Darby Allin

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Boredom. That is the only word that comes to mind as you sit in your merch booth. The hard steel chair you're sitting on is starting to make your back hurt and you are more than tired of sweaty men hitting on and not even buying anything from the booth afterward.

"What time is it?" You glance down at your smartwatch.

6:25, and you can't shut the booth down until 11. You let out a sigh and look out into the crowd of various people walking around. Some are decked out In gaming merch, others in stuff from wrestling.

You run a merch table for AEW, well more like you make a lot of their designs and also run the tables when you need a little extra cash on the side. Which you always do.

"Hello." You glance up from your phone at a small group of girls that walk up to the table.

"Hi!" The pack leader of the girls smiles at you. "Do you carry Darby Allin merch here?" She asks you hopefully.

"Yeah." You nod and point to your left. "What size can I get you?" You stand to your feet and walk over to the shirt bin below the display.

"Two mediums and a large please." The girl answers and takes her wallet out of her purse hanging from her side.

"Sure thing." You bend down and grab the shirts from the box. "I don't see many asking for Darby's shirts. You guys fans?" You ask curiously and walk the shirts over to your little makeshift register.

"Totally!" The girl nods her head and hands you some money. "He's so hot." She giggles.

"Glad to know I've got fans!" Your attention is taken from counting the girl's money when a male voice answers her.

The group of girls gasp when they see who answered them. You crack a small grin as their reaction to seeing Darby standing before them.

"Want me to sign those?" Darby asks with a smile as the girls all squeal and pull out their phones.

"Umm yes!" The main girl pushes to the front of the group.

You stand by and put your money away all while watching this whole spectacle. Sometimes it amazes you how riled up these girls can get. Then again, you kind of freaked out when you first met Darby.

The girls get their shirts signed and take some photos then head off all whispering among themselves. Darby watches them leave then turns back to you.

"Y/N, good to see you." He leans against the table.

"Good to see you too Darby." You nod with a small grin. "What brings you out to the stands?" You place your head in your hands casually.

"Thought id go around and look at some of the booths." Darby shrugs. "Most of them are just video games."

"Gaming convention this weekend." You nod back to a huge sign on the back wall near your booth. "Hey, I think there might be a Zumiez around the corner." You tease with a laugh.

"Oh, very funny." Darby shakes his head and chuckles with you. "When do you get off? We should catch up." He suggests.

"I'm stuck here until 11." You sign, remembering just how long you have left at this stuffy booth.

"Damn." Darby shakes his head again. "Tell you what, I'm gonna go get us some smoothies and I'll hang out with you here for a bit. Deal?"

"That be great!" You nod. "You can look pretty and sell more shirts for me."

"Great! I'll be back." Darby turns to leave.

"Just steer clear of the Zumiez!" You call after him. "Wouldn't wanna lose you for the rest of the night."

You watch Darby leave and sit back down. You've always found him to be one of the more likable AEW stars that you've worked with. Not to mention you find him more than a little attractive.

About fifteen minutes go by before Darby comes back with two smoothies in hand. He slides into your booth with you and hands you one.

"Hope you like mango and guava juice." He grins and takes a seat in the other chair in the booth.

"I like all fruit." You reply and take a sip of the smoothie. "Mmm, this is good."

"So, who's your most popular seller today?" Darby takes a sip of his smoothie and looks at all the shirts you have set up.

"Kenny." You reply nonchalantly. "He's always my biggest seller."

"Of course." Darby nods.

"Though I've actually seen quite a few girls ask about your stuff." You add and sip your smoothie.

"Oh yeah?" Darby replies.

"Yeah, you're huge in the teenage and young adult female market." You laugh. "Girls dig the whole skater boy vibe."

"I did get stopped a few times for photos today." Darby nods his head. "It's kind of weird actually."

"What? All the attention?" You ask casually.

"Not just that. Just the way all those teenage girls look at me. The things they say on Twitter." He chuckles.

"Oh yeah." You laugh. "Twitter is a plethora of horny teen girls."

You and Darby sit and laugh up a storm for the next few hours. You sell a few more shirts and Darby takes a few more photo's. He ends up staying with you until 11 and helps you close up.

"Thanks for hanging with me Darby, I had a really nice time." You put the last box away and turn to him.

"No problem." Darby shakes his head. "It's always fun hanging out with you, kind of like a date."

"A date?" You muse. "Strange, I don't remember you saying that this was a date?" You tease Darby lightly.

"Did I not?" Darby plays it innocently. "My bad."

"Well, this way a great first date then." You hop down from the truck and walk over to Darby. "Night Darby." You place a kiss to his cheek and walk to the driver's side of your car.

"Goodnight!" Darby calls after you. "I'll call you." He adds.

Question of the chapter: Thoughts on Goldberg taking the belt from the Friend? I personally am not a fan of Goldberg. But knowing that Roman is gonna be the one to kick his ass and take it from him might just make it worth it for me. What about y'all?

Also a little side note. Who do you guys wanna see for the next chapter? Marty Scurll to make a comeback in the next chapter? Or a Mox winning the AEW championship fic?

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