Angel Garza

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"You ready for this?" You stand backstage with a larger than life smile on your face as Angel stands next to you and Zelina.

"Born ready chica!" Angel nods his head with a confident grin.

"Good, knock em, dead Angel." You nod and let Angel go once his music starts playing in the arena on the other side of the curtain.

Zelina gives you a nod and heads out behind Angel to the ramp on the other side of the curtain. You turn your attention to the monitor hooked to the wall off to the side of the room and watch as Angel makes his way down the ramp with that confident smile on his face.

He stops for a kiss on the cheek from a girl just on the other side of the barricade which ignites the smallest twang of jealousy in you. You brush off the feeling immediately though, Angel and you aren't a thing after all. The two of you are just friends.............just friends.

"it'll always be just friends." You whisper to yourself in a sigh, eyes still fixed on the tv.

"Who's just friends?" Your attention is taken from the monitor when someone joins you by the curtain. 

You look to your right to find Bianca Belair smiling at you casually now watching the monitor herself. 

"Me and Angel." You answer Bianca's question. "We're just friends, always have been." You shrug and try to play it off.

"I know." Bianca nods her head. "Except you've been pining over him for what? Almost a year now?" She confronts you with a determined look.

"Y-yeah." You feel a dusting of blush on your cheek when you think about it. "I can't help it!" You protest. "He's just so charismatic and suave, compared to me? I'm boring and bland."

"You know that Garza likes you just as much as you like him right?" Bianca replies.

"Ha, yeah sure." You shake your head. "Funny."

Bianca playfully rolls her eyes at you and turns her attention back to the monitor for the time being. You do the same and watch as the bell rings for the match in the ring to start.

The two of you sit in silence and watch the match unfolding in front of you. It's almost painfully obvious to Bianca that you're head over heels for Angel which she finds more than a little cute. 

After the match comes to an end and Zelina helps Angel out a bit with some introductions both of them head back up the ramp. You turn sharply on your heel and wait for Angel to come back through the curtain so you can congratulate him on his win and debate. 

"Angel!" You bounce on your heels over to Angel who is happy to engulf you in a tight hug. "You won!"

"Of course I did!" Angel laughs, "Look who you're talking too."

"True." You giggle and separate from Angel for the moment.

You turn back around to find Zelina talking with Bianca which worries you slightly. You worry even more when both of them wear smiles and walk over to you an Angel.

"Angel, congrats on the win." Bianca pats Angel on the shoulder. "Anyways, you and Y/N should go celebrate!" She slyly suggests. "Me and Zelina would join but we've got plans."

"Dinner sounds like a great idea!" Angel beams. "What do you say chica?" He looks over to you.

"Yeah, dinners cool with me." You nod your head vigorously. 

Zelina and Bianca share a self-satisfied smile at their work and Bianca drags you off to get changed into something a little more appropriate for a dinner date.

"I hate you, but I love you at the same time." You complain to Bianca as the two of you head back to the hotel so you can get changed.

"You can thank me later." Bianca laughs.

You get back to the hotel and Bianca helps you pick out a pretty dark blue backless dress. She lends you a pair of black heels as well as a curly for your hair. Once you're all dolled up and ready to go it's about time for Angel to come around and pick you up.

A knock at the door sends you on your feet in an instant. Bianca laughs and answers the door for you while you compose yourself. 

"Y/N, your date is here." She calls you over to the doorway where Angel stands.

You walk over to the door shyly, not knowing what Angel's reaction to seeing you in a dress will be. 

"Wow." Angel chuckles lightly when you pop up in the doorway. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." You blush hard. "You look really good too."

Angel decided to go for a sharp granite colored suit for the date which pairs nicely with his tanned skin.

"This is for you by the way." Angel hands over a single ruby red rose gently to you.

"Really? Thank you." You take the rose from him and give it a sniff, a similar smell to the perfume you always like to wear.

"It reminded me of you," Angel speaks up again after you get done admiring the flower. "The perfume you're always wearing I should say." He quickly corrects himself as to not sound creepy.

"Well, it was super sweet of you." You giggle and hand the rose to Bianca to put away for you.

You link arms with Angel and he takes you out to a nice restaurant. Mexican food of course, not that you mind it much. You're finally on a date with the Angel Garza.

The date goes off without a hitch, both of you being a little nervous at first but relaxing after a bit of time passes.

"You know I should have asked you out much sooner than this." Angel all of a sudden speaks up near the end of your date.

"Oh?" The comment catches you a little off guard.

"I admit, I was a little afraid that you only liked me as a friend. You don't right?" Angel replies, a certain nervousness in his tone.

"I do." You nod your head. "Like you as more than a friend that is." You quickly clarify.

"I'm glad." Angel cracks a grin and reaches his arm across the table for your hand.

His thumb brushes against the back of your hand gently as he smiles across the table at you lovingly.

"Mi Amoré, it would an honor if you would be mine," Angel asks you softly. "I have been in love with you for some time now, and wish to be at your side for now and forever. If you would so have me that is."

"Angel." You can feel the blush radiating off of your cheeks at this point. "Of course, I love you!" You nod your head with a huge smile plastered on your rosy cheeks.

The night comes to an end and Angel takes you back to the hotel for the night. He drops you off in front of your door and gives you a gentle kiss good night.

"Until tomorrow Mi Amoré, sleep well Princessa." He kisses your cheek lightly and heads back to his room.

You slip into your hotel room feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. The rose Angel got you greeting you from your nightstand as you peel off your dress and climb into bed.

QOTC: What's your guys' fav food type??? Mine is probably Mexican or Thai. Lemme know in the comments below.

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