Drew Mcintyre

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* Welcome to the third and final installment of this Drew Mcintyre storyline. As per usual you can read this one without reading the previous two, but I do recommend reading them if you'd like a bit of background info and inside jokes to the story. Hope you enjoy!  -Syd *

Your trek back from the coffee shop you decided to frequent for a nice cup of jo to the hotel you're currently staying at has quite the morning as it turns out. You step off the elevator with flushes cheeks from your little "encounter" with the current champion a few floors down.

"Andrade, I'm back!" You shout and knock before you enter the room so Andrade has time to make himself decent if necessary.

"Hey," Andrade absentmindedly waves to you from his spot on his bed. 

You move through the room silently and head straight to the bathroom to cool yourself off. You shut the door behind you and examine yourself, your face is redder than a crisp tomato and you can feel the heat radiating off your cheeks. Drew's kiss lingers on your lips as you switch the tap on and splash some cold water on your face.

"Come on Y/N, put your game face on!" You sigh and compose yourself. "I can DO this. He won't win!" You hype yourself up in the mirror then dry your face and exit the washroom.

When you come out you find Angel has come back from the gym and is now looking for a fresh change of clothes.

"Angel, you're back." You nod to him as you shut the bathroom door. "Good, are you two done acting like children now? Because we have work to do?" You firmly stare down both men.

"Yes ma'am." Angel nods at you then heads into the bathroom to change.

"Si, we're good." Andrade nods as well.

You nod and head over to your joint room to look for a good outfit to wear to the show tonight. You want something that'll knock that smug look right off of Drew's face. Something that'll have him on his knee's BEGGING for your attention.

After rummaging through your luggage for what seems like an eternity you pull out a black crop top with some band logo on it as well as a pair of matching black ripped jeans that are just a little tight. You match the clothes with a pair of black boots and some jewelry to really make the outfit pop. Making sure to put all your best features on display for the night.

By the time you've concocted the look and mood that will surely win your little war with Drew its time to meet up with Angel and Andrade and head to the show.

"Wow, mami you look good." Angel is the first to comment on your outfit when you meet him and Andrade in the hotel lobby.

"What's all this for?" Andrade asks. "Not that either of us mind."

"All part of the plan boys." You assure them. "Tonight I'm making for certain that one of you is taking that title belt from Mcintyre when the time comes."

Angel and Andrade nod and all three of you head out to the arena for the show. Tonight you're in Philadelphia so the air is hot and humid, not the best for an all-black outfit but you manage to pull through the soupy air.

"You two head to the locker room, I'll catch up in a bit." You send Angel and Andrade on their way and begin your search for the champion.

You wander around for a while in an attempt to catch Drew before the show but have no such luck. You decide that maybe it's best to make your move when there's a crowd so you can control what happens. With the decision made your head back to the locker room.

When you near the locker room you can already hear arguing before you even get to the door. So with an annoyed sigh, you swing open the door heavily and slam it shut behind you. The room falls silent in an instant as you slam the door which pleases you.

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