentime. You just hang off to the side and let him work.

Moxley of course makes quick work of the kid and sends him packing back to the locker room in short time. You climb up into the ring and raise the champ's hand then make your way over to the ropes so you can both leave.

This plan quickly comes to an end when you lock eye with Lance Archer's manager, Jake Roberts. And he's got a mic in his hand, which is never good.

"Great." You mumble under your breath and walk back over to Jon in the middle of the ring. "Jake! So sorry I couldn't be here earlier." You are handed a mic by one of the staff and quickly get to work. "I didn't know they let patients out of assisted living this late." You snicker with a grin.

"Yes, hilarious." Jake rolls his eyes at you. "Why don't you pipe down and let the men talk honey."

"Ha!" You laugh. "Yes, skipping right to it I see." You roll your eyes. "What's the problem, Jake, afraid of being talked down to by a woman?"

Jon laughs next to you as he eyes up Lance standing next to Jake. You and Jake throw a few more quips at one another before him and Lance finally reach the ring. You and Jon both take a small step back to give them room to climb up so the real fun can begin.

"Anyways, Lance. You're the real talk of the town right now." You turn your attention to the real threat in the room. "Now what gets me about you is the fact that you drag the world's most underwhelming wrestling legend around with you where ever you go. Now that must be a drag." You laugh.

"Yeah man, at least she's fun." Jon laughs with you.

"Someone should really teach you some respect." Lance rolls his eyes at you.

"Yeah, you're probably right." You bounce on your heels with a nod. "You offering to take the job?" You tease with a grin.

The tension in the ring is high and of course, Jon is the one to make the first move. You slip out of harm's way and let him do his business while you keep an eye on Jake who's also outside the ring now.

"Some client you got there Jake." You call to him with a grin. "He's still gonna lose though."

"We'll see." Jake grins at you.

Jon and Lance finish up their little tussle with what is pretty much a tie and you pull him up to his feet. Lance and Jake are the first ones to leave naturally.

"You're awfully mouthy today." Jon comments on your way back to the locker rooms.

"Maybe I'm just in a mood." You shrug.

"Maybe." Jon muses. He's known you long enough to know exactly why you're mouthing off more than usual. "Or maybe you've got a thing for Archer."

"Do not!" You protest.

"So you do?" Jon laughs.

"Jon." You warn him sternly.

"Y/N!" Moxley mocks you right back.

"You're a horrible human being, you know that." You groan with a small smile.

"Yeah, but you stick with me anyway." Jon laughs.

"More like I'm stuck with you." You roll your eyes playfully.

You and Moxley pack up once you're back in the locker room and call it an early night. You stop by your hotel room for a quick clothing change then go out for a drink at a nearby bar. You aren't there for long when Lance happens by for a drink.

You glance over at him once in a while, but try your best to mind your own business. It's rude to stare after all, even though Archer is fun to stare at.

"You really need to work on that staring problem pipsqueak." Lance eventually gets tired of your wandering eyes and walks over to you.

"Why? Am I bothering you? Big ol Lance Archer scared of a little girl like myself?" You snicker. 

"Oh, why am I not surprised."

"Bold of a pretty thing like you to be out and about without Moxley here to keep all the creeps away." Lance takes a seat in the chair across from you casually.

"Something tells me that I'll be okay." You fake laugh and take a drink from the glass in front of you. "Was there something I could help you with Archer? Or do you enjoy sitting uninvited with women at bars?"

"You know Jake isn't too happy about your little comments earlier tonight." Lance takes a sip from his glass to mimic you.

"Oh no." You reply dryly. "My heart bleeds for him."

"Hmm." Lance cracks a small grin. "Yes well, he does tend to overreact once in a while."

"Once in a while?" You quirk a brow at the statement.

Lance chuckles and takes another sip of his drink. The two of you chat for a bit and finish a few more drinks off before you call it a night.

"Well, as fun as drinking with the enemy has been. I've got an early morning." You pull out a few bills to leave on the table and rise to your feet. "You know when you and Moxley are done duking it out like kids fighting over a toy you should really consider joining us."

"Is that so?" Lance grins at you.

"Yeah." You nod. "Like Mox said early, I'm a ton of fun when you're on my side." You tease. "Be seeing you around Archer."

"Yeah, be seeing you." Lance shakes his head as you leave.

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