Jon Moxley

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Your heart pounds in your chest as you watch the match unfolding in front of you. The G1 is in full swing and you've managed to find yourself wedged between two of its top competitors. On one hand you have Jay White, Bullet Clubs edgy bad boy that just so happens to also be a total sweetheart when it comes to being around you. On the other hand, Jon Moxley, the man that took bad boy to another level. Him and his bad habit of being damn near irresistible in his mannerisms and suggest comments when being near you made your heart leap whenever he happened to be around.

"Man." You shake your head as Jay topples to the floor below the ring. "This is intense." You watch the match with a close eye, the fact that you are the head of medical staff taking over.

The match slowly starts to come to a close a while later, and it looks like you he would be around to collect you for that date afterall. You stand and watch the final moments of the round and recall what had happened to you just a few hours prior to this.


You are halfway into the door of your medical office after having a nice conversation with Jay when a hand brushes your shoulder lightly. You turn around just as said hand grabs you and pulls you back into the hall gently.

"Jon." You are fully back in the hall and now see Jon staring at you with his usual smirk. "What can I do for you." You swallow as you make eye contact with him.

There was always something about Jon's allure that drove you nuts, the way he carried himself drove you insane when you let it.

"Nice seeing you here again Darlin." Jon speaks up, his gaze still fixed on you.

"Pleasure seeing you too Jon." You nod your head, heart rate picking up every second of the conversation.

"Anywho." Jon suddenly takes a step towards you, his arm now casually laid up against the wall to your left. "I was thinking, after i kick Jay's ass for flirting with someone who is so obviously mine." He speaks in a gruff tone, mere inches from your face.

You don't dare breath as you stare into Jon's eyes, his gaze dips down low to your lips then back to meet your own gaze like it's nothing. You can now hear your heart damn near beating at a deafening octave as you hold your breath.

"How's about me and you go out on the town when i get back?" He asks you, suggestiveness dripping off of his tone as he smirks at you and takes a step back. "Think about it doll." He turns around and heads down to the ring entrance without another word.

You slip into your office as soon as he's gone, finally taking a gasp for some much needed air as soon as the door shuts behind you. Inside your chest your heart races to calm you down, your mind doing backflips trying to process what just went down.

"Holy fuck." You whisper to yourself as you sit down in your swivel chair.

(End Flashback)

The bell rings and the grueling match finally ends. You watch the monitor in front of you as Jon's hand is raised in victory. Your heart rate starts to pick up, knowing what is about to come up. You head back to your office at a quick pace since you have a feeling that Jon wasn't a patient man. You make it back just in time to catch Jay being escorted by a few stagehands to the door.

"Jay." You stride over to him and help usher him in the door.

The stage hands help lay him down on your examination bed and you throw on some gloves so you can get right to helping the poor man out.

"Man Moxley really gave you hell." You comment as you run a hand over a few bruises littering Jay's body.

"Yeah tell me about it." Jay groans.

"They don't look to bad though, nothing some tape and a little aspirin can't fix in a day or two." You reach across the table for some bandages and medical tape.

"That's good doc." Jay nods his head. "You should get going though." He sits up and takes the tape from your hand. "Last thing Mox said to me before i got pinned? That he was gonna take you out to celebrate kicking my ass." He explains as he takes the tape from you and rips a piece of it off. "You should go have fun." Jay insists.

Before you can protest, or even get a word in for that matter someone comes knocking on the door. You stand up and open up the door, instantly getting grabbed by the arm again and yanked out into the hallway.

"Y/N" You find Jon letting go of your arm again. "Told you i'd win darlin." He chuckles, proud of himself as he looks at you.

"Yeah." You nod not sure if you want to go through with this date afterall.

"Well then." Jon claps his hands together with a grin. "Where should we start our night at then?" He asks you as his eyes rake over your body. "I'd like to suggest your hotel room." He raises a brow suggestively as he leans in close to you. "Maybe get you into something more.....comfortable?" He whispers in a deep tone that you haven't heard from him before.

"Y-yeah." You stutter out a response, knee's daring to give out on you. "S-sounds like a plan." You can't help but ignore all the warning signs that this man gave off.

"Then lead the way sweetheart, and i'll follow close behind." You feel Jon's warm hand push you gently by the lower back down the hall with a small shove.

You can feel your heart rate picking back up again at this point, not being able to ignore it when you feel Jon's arm snake around your waist. Your body pushed flushed against his, you have a sneaking suspicion you won't be leaving your hotel room for the rest of the night once you get there.

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