Pete Dunne

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You stand wedged between Kyle and Roderick down at ringside while your big brother goes on with one of his usual monologues about how great he is. You love Adam to death, but you swear, sometimes you just wanna punch him in the face and tell him to shut up.

You're pulled from your thought when Adam's little power trip rant is cut short by some theme music, you instantly recognize the tune and your eyes dart to the top of the ramp. Pete Dunne, the former UK champion, before Walter and Imperium took over that is.

You've always had a fondness for the bruiserweight, his charm and good looks could knock any girl dead if he gave them the time of day. Kyle and Roderick eye up Pete as he passes by the three of you.

"Y/N, love." Pete winks at you on his way to the ring. That signature smirk of his plastered on his face.

"Get lost." Roderick sharply replies to Pete from your side.

You roll your eyes at your brother's friend and wave to Pete before he's completely turned around to the ring. You can swear he almost cracks a genuine smile when he sees you wave.

Pete makes his way into the ring, much to the disgust of your brother and produces a microphone from his pocket. He clears his throat before he starts speaking, eyeing up Adam and the shiny belt around his waist.

"Adam, Adam, Adam, no one wants to hear you, talk mate." He shakes his head at Adam.

"What are you even doing here?" Adam snaps right back. "Shouldn't you be back on NXT UK getting your ass handed to you by Imperium?" He asks with a sly grin.

"Don't worry bout them." Pete shakes his head again. "I've got my sights set on some new gold, about time knocked you off that high horse eh Adam?" He smirks again as his eyes once again fall onto the belt around Adam's waist.

"Fat chance." Adam snickers, you can hear Kyle and Roderick also laugh with him next to you. "I don't have to give you ANY chance at this belt." He informs Pete in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh, we'll see about that." Pete remains cool and collected for the time being.

You watch curiously as Adam and Pete stare each other down in the ring, but then you notice that there's movement in the crowd to your right. Silently you look to your right to see Trent Seven and Tyler Bate making their way down to the ring, probably to take care of Kyle and Roddy.

"Umm......guys." You poke Kyle in the shoulder to warn them about Tyler and Trent.

Kyle ignores you and swats your hand away absentmindedly. You huff in frustration and get ready to step off to the side as Tyler and Trent jump the barricade and make their way over to the three of you.

"Good luck you two." You push past Roderick harshly when Trent and Tyler get close.

You slide to a safe distance and turn back to see Tyler and Trent going at it with Roddy and Kyle. Turning your attention to the ring you find Pete and Adam going at it as well. You step up onto the apron and wave to Pete again as he pins Adam to the mat and hits him a few times.

"Smart choice bringing Tyler and Trent with you." You compliment his planning with a flirty grin.

"Thank ya love." Pete nods his head as he continues to punch a struggling Adam.

"Y/N quit flirting and get him off of me." Adam snaps as he struggles to block Pete's punches.

"Get in the ring? With him?" You reply. "Not a chance big brother." You shake your head and remain unmoving on the apron.

You can hear Trent and Tyler yelling with Kyle and Roderick in the background when you finally decide that it's time to break this little party up. You climb through the middle rope and walk over to Pete on top of your brother.

"Alright, I believe that's enough for today." You grab one of Pete's arms and yank him off of Adam. "As hot and charming as you are Dunne, I'm afraid I can't have you beating my brother into total oblivion." You haul Adam up to his feet and wedge yourself between the two of them.

Pete huffs and nods his head, wiping some sweat from his forehead. He eyes you up with curious eyes then glances over at Tyler and Trent for a second.

"Good to know you think I'm charming," Pete smirks and slides down and out of the ring. "I'll be seeing you around love, and you to champion." He winks at you again as Trent and Tyler join him.

"I look forward to seeing you kick the shit out of my brother with an official involved." You call to Pete as he leaves. "No offense Adam." You pat your brother's shoulder and turn back to him with a grin.

Adam wears a sour look on his face, some small bruises forming on his skin. You are soon joined by Kyle and Roderick as your brother continues to glare at you.        

"You're supposed to look out for your brother and friends." He scolds you as the four of you walk backstage.

"That's no fun though." You shrug. "Plus, I like Dunne." You add with a grin.

"Well getting into his pants shouldn't involve letting your brother get ass kicked." Adam shakes his head at you.

"It does if that gets me points with him." You reply. "Not my fault him and his buddies got the drop on you all." You shrug again. "Besides, I tried to tell Kyle that Trent and Tyler were coming,  he ignored me." You send a glare Kyle's way.

Kyle rolls his eyes and mumbles something under his breath as you guys walk back to the locker room. On your way there you run back into Pete and his buddies.

"Y/N, love. Glad I ran into you." Pete ignores Adam and the rest of UE completely.

"Yeah?" You raise a brow at Pete. "What can I do for you?" You ask him.

"The lads are going drinking for the night, so I was wondering if you'd grab some dinner with me?" Pete asks you casually.

"Sure." You nod your head calmly. "Dinner sounds great, catch you later Adam." You laugh a bit and ditch Adam for the night, knowing that it absolutely pisses him off that you're out having a wonderful time with Dunne.

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