Adam Cole

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You drag your suitcase behind you out of the airport at an agonizingly slow pace. Your baggy sweater and legging accompanied by your red puffy eyes making you appear like a homeless person or a drug addict.

"Y/N." You crack a small smile when you spot your mother waiting by her car for you, along with your younger sister Amanda.

"Hey, mom." You reach her side and give her a hug, trying to hide your foul mood from her.

"It's so good to see you again Y/N!" Your mother hugs you tightly. "I am so glad that you decided to take some time off of work and visit." She lets you go so Amanda can say hello as well.

"You look like hell." Amanda points out your puffy eyes.

"Watched a sad movie on the plane." You lie and make yourself seem cheerful when really you feel shitty on the inside. "it's good to see you too sis." You ruffle her hair since you know she hates that.

"Hey!" Amanda swats your hand away, making you smile.

You throw your suitcase into the back of the car then pile in with the rest of the family. You sit upfront with your mom while Amanda sits in the back.

"So, hows work treating you?" Your mother asks you curiously as she pulls out of the airport parking lot.

"It's been fine, mom." You nod your head. "I just felt like I needed a little break is all."

"What about those guys you're always hanging around? Adam? He's one of them right?" Amanda asks from the back seat.

"They're doing fine as well, just fine." You mumble that last bit, Adam's name like poison to your ears.

The car falls silent for a few minutes and you decide to take your phone off of airplane mode. When you do you softly sigh at all the unread messages. Most of them are from Kyle and Roderick. You decide to read a few of them.

-Adam's just being an idiot, please come back.

-Y/N, where are you?? I'm sure Adam didn't mean it.

Among those, there are a few others of Roderick and Kyle telling you to come back soon after you informed Roderick that you were taking a week or two off to go home for a while. You internally scream when you think of the fight that you and Adam had yesterday, the wound still fresh in your mind.

It had just been a normal day for you. You and the guys were in the gym and you were teasing Adam about some cute girl across the gym, encouraging him to go ask her out. You just meant it as some light teasing but all of a sudden Adam snapped at you.

"Will you please just be quiet?" He'd yelled at you. "God Y/N, just because you can't get a man doesn't mean that you need to fucking push the rest of us to."

Amanda is the one that pulls you out of your thoughts when she nudges your shoulder.

"Hmm, what?" You turn back to look at her.

"You okay Y/N?" She asks you.

"Yeah, Manda." You nod. "Just reading some messages on my phone is all." You shake your head a little to focus your mind.

You arrive at home around an hour later and Amanda helps you take your bags upstairs to your old room so you can relax a bit with your mom. You and her walk to the kitchen and she pours some wine for the both of you.

"What's on your mind sweetie?" She asks you.

You've never been able to hide things from your mom for long. After your dad died when you and Amanda were young you and her became really close.

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