Sami Zayn

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You sit backstage bored while you wait for it to be time for your match with Ember Moon, to pass the time you watch the monitor broadcasting the show for television and network users. You giggle at the current state of the ring, Sami Zayn complaining about god knows what now while also sitting comfortably in a chair.

It was safe to say you missed Sami while he was gone, you'd always found him to be cute. His new personality was also entertaining as hell, but you knew deep down he was still a teddy bear at heart. You'd been meaning to catch up with him in recent weeks, see if he'd even maybe go out with you like old times.

"Hey Y/N." Ember shows up around that Sami goes to end his promo and head backstage again.

"Hey Ember." You greet her with a smile, the two of you were friend off camera. "You ready for our match?" You ask her curiously as you watch Sami walk up the ramp to the entrance.

"Yeah i'm good." Ember nods her head. "Hey Sami." She greets Sami when he walks through the curtain.

"Hey Sami." You do the same.

"Ladies." Sami nods his head at both of you.

"Hey Sami, can you maybe stick around? I was hoping we could catch up a bit after my match." You ask him hopefully.

"Yeah sure." Sami nods his head and you head out to the ramp.

You nod and head out to the ring, it had been way to long since you and Sami had a chance to talk face to face. You never got a chance to talk to him while he was recovering from his injury.

You and Ember work the crowd for a bit, making sure to fuel the rivalry that the two of you had going on camera. After Ember picks up the win for the week the two of you head backstage again. You say goodbye to Ember and head over to Sami waiting for you to the side of the room.

"Nice going out there." Sami compliments you as you walk over to him.

"Thanks, though i'm not nearly as good as you. Those promo's you do are like my favorite part of the night." You laugh aloud a little.

"Oh so you like the whole anger Sami thing then?" He smiles that usual bright smile at you.

"I do." You nod.

The two of you walk down the hall and catch up a little bit on lost time, you and Sami used to be super close before his injury.

"So you still living the single life?" Sami casually asks you

"I am." You sadly nod your head. "No man has come to claim my love and affection yet sadly." You laugh at your own pity.

"Don't feel so bad." Sami shakes his head. "I traveled the world and still havent found a woman that can tolerate me, and that i can tolerate." He chuckles at himself.

You both laugh at yourselves and come to your locker room door, you hesitate at the door and get an idea in your head.

"Hey, wanna go out for dinner after the show?" You suggest a crazy idea. "Maybe like a date? Since you seem to tolerate me so well?" You joke.

"A date?" Sami replies. "Yeah sure, why not?" He shrugs his shoulders.

You nod and slip into your locker room to change out of your ring gear, excited that Sami said yes to your date. You'd missed hanging out with him before he left. After you get changed you head out to the parking lot to meet Sami for your date.

"There you are." Sami grins when he sees you standing alone in the lot.

"Here i am." You nod as he makes his way over to you. "You ready to go then?" You ask him.

Sami nods and you both head out to a nice restaurant nearby, it was fancy enough for a date and looked like a place that you wouldn't get interrupted by fans out and about.

Your date goes by well, you and Sami talking more about all that you missed doing together. You remember just how much you love being around this huge dork, and you can tell that Sami loves your company just as much.

"Man, i need a 9 month vacation to travel man." You sigh, listening to Sami's travel stories.

"Yeah, it would have been nice to have you there." Sami nods his head. "Anyway, i think i'm good here, you?" He wipes his mouth with a napkin and pulls his wallet from his pants.

"Oh no Sami, let me pay." You pull your own wallet from your pocket.

"No." Sami shakes his head. "I got this." He insists.

"Sami?" You are stubborn when it comes to this. "What about 50/50?" You suggest to him.

"Fine." Sami agree's. "But i've got the tip." He insists.

You roll your eyes playfully but let him pay for the tip anyway. The two of you head out to grab a cab back to the hotel. You stop off to pee in the restroom for a second, when you come out Sami is with what looks like a fan. Happily putting on his cynical act for the sake of an authentic meet. You wait until he's done to join back up with him.

"Man, talk about Mr. Cynical over here." You tease as you walk over to him.

"Hey what can i say?" Sami shrugs. "I hate people and people love me." He grins.

"Oh you don't hate me do you?" You joke around and look all sad.

"You my dear, are the one exception to my hate." Sami pulls you to his side and places a small kiss on your forehead.

"Awe." You laugh. "Im special."

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