Juice Robinson

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"Ouch." You complain to yourself as your casted arm slams against the door of your trunk on accident. "Shit." You curse the air and slam the trunk shut.

With your bags now out of the trunk you make your out across the parking lot to the hotel that you will be staying at for the next few days. You head inside and get checked in then make your way to the elevator in a huff. Hauling your bags with one broken arm isn't exactly easy. You manage to make it to the elevator door with your arm throbbing in pain. You were too stubborn to ask for help when you were at the desk though.

"Those look kind of heavy." Suddenly someone startles you as they come up behind you.

It being super late at night on a wednesday you didn't expect anyone to be in the lobby besides the girl that was posted at the front desk. It is like 3 in the morning after all. You turn around and see a handsome enough looking guy with a water bottle in his hand smiling at you.

"You want me to help you with those? I imagine it's kind of hard dragging them with you while your arms like that." He nods to the cast on your arm.

"Yeah, it is." You nod a little nervously. You've never been one to be big on social interaction. "Umm if it's not any trouble to you, then yeah I'd love some help." You admit to yourself that you could use some help with your heavy bags.

"Oh it's no problem at all." The guys shakes his head and takes your heavier bags in his arms. "I'm Juice by the way." He introduces himself just as the elevator finally arrives.

"Nice to meet you Juice." You grab your bag with your good arm and stepped into the elevator. "I'm Y/N L/N." You give him your name since he told you his and press the number for your floor.

"Y/N huh?" Juice nods his head. "It's a pretty name, and L/N, i could have sworn i've heard that somewhere before." He comments on your name as the elevator ascends to your floor.

"You into wrestling?" You ask him with a curious grin.

"Yeah, I actually work for NJPW and ROH." Juice nods his head. "Why?"

"My cousins, Tama Tanga and Tanga Loa both work there too. That's actually why I'm here, to pay them a visit." You reveal your famous relatives to go ahead and clear things up.

"Ooh." Juice nods his head. "Yeah that makes sense, I think it was Tama who I heard your name from." He stops and recalls when he heard your name before.

The elevator stops on your floor so you and Juice walk your bags to your room. You unlock the door to it with your key and set your bag just inside the door.

"Thanks so much for your help Juice." You thank him as he sets your bag down for you.

"It was no problem really." Juice insists with a grin. "I hope I'll see you tomorrow at the show." He grins at you and makes his way down the hall back to the elevator.

"Yeah you to." You call after him with a giggle as he walks off.

You head into your room and text your cousin that you have in fact arrived at his hotel for the night. He texts you back to let him in the room so the two of you can catch up.

"There she is." You are immediately engulfed into a hug by Tama as soon as you open the room door.

"Hi Tama." You giggle and hug him back gently. "It's nice to see you, and hey Tanga." You grin at Tanga standing behind Tama waiting for his hug to.

"Hey kid." He nods to you as Tama still holds you in his grip. "How'd you fair getting all these heavy bags up here with a broken arm?" He asks as he kicks one of your bags.

"Hey keep your feet to yourself." You scold him as Tama finally lets you go. "And I got some help from one of your co-workers, Juice was his name." You explain and give Tanga a small hug.

"Juice Robinson?" Tama speaks up behind you. "What the hell was he doing in the lobby, it's almost 4." He furrows his brows.

"I don't know." You shrug. "He was nice though, and polite, and cute." You blush a little at the thought of Juice helping you out with that sweet smile of his.

Tama rolls his eyes at you, his overprotective side kicking in. Tanga just shrugs, he knows that you are responsible enough person about this sort of thing. You catch up with your cousins for a bit then send them back to their own room so you can get some sleep before the new day starts later in the morning.

Late the next day Tama and Tanga give you a little bit of a tour of the arena before the show starts. You're Not much of a fan of wrestling, not really keeping up with much of it. But you do love hanging with your cousins no matter what they are up to.

"This place is nice." You comment as you are paraded around the building.

"Yeah." Tama nods his head. "Hey we'll be right back, picked something up for you." Him and Tanga leave you out in the hall while they slip into the men's locker room.

You stand alone in the hall for a while until you spot Juice from last night making his way down the hall. You wave to him and flag him down to come over to you.

"Juice." You smile widely when he makes his way over to you.

"Y/N, nice seeing you again." Juice grins with you. "How's you get backstage, not that i don't like seeing you here." He asks curiously.

"Just hanging with my cousins." You shrug. "They are giving me a little tour before the show starts." You explain.

"Oh." Juice nods his head. "You gonna stay for the show?" He asks you another question.

"Yeah." You nod."I got front row tickets thanks to them." You pull the tickets out of your pocket.

"Aw man those are great." Juice glances at them and nods his head. "I hope you enjoy the show, maybe we could grab some dinner after?" He suggests to you hopefully. "Unless you have plans though." Juice realizes he may be being a little forward with you.

"No." You shake your head. "Dinner would be awesome, I'll catch up with you after the show." You grin and agree to dinner. "And hey, good luck on your match tonight to." You wish him luck just as Tama and Tanga show back up from the locker room, chasing Juice off of course.

You choose not to tell them about your date, it will be much easier that way. Plus you were sure as hell not gonna let Tama ruin this for you.

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