Kevin Owens

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"Come on Sami." You complain to your older brother from your spot on his couch.

"No, you aren't going alone." Sami shakes his head at you again.

"I'm a grown woman." You argue. "I should be allowed to do what i want." You pout to your brother, he was refusing to let you borrow his car to go to the mall for some shopping you needed to get done.

"What if Kevin goes with me?" You ask, looking over at Sami's best friend. "Then will you trust me with your car?" You ask him, looking at innocent as possible.

"Kev?" Sami glances over at his best friend.

"Yeah sure." Kevin sighs, pretending that it seemed like a hassle to him. While in reality Kevin was happy to hang out with you, even if it was shopping. "I'll go with you, but you're buying lunch." He warns you of his terms.

"Deal, thanks Sami. And you to Kev." You jump to your feet and throw on your shoes, eager to get going before it got super busy at the mall.

You and Kevin drive mostly in silence, neither of you having much to say. You both just listen to music on the short drive to the mall in the city. When you arrive Kevin follows behind you as you walk into the building and pull a list from your pocket.

"You have a list?" Kevin comments as soon as he sees it.

"Yeah." You nod and glance at all the stuff written down. "I have a bunch of stuff i need to get today." You then look up at the mall map you stand in front of.

"What did i get myself into." Kevin sighs.

"A day hanging out with me." You reply cheerfully. "Now come on, Angelo's is first." You drop the name of the super nice dress store that was local.

"Angelo's?" Kevin speaks up again. "I have to help you shop for dresses?" He sighs again.

"No." You shake your head. "You just have to carry the ones that i wanna try on." You grin, teasing Kevin playfully.

Kevin shakes his own head but follows behind you anyway, you get in the store and immediately pick two or three dresses that look nice out.

"Here, hold these." You hand them to Kevin to hold then grab one more and head back to the dressing rooms.

Kevin hands the dresses back to you and you slip inside the room to try them on, you had a wedding coming up in a week or so and needed a new dress for the occasion.

"So what is this for again?" Kevin asks you from outside the dressing room.

"Maria's wedding." You drop the name of your and Kev's mutual friend. "I didn't have a dress in her wedding colors that fit." You speak in blocky sentences as you pull the first dress on. "Hmm?" You look at yourself in the mirror. "I don't know?" You decide to step out of the room and show Kevin. "This look like two much for a wedding?" You ask his opinion as you step out.

The dress was a soft peach color, lace in the front and backless. It stopped just above your knees and was a little tight on you to be honest.

"" Kevin lays eyes on you and stutters a bit. "Y-yeah. Definitely." He nods his head vigorously.

You giggle a little at the flustered man in front of you, you thought he looked cute when he was embarrassed. And you may or may not have had a crush for Sami's best friend.

"Okay." You nod and step back into the room. "This one's a no then." You slip it off and go ahead and try another one on. "This one any better?" You step out of the room with another dress on.

This one is the same peach color, only it's a v-neckline and has a dipped back. The length goes a bit past your knees but would look killer with some boots from the shop in the mall.

"That one's better." Kevin nods his head, calmed down a little bit. "You look great in it." He compliments you.

"Yeah? Thanks. I like this one to." You agree with Kevin on the dress and decide that it was the one you wanted. "Well that was easier than expected." You step back into the room and change back into your normal clothes.

You pay for your dress and then head straight for the shoe shop a few rows down in the mall, Kevin lugs the bag with your dress in it behind you. You enter the shop and head for the boots section, scouring the racks for some cute tan ones.

"Ooo." You spot a pair on a high shelf and reach for them.

"Here let me." Kevin leans in behind you and plucks the box from the shelf and hands it to you.

"Thanks." You take the box and try the boots on.

They were thigh highs in a nice tan color that went with the peach dress, and a perfect fit for you as fate would have it.

"You like them?" You get Kevin's opinion for fun.

"You look good in anything, so why ask?" Kevin rolls his eyes at you.

"Kevin Owens!" You raise a brow at him. "Are you flirting with your best friend little sister?" You ask him in a firm but joking tone.

"Maybe." Kevin shrugs. "You don't seem to mind." He reminds you.

"That dress really got to ya huh?" You laugh and tease him about the dress from earlier.

Kevin doesn't answer, but you don't need one. You box and buy the shoes and decide that it was time to by Kev that lunch.

"So where should we go for this lunch date Kev?" You ask him with a smile.

"Lunch date?" Kevin replies.

"Yep." You nod. "That's what i said, lunch date." A grin pops on your face.

"Smoothies?" Kevin replies smoothly.

"Sounds like a plan." You agree with a laugh.

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