Damian Priest

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"Alright, you have a good day now." You wave goodbye to your last client of the day. Well, last important one anyways.

You put the bills in the register then close up your appointment book for the day. You only have one client left for the day. And it's safe to say that he's by far your favorite client to see. Damian Priest.

Damian has been coming in for the past few weeks to get his right arm sleeve finished by you. And you've been more than happy to help him out with that. There's just something about Priest that you can't seem to get enough of. Whether it be his magnetic personality or the raw sexual tension in the room when you two are with one another you don't know.

"Claire?" You walk over to your apprentice sitting by her corner desk looking down at her sketchbook. "How you doing?" You look over her shoulder at her sketchbook.

"Fine." Claire nods. "Just finishing up this idea then I'm gonna head home."

"Alright, I'll be at the front desk if you need me." You nod and head back out to the front of the store.

While waiting for Damian to arrive for his usual appointment you busy yourself with cleaning up a bit. Emptying the trash can and refilling the coin machine with little random tattoo designs sitting by the doorway. After that's done you take a seat behind the counter and answer a few emails.

Your heart skips a beat when the bell on the front door chimes as someone enters the shop but you don't look away from your monitor.

"Welcome to the inkwell, how can I help you?" You nonchalantly rattle off the usual greeting while you finish your email.

"Yeah, I'm here for my appointment? I brought snacks." Your visitor replies casually.

"Damian!" You finally look away from the monitor to see Damian standing on the other side of the counter with a bag in hand. "Nice to see you again." You wink at him and flip the counter divider up so he can pass.

"Yeah, always a pleasure." Damian nods with a sly smile and follows you to the back.

On your way, you pass Claire as she gets ready to leave. Damian walks ahead of you while you stand and talk to Claire for a moment."You headed out Claire?" You ask her casually as you lean against the wall.

"Yeah, and it looks like just in time too." Claire nods her head. "Hey if you two end up having rough sex in there please don't make me be the one to clean it up in the morning" She fake pleads to you.

"No promises." You laugh and push her shoulder towards the front.

Claire heads out and locks the door behind her before she leaves. When you know she's gone you head to the back room where Damian is waiting for you.

"Did you assistant just imply that we were gonna have rough sex?" Damian asks you as soon as you step through the door.

"Maybe." You shrug and walk over to your tool shelf. "Depends on what your opinion on the subject is."

"Is that so?" Damian chuckles.

"Mhm." You set up the tattoo gun quickly and take a seat on your stool. "Arm please." You wait for Damian to set his arm on the rest.

"Hold on." Not feeling like rolling up his sleeves Damian strips his shirt off and tosses it to the side. "There, continue."

You roll your eyes with a grin, knowing that Damian is teasing you. You start on the rest of the piece that will complete his arm sleeve.

"You know, we might have to come up with a new tattoo idea for you." You fall into casual conversation again. "This is your last day here, I'm just about to finish this piece." You do a little shading on the side of the piece.

"Oh well we can't have that now can we?" Damian chuckles.

"Mhm." You hum and finish up the piece then switch off your machine.

After your machine is done being put away you grab some wrap for Damian's tattoo and help him get it all wrapped up and ready to heal.

"Well then, I look forward to seeing it when it's all ready to go." You toss the wrap to the side once your finished and roll your stool back over to Damian's side. "Anything else I can help you with today?"

"Yeah." Damian nods with a suspicious grin. "Remember how I was thinking about maybe getting a tongue piercing? Well, what if I said I wanted to go through with it?"

"Of course!" You laugh with a nod. "I think maybe you just really want me to handle you up close." You tease.

"Maybe." Damian shrugs with a sly smile.

You sigh and shake your head before you exit the room for a second to grab the needle and other stuff you need to do a tongue stud. When you come back Damian is still sitting in the same spot and still hasn't put his shirt back on.

"Okay," You walk over to Damian's side and pull out your needle along with a plain silver stud. "Open up." You pull on your gloves and ready the needle.

"Demanding much?" Damian jokes.

"Just open your mouth." You shake your head.

Damian does as told and sticks out his tongue for you. You have to take a second to compose yourself after the look he gives you.

"Something wrong?" Damian teases when you stop for a second.

"Hush." You scold him. "I am holding a needle after all. Why do you even want this thing?" You ask as you ready the needle again.

"The sex, duh," Damian replies. "Imagine how much better shit feels when your man has his tongue pierced."

"Of course." You shake your head again. "Okay, hold still."

You go through with the piercing and slide the needle through Damian's tongue then quickly add the stud. He doesn't even flinch, which, you hate. You kind of wanted to see him squirm. Once it's done you pull off your gloves and turn around to throw them away then leave for a second to put your kit back where it belongs.

When you come back Damian surprises you when he is suddenly no longer in his chair but right next to you. You gasp a little when he pulls you into his side with a swift movement.

"What do you say to trying this thing out?" He raises his brows as his face inches closer to yours.

"I don't see why not." You can't help the huge grin on your face as Damian's lips brush yours gently at first before his newly pierced tongue is in your mouth.

He was right, VERY right. That tongue stud makes a HUGE difference. And it also looks like you might have some extra work for Claire when she comes in tomorrow after all.

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