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You are minding your own business talking with Chris about some new band that he's been listening to when all of a sudden a pair of strong hands are hauling you up and spinning you around with ease.

"Ah! Santana!" You yelp as you're lifted off of your feet.

"Yeah, chica?" Santana replies with that sweet smile of his as you're returned to your feet.

"I was trying to have a conversation." You complain light-heartedly and wrap your arms around your boyfriend's neck.

"Yeah, but I'm way more entertaining yeah? No offense Chris." Santana jokes as his arms snake around your waist

"I guess." You joke back with a small giggle. "You ARE much more fun to look at." You kiss his lips gently with a smile. "No offense Chris."

"None taken." Chris waves you both off.

You comfortably stand in your warm embrace for a moment, just enjoying Santana's company before he eventually lets you go.

"I thought that you'd still be at the gym with Sammy and Ortiz." You notice that it's still a little early for Santana to be back from his gym session.

"I missed you." Santana shrugs.

"Mhm. I think you just didn't wanna do cardio." I reply, knowing Santana to well for his own good.

"What, me? Not wanna do cardio?" Santana fakes being hurt by your words. "We both know I love cardio." He lies.

"Mhm, about as much as I love deadlifting." You shake your head.

"Okay, you caught me chica." Santana throws his hands up in defeat. "I bailed."

"Knew it!" You tease him.

You laugh and knock Santana in the arm for ditching Sammy and Ortiz. Chris walks back over to the two of you and knocks you in the arm for hitting Santana.

"Y/N, stop bullying your boyfriend." He nods at you firmly. "And you," He turns to Santana. "Quit ditching Ortiz and Guevara at the gym."

"Hey, you'd wanna ditch early if you were coming back this Lil mama." Santana pulls you over to his side and places a kiss on your cheek.

"Knock it off." You blush hard. "I have to get to work anyway, I'll see you later tonight babe." You push off of Santana and walk over tot he door. "Bye Chris." You call after the blond as you leave.

"Bye," Chris calls back.

You head out of the hotel room and down to the Jacksonville arena for your staff meeting with Tony and the rest of the team. You've always found these meetings to be pretty boring, but as one of the lead commentators on the show, you're forced to attend most of them.

Back in the locker room Santana and Chris are the only ones hanging around the hotel so they decide to grab a late lunch before they have to meet up with the rest of the guys and head down to the arena for the show.

"So how long have you and Y/N been dating now?" Chris decides to make light conversation while him and Santana enjoy lunch.

"A little over a year." Santana casually replies as he takes a bite of food. "Why?"

"Oh, I was just curious." Chris shrugs. "It's just, you seem to really love her. And she absolutely adores you." He takes a bite from his plate.

"I do really love her." Santana nods his head. "I'm gonna marry that mama's someday, just you watch." He insists.

"Hey! I believe you man." Chris laughs.

The two of them finish up lunch and then meat up with Sammy and Ortiz as well as Jake who joins them on their way to the arena for the night.

You, on the other hand, finish up your staff meeting finally and head to catering to grab a snack before you head out to the commentary table in the arena. When you get there you settle in on some food and pick an empty seat to eat at the happens to be right next to a casual friend of yours in Jungle Boy.

"Jack, hey! Mind if I sit?" You walk over to him with a friendly smile.

"Not at all." Jack shakes his head. "It's good to see you, Y/N."

"Yeah, how've you been Jack." You agree and take a seat.

"Me? I've been good." Jack nods his head. "What about you? How's Santana?"

"I'm great. And so is he. Sweet as ever in fact." You reply.

"That's good." Jack nods.

The two of you sit and talk for a bit to catch up then it's time for you to report for duty. Unbeknownst to you, Santana had entered the catering room a few minutes earlier and saw you talking to Jack. You, Santana, trusts completely. Other men, not so much. His protective and jealous side takes over and all of a sudden he's ecstatic at the fact that him and Ortiz have Lucha Express tonight for the show.

"Oh, he's gonna think, talking to MY girl," Santana mumbles to himself as he makes his way back to the locker room.

You make it to the commentary table in time for the show to start and get to work. The night ends up flying by as usual and it's time for the main event.

"Well don't go anywhere now everyone, because when we come back it's Santana and Ortiz VS Jurassic Express." You speak into your headset with enthusiasm. "That's right after this commercial break, so stay tuned!" The show cuts to commercial and you take a break for a moment.

You take a small breather and jump back into action when the break is over. Tony Schiavone takes over the intro for the main event so you can have a small break and you watch with an encouraging smile as Santana and Ortiz make their way out to the ring.

You smile at Santana as he passes you, he doesn't smile back of course because the camera is on him but you know he appreciates the gesture non-the-less. The bell rings and the match gets underway, as it goes on you notice that Santana is being a little harsher to Jungle Boy than he normally would.

"Well, it looks like Santana and Ortiz are all business tonight. Wouldnt you agree, Y/N?" Excalibur asks you curiously.

"Yes, I'd have to agree." You nod. "They do seem to be playing the aggressive game tonight."

The match finally comes to a close with Santana getting the final pin on Jungle Boy and they all head backstage. You stick around for a few minutes to wrap up the show then head backstage yourself. It didn't take you long after seeing Santana wail on Jungle Boy to know what was going on. He must have seen you talking to Jack earlier and gotten jealous.

"Santana!" You enter the Inner Circle locker room without warning and make a B-line for your boyfriend.

"Y/N!" Santana opens his arms for a hug.

"Oh don't Y/N me you," You jab a finger at your boyfriend's chest. "You better stop bullying Jack or else." You warn him.

"Bully? I wasn't bullying him." Santana protests.

"Oh don't play dumb with me." You shake your head. "You were jealous that I was talking to him earlier."

"Nope. Not me." Santana shakes his head, having fun seeing you all angry.

"Ugh." You huff.

"You know you're awfully cute when you're angry babe." Santana teases you as he pulls you to his side.

"I am not cute!" You protest as he presses a kiss to your cheek. " nice. Okay?" You calm yourself down with a sigh.

"Okay, I'll do it. For a kiss." Santana grins.

"Whatever." You roll your eyes with a sigh, to in love with the dork in front of you to be mad anymore.

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