Drew McIntyre

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Wedding planning. As much as you absolutely adore your sister, Charlotte, you cannot stand listening to her talk about her and Andrade's upcoming wedding. That coupled with the fact that keeping an eye out for your dad while he's been on RAW leaving you right in the path of a more than a little suggestive Randy Orton. And it's safe to say that you aren't exactly enjoying life at the moment.

"Hold on dad, I'll get the door for you." You pull the SUV into the arena VIP parking and switch off the engine.

Ric waits patiently as you slip out of the car and go around to open the door for him. He might still be able to strut around and have fun and all, but any help he can get from his youngest daughter is appreciated.

"Thank you, pumpkin." You help Ric slip out of the SUV and shut the door behind him.

"No problem dad." You nod with a small smile.

Once the car is locked you and Ric head backstage to mingle for a bit and see what kind of trouble Ric can get himself into this time. As of late, he's been hanging around Randy Orton, someone that you don't exactly like. But your obvious disdain for the man doesn't seem to bother him, or your dad for that matter. So you just put up with it, for the time being at least.

"Randy, good to see you again." It isn't long before you and Ric run into Randy.

You watch off to the side while your dad and Randy share a friendly hug. You scoff under your breathe and watch as they talk for a minute.

"Ric, you didn't tell me you brought Y/N with you." Randy eyes you up as Ric turns around to you.

"Of course!" Ric turns to you and beckons you over to his side. "Y/N, you and Randy have met before right?"

"Yeah dad, we've met." You wear a neutral expression and nod. "Randy."

"Well, you look beautiful, as does your sister." Randy compliments you politely with a grin.

You nod with a friendly smile, knowing very well that Randy would be throwing lewd comments your way at light speed if Ric wasn't present.

"Thank you. Dad, you hang out with Randy for a bit okay? I'm gonna go see Angel and Andrade for a bit." You decide that checking up on your future brother in law sounds like a much better deal right about now.

"Alright, see you later sweetie." Ric nods and lets you go.

You hurry off before Randy can pass off any suggestive comment or spend another minute eyeing you up and head out to the men's locker rooms to find Andrade and Angel.

On your way to the locker rooms, you run into someone that you'd much rather be spending time hanging out with. Drew Mcintyre.

"Drew, hey." You stop before you pass him in the hall.

"Y/N, I didn't know you were here tonight." Drew stops as well so the two of you can talk for a moment. "Ric here as well?" He asks.

"Yeah, otherwise I'd be stuck at home helping Char plan her wedding." You shudder at the thought of looking through one more wedding catalog.

"That bad huh?" Drew chuckles lightly.

"Oh, you've no idea." You laugh with him.

"So where is Ric at then?" Drew notices that your dad isn't at your side.

"With Randy Orton I'm afraid." You sigh.

Drew nods his head, silently agreeing with you about your feelings for Randy.

"I'd keep an eye out for him if I were you lass," Drew warns you lightly.

"Oh don't worry Mcintyre, I do." You assure him.

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