Damian Priest

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The bell hanging on the front door of your shop rings just as you are finishing up with a client. With a grin, you pop off your gloves and throw them away before pushing yourself and your stool out to the front desk.

"Welcome to the inkwell, what can I help you with today?" You type up the amount due for the client that you were just with before looking up at the front desk. "Johnny!" You jump out of your seat when you find your favorite cousin on the other side of the counter.

"Y/N, hows business?" Johnny cracks a smile as you make your way over the counter to hug him.

As you walk around the counter you find that Johnny isn't alone. Your eyes fall on someone that you could very mistake for one of your regulars at the shop. The man is dressed sharply in all black with long hair and an impressive sleeve of tattoos.

"Who's your friend with sick ink?" You side hug Johnny and nod to the very interesting man standing behind him silently.

"This is my buddy Damian, Damian this is my cousin Y/N." Johnny steps off to the side so Damian and yourself can shake hands. "Damian here is looking for a new tattoo artist since he just moved into town, and since we work together I figured that I mind as well refer him to you."

"Nice to meet you, Damian." You shake his hand firmly with a friendly smile, admiring the art on his arm at the same time. "Whoever your guy was, he was really good. These are some killer pieces."

"Thanks, Gargano said that you've got some real skill as well." Damian nods.

"Oh well, I don't know about that." You laugh and walk back behind the counter. "Why don't you come and look at some of my work, get a feel for what I do?" You suggest and flip the bar up so Damian can follow you back to your workspace.

Damian nods and follows you back to your workplace while the client you were with gets helped back at the front by your apprentice. You walk over to the desk in the corner and grab your sketchbook as well as the binder that you keep photos of tattoos you've done then hand them both over to Damian.

"Thanks." Damian takes a seat in your chair and flips through the books carefully.

Meanwhile, you dismiss yourself for a moment and join Johnny back by the front desk on his phone. He puts is away when you walk over to him with a chuckle.

"What are you up to?" You furrow your brows at your cousin.

Never in your life have you ever known Johnny to offer to promote your shop by telling his friends about it. Not once. Not that Johnny hangs out with lots of people who would need a regular tattoo person anyways.

"Me? Nothing." Johnny insists.

You shake your head, you can tell that he's up to something. You roll your eyes at him then head back to Damian to see what he thinks of your work.

"So, what do you think?" You sit back down on your stool and set your chin in your hand casually.

"Your work is great." Damian hands you the books back with a satisfied nod. "I've been looking to get this space filled, I'd love it if we could sit down and maybe brainstorm an idea for it?" He suggests.

"I'd love to, may I?" You beam, absolutely loving it when people ask for your input into what they get tattooed.

Damian nods and rolls up his sleeves all the way so you can see his arms while you sanitize your hands for good measure. Sometimes while you're are looking over one of Damian's arms Johnny pops in and mentions that he's off to meet his wife for lunch.

"Alright, nice seeing you, John." You nod without ever looking up from Damian's arm.

"Mhm, have fun you two." Johnny chuckles as he walks off.

This was his plan all along. He knew that you'd take a liking to Damian the moment that you met him. After inspecting all of Damian's ink you get a good idea of the theme he has going so you push off to grab your sketchpad and a pencil real quick.

"Okay, so while I sketch this idea I think that you'll love. Tell me about yourself." You make a quick and interested look at Damian who chuckles lightly at your eagerness and enthusiasm.

"Now I see the resemblance." He chuckles.

"Pardon?" You are a bit confused by the statement.

"I didn't believe him when Gargano said he has a cousin that was a tattoo artist. I mean, have you seen the guy?" Damian jokes. "I especially didn't expect some inked up babe to be his cousin."

You feel your face heat up at the compliment and mutter out a small thanks. Resorting to hiding behind your sketchpad until the blush leaves.

"I really dig the gold nose ring by the way." Damian winks at you with a sly grin.

"Y-yeah, thanks." You nod and sketch vigorously on the page in front of you.

"Yeah, I was thinking about maybe getting my tongue done while I was here." Damian continues.

"Johnny said you guys did body jewelry here right?"

"We do." You nod and swallow hard.

Impure thoughts flood your mind as you sketch. A tongue piercing. You shiver at the thought of it. You finish up the sketch and hand it over to Damian for inspection.

"So, what you do you think?" You sit and wait for him to look the design over.

Your leg bounces in anticipation s Damian's gaze shifts from his arm to the page and back again a few times as he mulls your idea over. You finally breathe when he hands the book back with a casual look on his face.

"I love it." He informs you. "When can we get started?"

"I'm free for the rest of the day actually if you wanna start now." You offer and set your sketchpad down on your desk.

"That be fantastic." Damian nods.

You nod and dismiss yourself for a moment. Your assistant is still at the front desk working in her own sketchbook when you tap her shoulder to get her attention.

"You can go early if you want." You inform her casually. "He's my last for the day."

"Mhm." Your assistant laughs. "And miss the chance to listen to you flirt with that sexy ass dude in the back? Not a chance."

"Jealous?" You laugh with her.

"Very." She nods her head.

You both giggle some more before you head back to Damian with a fresh pair of gloves and an eager look in your eye. Only this time the tattoo isn't the only thing that's got you all giddy.

AN: Can we all get a round of applause for this mans finally making his daybew in the book?? Ah Damian Priest, everyone's edgy fantasy man. Quick little side note, next up we have either some saucy Kyle O'Rielly featuring your ex Adam Cole OR a little proposal chapter from Jay White. 

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