Kenny Omega

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You are fresh off of a win against Penelope Ford and are heading backstage to change when you get stopped by the one person you probably don't ever look forward to seeing, Chris Jericho.

"That was some win out there, Y/N." Chris grins as he stands in front of you.

"Thanks." You quickly nod. 

"I'm serious now, you're a real talent babe." Chris presses on.

"Yeah, thank you." You nod again, just wanting to get back to your locker room.

Thankfully for you, the stage manager urges Chris to head out to the ring before he can continue to talk with you. You make an internal sigh of relief and head back to the locker rooms.

You've never really been much of a confrontational person. Always kind of just sticking in the background when it comes to the spotlight. In the ring, you're a force to be reckoned with, but you're more than a little bit of a strong silent type.

In the locker room, you get changed back into your everyday wear and then head out to catering to grab a snack since the show still has a significant amount of run time for the night. You opt on an apple and a bottle of water to hydrate and take a seat at one of the empty tables. 

Across the room, Kenny and Adam are killing time before they are needed out in the ring by hanging out in catering when you catch Kenny's eye. Page, of course, catches his buddy googling over you and comments on it.

"Wipe the drool off of your chin man." Page chuckles lightly and knocks Kenny on the shoulder lightly. "Seriously man, if you stare any harder she's gonna burst into flames."

"Sorry." Kenny mumbles quietly and averts his gaze back to his friend.

"You should go talk to her." Adam suggest. "She doesn't bite, well probably not anyways."

Kenny shakes his head and turns towards the doorway.

"She looks busy, besides. Weve got a match to get to soon." He reminds Page of the match they are booked in for the night.

"Mhm." Adam rolls his eyes, he knows Kenny is just stalling.

The two of them exit catering and head out to the arena entrance to wait for their turn to be on camera. 

Back in the catering room you are having an internal panic attack as you finish off your apple. You were in the middle of eating when you felt a pair of eyes on you earlier. You carefully peaked over your phone in your hand to see Kenny Omega staring at you for a split second.

You've had a crush on Kenny for a while now, and it wasn't hard to see why. Kenny is one of the sweetest guys you know, he's polite and funny. He shares your passion for being in the ring, and for video games and movies as well. A match made in heaven,  and in your head.

"Pin him!" Kenny stands on the apron In his corner of the ring as Adam goes for a pin on his opponet.

Adam manages to get the three count and the bell rings. Page slips out of the ring and meets Kenny at the ramp so the two of them can head backstage.

"Well, that was a workout." Page nurses his now sore arm as him and Kenny walk back to the locker rooms.

"I agree." Kenny chuckles and rubs his equally as sore back.

The two of them get back towards the locker rooms and pass Jericho's room, the door is cracked open a bit for air and Kenny overhears a conversation between Chris and what sounds like Jake Hager as he passes by.

"Well, I say that we go have a chat with her after the show." Hager suggest. "That way she wont have anyone around to let her off the hook while talking to you."

"Yeah, that's a great idea." Chris agree's. "Y/N's gonna give in eventually. I know it."

This overheard statement is enough to get Kenny to stop cold for a second. Page is too busy complaining about needing a drink to notice Kenny or Chris and Hagers little exchange and just keeps on walking.

"Y/N." The thought of Chris harassing you makes Kenny's blood boil and he quickly hatches a plan to help you out and punish Jericho for being such a sleezeball.

You finish up your meal and grab your bags from the locker room before you head out to go back to the hotel for the night. You get out to the dimly lit parking garage where your rental car is when Chris and Jake show up out of nowhere and block your path.

"Y/N, funny running into you out here." Chris flashes you a grin.

"Y-yeah." You nod and swallow hard. 

Your knuckles whiten as you grip your gym bag as hard as you can out of fear.  Chris and Hager both tower over you as they block your path to your car.

"So, about that date I was talking about earlier." Chris starts off right away and takes a step towards you.

You are about to take a step directly backwards when something catches your eye. A ways behind Jake and Chris you see Page and Kenny making a B-line towards your little group. It's not hard to see from the look on his face that Page is about to take Hager to the floor and Kenny means to do something alone those lines to Chris so at the last second you step to your right and get yourself out of the way.

"Trust me, she's not interested." Kenny grabs Chris by the back of the shirt and spins him around at the same time that Page takes out Hager with ease a few feet away.

Kenny delivers a well deserved punch to Chris's face and you can hear his nose crunch under the pressure.

"Get the hint dickbag, she's not interested in you." Kenny raised his fist to get his point across. "Me or any of my buddies for that matter catch you talking to her again and I'll personally come beat your ass. Got It?" Kenny asks firmly, his face as serious as you've ever seen it before.

Chris is silently holding his nose as blood oozes out of it but nods his head.

"Oh, and if you mention this little incident to management? Well then we'll be happy to point out that you've been sexually harasssing a member of the female staff." Adam adds as he walks over to Kenny's side.

With their point more than a little made Kenny and Page both turn back to you silently watching from the sidelines as Chris and Hager slink off.

"You didn't have to do that." You all of a sudden get hit with a wave of awkwardness.

"Yeah, I kind of did." Kenny flashes a kind smile at you. "I overheard him in his locker room earlier. Bothering you like that? Super creepy."

"Well, thank you." You nod your head. "I appreciate the help." 

"Anytime." Adam nods his head as well. "Anyways, I believe Kenny here would like to ask you something." He clasps Kenny on the back with a grin.

"Oh?" You turn your head over to Kenny curiously.

Kenny flashes Page an 'i hate you' look then quickly turns back to you.

"Yeah, I was wondering if maybe I could get you to catch some lunch with me sometime?" He asks you sheepishly.

"Lunch? Yeah....I could do lunch." You think it over for a moment and decide that this mind as well be the moment that you get over being so shy.

"Yeah? Perfect." Kenny flashes another bright smile. "I'll call you then?"

"Yeah, sounds great." You blush a deep red and head out to your rental car.

"Your welcome, by the way." Adam smacks Kenny on the arm again and laughs.

"Shut up." Kenny shakes his head and hits Adam back.

QOTC+AN: Next up we have a Lance Archer chapter because I miss writing about Mr. Large and in charge. After that look out for another request upload. Also, i'd like your opinion on possibly a Kenny and Page chapter where they are both with the reader? Lemme know what you think about it below! Thanks for being patient with my erratic upload schedule. Much love


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