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"I swear to god Y/N if you see him one more time!" Cody warns you with a wave of his finger, genuine anger radiating off of him. "I am trying to protect you! He's a snake. He doesn't love you." He insists.

"Screw you, Cody!" You snap back at your older brother. "At least Max pays attention to me! Trusts me to take care of myself, he doesn't treat me like I'm still ten." You shout, tears daring to brim your eyes. "And your wrong, he does love me." You turn sharply on your heel and walk towards the door.

"Y/N Rhodes," Cody shouts without moving from his spot on the other side of the room. "Don't you dare walk out that door, we aren't done with this conversation!"

You don't stop heading for the door and exit without a word, you're still inside the training center so theirs bound to be someone around that you can trust to give you a ride back to the hotel since you came with Cody. 

"Spears!" You wipe your eyes to appear normal when you see Shawn down the hall heading for the parking lot. "Hey, Cody is planning on staying late but I'm tired. You think you could give me a lift back to the hotel?" You ask him casually.

"Sure." Shawn nods his head. "And hey, we can both pretend I didn't hear you and your brother screaming at each other." He adds.

"Thanks." You nod and silently walk with Shawn out to the parking lot and to the SUV he rented.

The ride back to the hotel is silent like Shawn promised, not like you are in the mood for talking anyway. On the ride back you text Max to let him know that you'll be staying with him for the night. Max agree's to meet you at the hotel when you arrive with Shawn.

"Thanks again, Shawn." You give Spears a small side hug when you both get to the hotel.

"No problem Y/N." Shawn nods. "And tell Max I said hello." He adds before he heads his own way.

You find Max loitering in the lobby of the hotel like he said he would with Wardlow not far from him. You rush over to his side and are immediately pulled into a hug.

"You alright princess?" Max asks you softly.

"Yeah." You nod into his chest. "I just don't wanna be around him right now." You add with a sigh.

"I understand babe." Max nods. "Wardlow will take you to go grab your stuff from your room, I'm gonna go get him another room and order us some food okay?" He asks you.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. Thanks." You nod and walk over to Wardlow's side.

He pats you on the back gently and follows you over to the elevator to take you up to your room.

"Sorry about kicking you out of your room." You apologize in the elevator to Wardlow as it takes you both up.

"Don't worry about it." Wardlow insists. 

You nod and the elevator stops on your floor, you step out and pull your room key from your pocket and head to the door of your room. When you get inside you find someone waiting for you. It's your other brother this time, Dustin.

"Dustin." You glare at him coldly, knowing that he's here to try and stop you.

"Y/N, honey I know Cody yelled at you and that was wrong of him." Dustin rises to his feet from your bed. "But he's got a point, Max is bad news. You of all people should know that. He attacked Cody, family." He reminds you.

"I know." You sigh deeply, conflicting feelings bubbling up inside you. "I love him, Dustin."

Dustin shakes his head, you know that he won't fight you on leaving. Instead, he walks up to Wardlow with a firm look on his face.

"You or your buddy do so much as make her feel uneasy I'm coming for both your asses," Dustin warns. "You watch her back you hear me? That's my little sister and you are now her soul protector."

"She'll be safe." Wardlow rolls his eyes at Dustin.

Dustin nods his head and gives you one last look before he leaves you be. You silently collect your things and head back to the elevator with Wardlow to head to Max's floor.

When you get to Max's room Wardlow unlocks the door for you then hands over the keycard. When you get inside you find Max waiting for you holding the key to Wardlow's new room. He collects his suitcase and leaves you and Max alone for the night.

"Everything go okay?" Max asks you as you set all your stuff down onto the floor.

"Yes." You nod. "Dustin was there though." You add. "He just let me go." You aren't really sure how you should take that fact.

"He knows I'd never do anything to hurt you princess." Max walks over to you and wraps his arms around you. "Him letting you go doesn't mean that he doesn't care." He assures you.

That's one of the reasons you love Max, he has always had the keen sense to just know what's bothering you, or what your thinking.

"Thanks, babe, that makes me feel better." You take a deep breath and calm yourself back down from your intrusive thoughts.

"Good." Max nods. "You know I hate seeing you sad. That's why I ordered your favorite."

Max moves over to the side of the coffee table in the room to reveal a large heap of your favorite food still warm and waiting to be eaten.

"Aww, Max you didn't have to." You shake your head and walk over to the table.

"Yeah, I did," Max replies and sits down with you. "Anything to cheer you up, honey." He watches the wide smile on your face as you sit down to eat. "Love you princess." He comments with a chuckle.

"Love you too Max."

QOTC: I know most of us probably crush on mostly wrestlers, but does anyone have any major celebrity crushes? My tops ones are Jai Courtney, Sebastian Stan, and Hailey Steinfeld. What about you guys? Let me know in the comments!

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