Tony Nese

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A/N: Tony Nese and his superior tiddies appreciation post.

"Alright, go get em, Kurt!" You pat your client on the back with a confident smile and urge him out the curtain to the ramp.

"And her he comes! Newcomer to 205Live, Kurt Stallion. Accompanied by the lovely Y/N L/N of course." Vic nods to both of you from the commentary table. "And it looks like Y/N will be joining us as well." He smiles at you make your way past the ring to the table.

You pat Kurt on the shoulder on last time for good luck then make your way over to the commentary table so he isn't distracted by your presence. Your client has his hands full tonight with one of your resident pain in the asses, Arya Davari. And of course his always up to no good friend, Tony Nese is out here with him.

"Vic! How are you?" You walk over to Vic's side of the table and take a seat with him.

"I'm great, glad to have you hear Y/N." Vic pulls a chair up for you.

"Yes, always a pleasure being out here Vic." You nod.

Tony scoffs on the other side of the table which makes you roll your eyes.

"Something wrong, Tony?" You grin over the table at him.

"No, not at all." Tony shakes his head.

The bell rings and the match gets underway. Vic offers you some skittles since it's Halloween which you gladly accept.

"I'd love some Vic, skittles are my favorite! Thank you." You take a handful of them with a grin.

Vic offers Tony some as well which he scoffs at and shakes his head at Vic for offering something so atrocious as candy.

"Okay, entitled much Tony?" You laugh at him and pop a skittle in your mouth.

"Sorry I actually take care of my body." Tony rolls his eyes.

"Oh and I don't?" You laugh again. "Get over yourself, honey."

Tony falls silent after your comment and you both get back to watching the match. Kurt gets to a point where he's having a rough time and ends up near the commentary table so of course, Tony has to pipe up.

"Hey! Don't bother with him." You encourage Kurt to ignore Tony and focus on the task at hand.

"Yeah, listen to your manager kid." Tony taunts Kurt with a laugh. "Because she's won so many championships in her career."

"This coming from the dude that thinks wearing shirts two sizes too small is a fashion statement." You shoot back with a grin.

This comment shuts Tony up for the time being and you both get back to the match. Near the end of it, Tony of course decides that he's gonna cheat but you manage to beat him to the corner of the ring.

"Going somewhere, Tony?" You ask him with a raised brow.

"Just getting a better view of the match," Tony replies.

"I'm all the view you need right about now, Nese." You insist and flash Nese a wink.

Your interference lets Kurt pick up a quick pin and the bell rings.

"Well, would you look at that?" You laugh. "Looks like you and your partner are 0 for 2, Tony." You walk over to Kurt and wave to Tony before you walk off with Kurt backstage.

Backstage you make sure that Kurt is alright then decide to head back to the hotel for the night. When you get back to the hotel you make your way up to your room but run into Tony again on the elevator.

"Well well well." Tony eyes you up as the elevator slides shut. "Now don't tell me the egnmatic Y/N L/N is retiring so early on a Friday night?" He teases you with a smug grin.

"Maybe I am." You roll your eyes. "We don't all feel the need to go out and try our luck on unsuspecting locals, Tony."

"Now It isn't really luck if you score every time now is it Y/N? Pretty sure that just qualifies as skill honey." Tony flashes you a cocky grin.

"Or maybe you're just really good at spotting the desperate girls at bars? Ever think of it like that, manwhore?" You wink as the elevator doors slide back open again on your floor and you step out into the hall.

Tony laughs and steps out with you, not done with this little banter session just yet. You roll your eyes as he steps out and over to your side.

"Call me a manwhore all you want baby. I like to think of it as experience." Tony's hand brushes your arm lightly. "And I have a feeling you miss L/N, prefer a man with experience." He purrs.

."Haha." You laugh allowed and swat his hand away. "Not a chance in hell Nese. I'm not some desperate groupie looking to get with any charmer that'll give me the time of day."

"Oh come on, Y/N. Have a drink with me. Live a little baby!" Tony insists. "My treat?"

"Sounds like you just wanna get me drunk." You shake your head. "However, drinks do sound kind of nice." You contemplate whether or not it's a good idea to let Tony buy you a few rounds.

"See. Come on Y/N, take a chance for once." Tony urges you on.

"Fine, just give me a minute to put my stuff away and grab a jacket." You give in with a sigh, already regretting the decision when you see Tony's sly grin.

Tony nods and you slip into your room to change shoes and grab a jacket before you head back out to the hall where Tony standing waiting for you. The two of you walk over to the bar down the street from the hotel and head inside. 

"Don't get any idea's Nese, it's just some drinks." You insist as you take a seat at the bar.

"I can live with that. And hey, if when the night ends you all of a sudden feel the urge to make out with me then so be it right?" He laughs.

"Mhm." You order your drink and begin to feel like you may have made a bad decision.

A few more drinks and around an hour or so later and you KNOW you've made a bad decision. With the combination of alcohol swimming around in your veins and Tony's undeniable charm, the two of you are cozies up in a booth in no time.

"What happened to not a chance in hell, Tony?" He teases you in his arms with a grin.

"You know I can still leave right?" You roll your eyes.

"Yeah, but you wont." Tony chuckles.

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