Jordan Devlin

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"GET OUT!" You chuck a shoe at the door, your vision blurry from tears streaming down your cheeks.

"FINE THEN!" Noam yells back. "Crazy woman." He ducks the shoe and slams the door behind him.

You flinch at the sound of the door slamming and sink down to the floor, dropping the other shoe in your hand. He'd really left, you're boyfriend who you'd just caught cheating left. He didn't even protest when you accused him of cheating, just starting yelling at you. Like it was your fault.

A few minutes later the door opens back up, you immediately pick back up the shoe since you haven't moved and chucked it at the door with full force.

"Get the fuck OUT NOAM!" You scream, feeling tears welling back up in your eyes.

"Ouch." A voice that doesn't belong to Noam sounds on the other side of the room. "For the love of...what the hell Y/N?" You recognize the soothing Irish accent to belong to your best friend Jordan. "Why are you throw'n shoes woman? And why ya on the floor love?" Jordan furrows his thick brows when he sees you on the floor across the room.

"S...sorry." You choke out an apology and hold back more tears.

"Y/N, love." Jordan walks over to your side and leans down to you. "What's got you all in a state sweetie?" He asks as he sets a calming and gentle hand on your back.

You let out a heavy sigh at the feeling of Jordan's hand on your back, you glance up at him through watery eyes and shake your head.

"Noam and me are done." You shakily explain why you're such a mess. "Bastard cheated." You shake your head, thinking about how stupid you were to think he was a good guy.

Jordan sinks to his knees and pulls you into a much-needed hug. You lean against his firm chest and let yourself continue to feel sad. He remains silent as you sit in his lap and quietly sniffle to yourself.

"He didn't deserve you anyway." Jordan quietly speaks up after a small break of silence.

"I'm an idiot." You sniffle again into Jordan's chest.

"No." Jordan shakes his head slightly. "Y/N, don't be talking like that darlin." He insists and lightly lifts your head up with his free hand. "You're a wonderful person love, any man would be lucky to have ya." He tells you.

"You mean that?" You reply softly.

"Every word of it love." Jordan nods his head.

"Thanks, Jordan." You smile softly and let your head rest on Jordan's collar bone as you hug him tightly.

"Anytime," Jordan replies softly. "Now, let's get you up off of the floor then." He carefully stands to his feet, bringing you bridal style with him.

Jordan carries you through your apartment and to your bedroom where he finally lets you down on the edge of your bed. You sniffle again, your nose blocked from crying so much.

"Thanks again." You sigh and let yourself fall down on your side.

"Of course," Jordan replies and takes a seat on your bed next to you.

You stare at your bed covers and think about Noam for a little while, the two of you got along so well for the most part. Why'd he have to go and cheat on you? What did she have that you didn't?

"Why'd he do it Jordan." You all of a sudden speak up in a hushed tone.

"Because he's a punk," Jordan replies bluntly. "A punk who couldn't see the golden girl he had in front of him." He adds.

"I'm not such a golden girl." You let yourself laugh a little.

"Best one I know," Jordan replies.

You let out another sigh and scoot up to Jordan's side, taking a good look at the man in front of you. He sits on your bed with his back resting against your pillows, absent-mindedly looking out your window.

You've known Jordan for a long time, your cousin Finn introduced the two of you when you were both still in your late teens. You and Jordan have been best friends since then. You used to have the biggest crush on him, be you're sure he only sees you as a friend.

"How come we never got together?" You blurt out, meaning it to be thought rather than said out loud.

This comment makes Jordan avert his gaze from the window and over to you, a light dusting of blush on his cheeks.

"I....i don't know." Jordan shakes his head.

"I love you." You blurt out a thought again, unable to stop yourself.

Jordan's head snaps to meet your gaze, those soft brown eyes of his looking at you intently.

"I love you just the same gorgeous." He whispers to you, his lips inches from yours.

You take a risk and press your lips to his, not caring what the outcome is. All you know is you've finally come to realize that you've been in love with Jordan since the very beginning, and he's been in love with you just the same.

Jordan's arms pull you up and into his lap again, your arms tangled in his soft hair as you kiss. A kiss that's been well overdue you might add. When you pull away you both wear huge smiles on your faces.

"There's that smile I love." Jordan chuckles and brushes some hair from your face.

You blush and settle into Jordan's lap, finally comfortable for once today.

"Stay the night with me?" You ask Jordan as you lay your head back down on his warm chest again.

"Of course." Jordan agrees to stay with you. "I'd never dream of leaving you hon." He insists and runs a hand through your hair.

"Good." You mumble into his chest, your tiredness getting the better of you. "I love you." You yawn and close your eyes, knowing that you're safe and sound for the night.

"Love you too sweetie," Jordan replies quietly as you fall asleep against him.

Little side note. That gif slays me so much, guys. Ooof. Men shouldn't be allowed to be that charming and good looking is all I'm saying. It's a crime.


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