Jay White

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You silently open up the door to the joint hotel room, holding your breath as to be sure that you are making as little noise as possible. It's super early in the morning and you know that if your brothers catch you sneaking back into the room then you are dead for sure.

You close the door behind you, the lights in the room still off and the room quiet just like you left it when you snuck out. The door clicks shut and you let out your breathe, thinking that you've pulled it off. However, as soon as you swivel around to make your way to your bed the lights switch on to reveal both your brothers sitting in chairs staring at you with unamused looks on their faces.

"Shit." You shake your head and throw your room key on the nightstand as well as kick off your shoes.

"Care to tell us where you've been?" Tama asks you with a serious look in his eye.

"Or more specifically, WHO you've been with?" Tanga adds, his face just as serious as Tama's.

You sigh knowing that you're gonna get chewed out no matter what you say and take a seat on your empty bed. Tama and Tanga both sit and silence and wait for you to start talking.

"I was out, okay?" You glance at the pair then avert your guilty gaze down to your bare feet.

"Oh we know you were out." Tama replies sharply. "Out where, and with who?" He repeats himself in a gruff tone.

"We aren't leaving without some answers." Tanga nods his head as he stares at you.

"Fine." You huff in frustration. "Just don't be mad okay? I was out with.......with Jay alright?" You prepare yourself for the wrath you are about to face from your older brothers in a wince.

You open your eyes and look at your brothers when silence falls over the room, they both look at each other. You hate it when they do this, talk to each other without actually saying anything. They've been able to do it since you all were kids.

"Hey i said don't be mad." You remind them, trying desperately to lighten the tension in the air.

"You were with Jay." Tanga is the first one to speak. "Just him?" He glances at you then back to Tama.

"Yeah, just him." You nod nervously.

"What were the two of you doing alone at 1 in the morning?" Tama speaks up this time.

"We um......we were.....well we were kind of on a date." You stutter out nervously, ready to spring to your feet at a moments notice.

"A date!?" Tanga shakes his head, a look you don't particularly like in his eye.

"Y-yeah." You nod again, your voice quiet.

You fiddle with your thumbs as your brothers begin their silent conversation again, the silence giving you an overall bad feeling. You have a feeling your brothers are about to pay Jay a visit down the hall. Their gazes snap back to you when your phone begins to ring from inside your pocket.

"It's Jay." You swallow hard as you read the name glowing on your screen.

"Answer it." Tama nods his head to your phone.

"Hey Jay." You answer the phone in a hushed tone.

Tama walks over and silently puts the phone on speaker so he and Tanga can hear the call as Jay replies quietly.

"Hey Y/N, you got back into your room okay right?" Jay asks from the other end of the line, also in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, Tama and Tanga are still asleep. Why?" You reply, your eyes fixed on your brothers.

"I just wanted to let you know that I have your jacket, you left it in my car earlier. So if you want me to bring it by so your brothers don't suspicious can i?" He asks.

"Yeah sure, bring it by" You agree to have Jay bring the jacket by, knowing that's what your brothers want. "Just make sure and keep it down." You warn him and hang up the phone.

The call ends and you set your phone down before turning back to your brothers. Both of them are on their feet again, you rise to your own feet with them.

"Please don't do anything violent." You plead to them, standing between them and the door.

"We just wanna talk to him is all." Tanga insists.

"Yeah, talk." Tama nods his head and stares at the door.

Knowing you can't do anything about this you wait and dread the knock on the door from Jay. Soon enough, a soft knock sounds on the door and you go to open it.

"Stay in here." Tanga gently pushes you back and steps out into the hall with Tama.

You wait for the door to close then press your ear to the wood, you aren't about to let Tama and Tanga kick Jay's ass. You lean against the door and strain to hear what they all are talking about out in the hall.

"Tama, Tanga." You hear Jay chuckle nervously. "What's going on guys?" He asks.

"Don't even start Jay." Tama warns him harshly.

"Y/N told us about your little date already." Tanga adds, just as mad as Tama.

"Oh." Jay chuckles again, you can only imagine what his face looks like right now. "Well then....um....listen guys." Jay goes to speak up about you but is cut off by Tama.

"No YOU listen up right now Jay." Tama speaks in a raised tone. "If you so much as make our little sister even the slightest bit upset, we'll beat your ass." He huffs, making sure his point gets across to Jay.

"We mean it Jay, don't pull any shit with Y/N. It'll be the last thing you ever do." Tanga adds, sounding just as serious as Tama.

You relax a little bit now that you know Jay isn't going to get his ass beat tonight and remain with your ear pressed to the door.

"I hear you guys loud and clear." Jay replies from the other side of the door. "I wouldn't dream of ever making Y/N upset, she means too much to me." He insists.

You crack a small smile at this answer and take a step back from the door as you hear one of your brothers walk back over to it. The door opens back up and both your brothers step inside.

"You can go see him now, but no funny business." Tama nods to the open door.

You nod and hurry out the door and into the hallway, Jay cracks a grin when he sees you step through the door.

"Here's your jacket." He jokes and holds your jacket up in his hand.

"Thanks babe." You giggle and take the jacket before placing a kiss to Jay's cheek. "My brothers didn't scare you too much did they?" You ask curiously as Jay wraps his arms around you in a hug.

"Your brothers? Not at all." Jay chuckles and hugs you tightly. "When it comes to you? Nothing scares me." He insists sweetly.

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