Adam Page

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Another day, another taping of AEW and another day following your big brother around to make sure that he's not getting himself into to much trouble. You love Kenny to death, but gosh do you crave a little something more than being his tag along.

"Morning Ken." You arrive at your brother's hotel room a bit later than you said you would with a coffee in hand.

"There you are." Kenny shoots you a look when you shut the door behind you. "You said you'd be here like a half-hour ago." He scolds you.

"Sorry." You shrug, not really meaning it. 

You walk over to the coffee table in the room and take a seat in one of the empty wooden chairs. You take a sip from your coffee and set it down on the table as well.

"So, now that I'm here.." You cross your legs and pull out your phone. "What did you want to talk to me about that couldn't be texted?" You load up twitter and scroll through your feed while you wait for Kenny to answer you.

"Well first put your phone down," Kenny replies firmly, his hand reaching across the table to swat your phone out of your hand.

"Hey!" You protest when he snatches your phone from your hand. "Bully." You grumble.

"Stop being a brat and pay attention then," Kenny replies and hands you back your phone.

You stick your tongue out at him and snag back your phone. You're about to unlock it and go back to scrolling through twitter when someone knocks on the door. Curious about who's at the door you pocket the phone and watch as Kenny makes his way over to the door.

"Adam!" Kenny opens the door to reveal Adam Page standing on the other side of it. "Thanks for coming man." He steps aside and lets Adam in.

"Page!" You sit up in your seat with a bright smile upon seeing who your guest is.

"Hey Y/N." Adam grins right back at you as he crosses the room.

Kenny and Adam both take a seat at the coffee table with you and you are all of a sudden not bored anymore. Curious to know why Adam's here you set your elbows on the table and listen in as Kenny begins to speak again.

"Okay, we're all here so I'll get started." Kenny nods his head. "I got a call about me and Page potentially taking the tag titles from SCU." He explains quickly. "Now in order for that to happen, we have to work together as a cohesive team and also be entertaining enough that they choose us instead of Matt and Nick."

"You two? Tag Team champs?" You like the sound of the idea already. 

"That be great!" Adam nods his head. "And with your help Y/N, well I don't think we can lose." He grins.

"Got that right." You agree with Page.

"See." Kenny laughs lightly. "This is the can-do attitude that I like to hear."

You and the boys discuss some of the more finer details on how you are going to not only beat Matt and Nick in your match but also make sure to make an impression on SCU and the crowd. You suggest that you could try and get in with Scorpio Sky, having always found him attractive.

"I don't know about that." Page shakes his head at the idea.

"Yeah, me either." Kenny agrees. "Too risky."

"I'm a big girl you two." You protest. "And Sky's an easy target." You try and bolster your case to them.

"We'll think about it." Kenny dismisses you and changes the subject without another word.

You huff in your seat but remain quiet for the remainder of the brainstorming session. After you've got the plan all down and situated Kenny heads off for his morning work out, leaving you alone with Adam.

"So," You pick your coffee off of the table and take a drink from it. "How've you been Page, we haven't talked in a while."

"Fine." Adam shrugs lightly. "A little bored is all, just going through the motions I guess."

"I feel that." You nod. "I swear, sometimes I feel like Kenny doesn't even acknowledge that I'm here." You sigh.

"He does," Adam reassures you. "He's just looking out for his little sister is all."

"Again, I'm a big girl. I can very much take care of myself." You reply sharply.

"Oh, I don't doubt that one bit, you could have Scorpio wrapped around your finger in a moment's notice." Page shakes his head.

"Well then why did you shoot down my plan?" You furrow your brows at the blond across the table from you.

"Reasons." Page gives you a vague reply.

"Which are?" You press him.

"Just reasons." Page shrugs again. "Anywho, I'm gonna go get a quick workout in at the gym, wanna join?" He offers.

"Sure." You roll your eyes but accept the invitation anyway, you do love hanging out with Adam after all.

You and Page head to the gym and get a good workout in, casually catching up on what each other has been up to. An hour or so later you notice Scorpio across the floor alone at one of the weight racks and an idea pops into your head.

"I'll be right back." You dismiss yourself from Adam and make your way over to Scorpio.

"Y/N!" Scorpio stops lifting when he sees you walking over to him. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"What? A girl can't just come over and admire the view?" You reply with a sweet smile.

"Oh, I defiantly think that I've got the better view sweetheart." Scorpio chuckles.

You laugh with him and fall into a nice chat for the time being. Your little plan to butter Sky up before his match with Kenny and Page is ruined when all of a sudden Page is at your side with a hand on your arm.

"She's not interested Sky." He stares daggers at Scorpio once he's at your side.

"You sure about that hangman?" Scorpio replies. "Cuz she's been all over me the past few minutes."

"Step off," Adam warns again before dragging you off to a safe distance.

Once the two of you are out of the way of the rest of the gym patrons you yank your arm back from Adam's grip and glare at him for what he did.

"What the hell Page?" You question him.

"I told you I didn't want you talking to him." Adam reminds you firmly. 

"And I told you that I could handle myself." You reply in an angry tone. "You're not my damn brother or my boyfriend for that matter Page. You've no right to tell me who I can and cannot talk to!"

"Well, what if I was!" Page yells back at you.

"What?" Your voice lowers to a normal tone again.

"What if I was your boyfriend?" Page repeats himself, his voice also lower this time. "Y/N, the reason that I didn't want you flirting with Scorpio was because I was planning on asking you out as soon as me and Ken took the titles." 

"You were?" You reply. "Adam, why wait?" You ask him.

"I was afraid that you'd say no if I wasn't holding some sort of title belt," Adam explains and rubs the back of the neck.

"And why the hell would I do that?" You laugh a little at Adam's logic of the whole thing. "Adam, I would have said yes regardless of if you were a champion or not. I like you. Always have."

"Really?" Adam beams. 

"Yes." You nod. 

"So that's a yes then? You'll go out with me?" He asks again. 

"Yes, Adam." You nod your head with a giggle. "You can go out with me."

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