Adam Cole

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"Hey Adam!" You wave from across the room at him with a wide smile.

Adams gaze falls on you and his smile fades quickly. You furrow your brows at him, usually he's happy to see you.

"Adam, what's up?" You walk over to side, thinking something bothering him.

"Nothing." Adam shakes his head, refusing to look directly at you.

"You sure?" You pester him about it. "You've been acting kind of weird lately." You place a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine okay?!" Adam snaps at you suddenly.

You take your hand back and stare at your best friend, he's never snapped at you like this before. Adam storms off leaving you alone and confused.

"What the hell?" You think to yourself with a shake of your head.

You decide to chop it up to Adam being in a  bad mood today and move on. You decide to pay your dad a visit since he's in his office today for the show.

"Dad?" You saunter into the office of one William Regal curiously.

"Ah Y/N." You're greeted by your dad with a smile as he sits at his desk. "And what do I owe the pleasure of seeing my only daughter?" He asks you, his chin resting in his hand casually.

"Just came to say hi is all." You shrug and take a seat in his extra chair.

"What's been going on with you lately?" You ask him curiously.

"Oh nothing interesting." Your father waves his free hand. "Just running the show and keeping up on paperwork is all." He sighs lightly.

"Sounds fun." You tease with a chuckle.

"Anyway, I'll be around the Undisputed Era locker room if you need me." You decide that hanging with your dad may not be the most interesting thing in the world after all.

"You're still hanging out with them?" Regal raises a brow at you.

"Yes." You nod, knowing an argument is about to ensue.

"You know how I feel about them Y/N." Regal reminds you of his opinion of your friend.

"Yes I know dad. But I still hang out with them anyway." You roll your eyes lightly at him.

Regal stands from his seat and places a hand on your shoulder. You stop moving and turn around to face him with a sign.

"Adam Cole. Keep your distance from him, he's bad news." He insists.

"Yeah dad, sure." You pat his hand and leave out the door.

Your dad has never liked Adam and the rest of Undisputed Era. He's always wanted you to hang out with less problematic people that work for the company. But you've always been drawn to Adam and his buddies.

You make your way down to the locker rooms and head inside UE's without a warning.

"Hey Y/N." Kyle greets you with his usual smile.

"Hey Kyle." You nod back at him and scan the room for Adam. "You seen Adam today Kyle?" You ask him after you determine Adam isn't in the room with you.

"Earlier yeah." Kyle nods. "Why, what's up?" He raises a brow at you.

"Eh it's nothing." You wave your hand.

"He was just being kind of rude earlier today is all." You make it out to not be a big deal.

You find that Kyle now wears a puzzled look, like he was just as confused as you.

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