Kenny Omega

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You roll your eyes at Tama as the car pulls into the parking lot. You and the brothers part ways for the time being and you head to the locker room to get changed for the night. When you get to the locker room Kenny is already there waiting for you.

"Ken, what's up?" You grin when you find Kenny waiting for you in your locker room.

"Hey, babe." Kenny walks over to you for a kiss. "You ready for tonight?" He whispers.

"Absolutely." You nod and place a kiss to Kenny's lips.

You get changed while Kenny hangs out in the room and he notices that you have a few strange bruises littering your thighs when you are changing into your pants.

"Who gave you those?" Kenny asks curiously.

You look down at your thighs and mentally curse out Jay for leaving marks on you when you have a show.

"Jay." You reply with a sigh.

You've been casually having sex with a few different men in your life for a while now. The current ones being Kenny and Jay. You have also found yourself kind of starting to like both of them a little more then casual sex allows.

"Jay huh." Kenny nods his head and gets to his feet. "Well, I say if he gets to mark you up then so should I." You gasp when all of a sudden Kenny is across the room and trapping you in with his arms against the wall.

"Kenny." You laugh when he starts placing kisses to your neck and face. "Ken, knock it off."

You are finally let go after a few minutes of torture and get Kenny back by hitting him on the arm. You both laugh and you let out a sigh.

"Which one of us do you like better?" Kenny out of the blue asks you.

"What?" You are a little taken aback with the question.

"Which one of us do you like better?" Kenny asks you again. "Over these past few months, I've kind of maybe started to like the idea of you and me." He explains. "But I know you also like spending time with Jay. So who do you like better?"

"Kenny I.......I don't really know." You shake your head.

"Look Y/N, I'm asking you to be more than just a late-night booty call. My girlfriend to be exact. And you can't really be MY girl if you're fucking Jay right?" Kenny replies.

"No, I can't." You nod your head. "Just, let's talk about this after the show okay?" You try and find a way out of the conversation.

Kenny agrees to give you the rest of the night to give him an answer and you head out of the locker room to get some fresh air. On your way out of the locker room, you run into Jay who has apparently been looking for you.

"Y/N, there you are. Can we talk?" Jay catches you in the hall.

"Yeah, sure." You nod and lean against the wall while Jay talks.

"I heard that you were gonna hang with Kenny tonight," Jay informs you. "Look Y/N, do you really like him?" He asks you. "Like, its just sex with him right? Because I like you, like make you exclusively mine kind of like."

"Hahahaha." You can't stop yourself from laughing at this point.

"What's so funny?" Jay furrows his brows at you.

"Kenny told me the same thing as ten minutes ago." You calm down from your laughter after a minute.

"Oh." Jay nods his head. "He did. So.........who's it gonna be then?" He asks you. "Bullet Club with me and the boys? Or Elite with Kenny and his friends?"

"Just give me some time Jay." You shake your head and leave the area to get the air that you are in desperate need of right now.

Your walk takes you outside for a bit, you breath in some fresh air and wrack your brain for the decision that you're about to make. Kenny or Jay? Bullet Club or The Elite. Deep down you know who you need to choose.

"Okay." You speak softly to yourself once you've made up your mind and head back inside to find both Kenny and Jay.

Conveniently you find both men casually mingling with one another by the locker rooms. You head over to the both of them and wedge yourself between them just in case they decide that this conversation needs to end in a fight.

"Hey, boys." You crack a small smile at both men, knowing that you are about to devastate one of them.

"Y/N, babe. You make a decision yet?" Jay asks you with a grin, confident that you'll be choosing him.

"Don't rush her." Kenny scolds Jay from your other side.

"It's okay Ken, I've made my decision." You pat Kenny's chest to calm him down. "And it's you, I choose you. Sorry, Jay." You turn back to Jay with the shrug.

"Hey, no hard feeling shorty." Jay shrugs as well. "At least the sex was good, I'll catch you around yeah?" He asks you.

"Of course!" You nod with a small smile before Jay heads out to leave you and Kenny alone to talk.

"Getting tired of the whole bad boy routine already huh?" Kenny teases you with a laugh.

"Oh be quiet." You laugh with him and jump into Kenny's arms.

Kenny picks you up with ease and places a sweet kiss on your lips. If he was being honest with himself he didn't think that you were going to choose him over Jay.

"Does this mean that you finally get to hang out with Page more?" Kenny asks casually as he sets you back down to your feet. "You know he's been dying to tag with you lately."

"Yeah, I know." You nod your head and interlace your fingers with Kenny's. "Come on, let's go tell your boyfriend the good news." You pull him lightly down the hall to find Adam and the Bucks as well.

"Lead the way babe." Kenny happily lets you pull him along.

QOTC: The last question was who is your favorite current bullet club member. So it's only fair that this chapter's question is, who is your favorite Elite member? Mine is Page with Kenny as a close second.

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