Sammy Guevara

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"Dad!" You speak into your phone as your eyes scan the nearly empty parking lot, you stand-in. "My flight arrived like half an hour ago, where are you?" You ask him and meddle with the strap of your travel bag with your free hand.

"So sorry pumpkin, I got stuck in a meeting at work," Chris speaks in an urgent but apologetic tone in his voice. "My buddy Sammy should be there any minute to pick you up, he's driving my Mercedes okay?"

"Alright." You sigh a little.

"Again, I wish I could have came and got you princess but I'll see you in a few hours when this meeting ends okay? I love you." Chris sighs right back at you.

"Love you too dad." You nod your head. "See you soon." You end the call and place your phone back into the pocket of your skinny jeans.

A breeze sweeps through the parking lot and you shiver a bit since your only wearing a crop top. You look at the time on your smartwatch as a car pulls into the lot. You smile in relief when you recognize it as your dad's car. The car stops in front of you and the driver's side door opens up to reveal your personal favourite member of your dad's new entourage.

"You Y/N?" The guy asks you with a curious grin.

"Yeah, that's me." Thanks for picking me up for my dad." You thank him as he walks around the car and helps put your suitcase in the trunk of the car.

"No problem." Sammy shakes his head. "I've been looking forward to meeting Chris's daughter." He laughs a little and opens the passenger door for you.

"Thank you." You thank Sammy again for the kind gesture and climb into the car. "I've been looking forward to meeting my dad's new friends too."

"Well, it's nice to meet you." Sammy climbs back into the driver's seat and shuts the door. "Sammy Guevara, if you didn't know." He holds out his free hand for what you take to be a handshake while he pulls out of the parking lot.

"I know who you are, but nice to finally meet you." You reach your hand over to shake Sammy's but before you can he gently grabs your hand and kisses the back of it. "Oh, quite the gentlemen Sammy." You giggle a little.

"Just being polite to a pretty girl is all," Sammy replies with a wink.

You and Sammy make casual conversation on the drive back to the hotel. You tell him about your job as a singer at a popular club/bar up in Toronto. He lets you in on a few wrestling secrets since your dad hardly ever talks about it to you.

"Well, here we are." Sammy parks the car in VIP parking at the hotel and again helps you take your bags up to the room that Chris booked for you.

"Wow, this place is nice." You comment as you and Sammy walk inside and to the elevators.

"Only the best, your room is right across from Chris's and right next to mine." Sammy steps into the elevator with you and all your bags.

"Nice." You nod and pull out your phone to see if your dad is out of his meeting yet.

You find a text waiting for you from Chris saying that the meeting is going to go for another few hours and that he might not see you until morning. You sigh as the elevator jerks upwards.

"You okay?" Sammy asks you with furrowed brows.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah I'm okay." You nod. "Dad justed texted, said that he might be a few hours late is all."

"Oh." Sammy nods. "That kind of sucks. I can hang out with you if you're down." He suggests.

"Yeah? Thanks." You nod and take Sammy up on his offer.

You get to your hotel room and Sammy helps you set all your bags down and get settled in. After you're all settled you and Sammy decide to head down to the bar to have a few drinks to pass some time.

"Come on, please?" You and Sammy sit in a booth as he looks at you with soft puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." You give in with a bubbly giggle and get up.

The bar in the hotel happens to be hosting an open karaoke night and Sammy has finally convinced you to go up and sing a song. You head up to the stage and decide to play (fav song) since you're used to singing it at your club all the time and it's easy to remember for you.

You belt out the first few verses and the crowd sits quietly to listen which surprises you a bit. You finish the song and head back to Sammy with a heavy blush on your cheeks.

"Wow." Sammy shakes his head as you sit back down with him. "You have an amazing voice, like an angel." He compliments you.

"Thanks." You blush even harder and finish your drink.

After a few more drinks you and Sammy's head back up to the hotel, you both decide to have some fun and enjoy the hot tub that's in your room. You brought a bathing suit that you quickly change into while Sammy changes into some trunks that he had in his suitcase.

"Man." Sammy shakes his head when you pop back out of the bathroom. "Angelic voice AND a rocking body? What am I getting myself into?" He winks at you.

"You know you aren't so tough on the eyes either Guevara." You sink down into the warm hot tub with him.

"That so?" Sammy slides in closer to you from across the hot tub. "You plan on doing anything about that?" He raises a brow at you.

"Why don't you come and find out." You tease back.

Chris finally gets out of his meeting at work and heads back to the hotel as fast as he can. He makes his way to the hotel and is about to knock on your door before he enters when he hears you giggle with who he is almost certain is Sammy.

"Y/N?" Chris unlocks the door with his spare key and finds both of you in the hot tub in your room.

Sammy is sitting up against the wall of the tub with you looking quite comfortable in his lab. Lipstick stains the same color as the shade you're wearing smeared over his face and neck.

"Hey, daddy!" You crane your neck to the door and wave at your dad in the doorway.

"Absolutely not." Chris turns on his heel and shuts the door behind him.

"Whoops." You giggle and turn back to Sammy. "Guess that we lost track of time huh."

"Guess we did." Sammy nods. "Oh well." He shrugs.

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