Sammy Guevara

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"God, he's SO hot." You sigh heavily, your eyes glued to the ring.

"Sure." Sammy rolls his eyes next to you lightly.

"I mean just LOOK at him." You gesture to Moxley currently in the ring with Santana. "Now THAT'S a man, Sammy."

"Yep." Sammy nods his head again, trying to focus on the match.

You shake your head and decide it's probably better to focus on winning rather than thirsting over Jon for once. You notice Darby hanging out in Jon's corner waiting for a tag and take up the opportunity to go bother him.

"Darby!" You walk over to his side of the ring and wave at him as he glances over at you.

"What?" He furrows his brows as you skip over to him with a smile.

"How ya doin?" You ask him with a grin.

"I......fine." Darby shakes his head and directs his attention to you.

With the distraction, Santana pulls Jon back to your corner and is able to make a tag to Ortiz.

"That's great!" You laugh then turn around and head back to your own corner.

You hear Darby yell 'HEY' behind you as you walk off after he realizes what you were doing. You walk back over to Sammy's side and go back to watching the action in the ring.

After your team manages to pick up the win you jump up and down in excitement, unaware that a certain someone is staring at you like a lovesick puppy.

"Hell yeah!" You high five Santana as he slips back down to the floor.

Sammy watches from a few feet away and shakes his head at the sight of you. If the man was any more in love with you then it would probably kill him. You finish up celebrating with Santana and walk back over him for a high five.

"See, I told you that we'd win." You high five Sammy with a grin.

"Yeah, I guess you were right." Sammy nods his head.

"I'm always right." You correct him with a laugh.

With that, all four of you head backstage for the remainder of the show. You walk side by side with Sammy until Chris cuts in to talk to him for a minute. You walk over to Santana to talk to him for a bit.

"So, what's on the agenda for the rest of the night boys?" You squeeze in between him and Ortiz and sling your arms over both of them.

"I was gonna go hit a club or two." Santana answers.

"I'm headed back to the hotel after the show." Ortiz shakes his head.

"Clubbing sounds nice." You turn your attention to Santana. "Need a plus one?" You ask him.

"I thought you and Guevara were planning on having drinks?" Santana reminds you that you already made plans with Sammy.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot." You suddenly remember making the plans. "Oh well." You shrug and decide to head back over to Sammy since it looks like Chris is done with him.

You head back over to Sammy as Chris walks away, he smiles when you get over to him.

"Any idea where you wanna go out for drinks tonight?" You ask him casually.

"No idea." Sammy shrugs. "Any place is cool with me I guess."

"Great plan!" You joke with a laugh. "I'll meet you at the hotel later, mkay?" You decide that if you're gonna go out then you mind as well dress nicely for the occasion right?

"Alright." Sammy agrees and heads off back to the locker room.

After the show, you head back to the hotel and pick out a nice outfit to have drinks in. A pair of black skinny jeans and a Metallica crop top as well as some black boots to complete the look. You add your leather cropped jacket to the mix in case it gets cold and wait for Sammy to show up so you can go.

A little later you get a text from Sammy telling you to meet him in the lobby. You grab your jacket and head out after replying that you're on your way down.

Down in the lobby stands and waits for you to head down when he runs into Jon, who also happens to look like he's about to go out for drinks himself. All of sudden a pang of jealousy washes over him. Why did you have to be so damn infatuated with this man? Why couldn't you look at HIM the same way that you look at Jon?

"Hey, Moxley." Sammy strides over to Jon with confidence.

"Hmmm? What do you want small fry?" Jon rolls his eyes when he sees Sammy walking over to him.

"I've got something to say to you." Sammy gets to Jon's side and pokes a finger into Moxley's chest.

"Oh yeah?" Jon raises a brow at the smaller man in front of him. "Well, shoot then."

"I want you to stay away from Y/N," Sammy speaks in a firm of a tone as he can, trying to sound as intimidating as possible.

"Who? Y/N?............Oh." Jon thinks for a second about who Sammy could be talking about. "You talking about that sweet Lil thing that's always hanging with Jericho and the rest of you? Why would I even have an interest in her?" Jon sneers.

"What's the suppose to mean?" Sammy immediately switches into defending your honor.

"Sure she's pretty." Jon shrugs. "But she's like what? 24? Way too young for me." He shakes his head.

"She's more than just some pretty face Moxley." Sammy huffs. "She's smart and funny, and beautiful. Not pretty, beautiful. Got that?"

"Okay." Jon puts his hands up in defense. "You like her so much then why don't you just ask her out?" He asks.

"Yeah, why don't you?" Sammy whirls around with a look of horror on his face when he hears you answer him.

Unbeknownst to him, you'd gotten into the lobby just as Sammy made his way over Jon. You'd walked over there to see what he was up to talking to Jon when he started talking about how much he likes you.

"Y/N........I.....umm." Sammy stutters as Jon gives you a small wave and walks off.

"You really mean all that stuff you said about me?" You ask Sammy with a soft smile.

"Every word" Sammy nods his head.

"I think you're an exceptional guy too you know." You grin.

"You do?" Sammy replies.

"Of course!" You nod. "Sammy you're one of the coolest and sweetest guys that I know. I might have a crush on Jon but it's just that. A crush. I like you in fact, and frankly, I'm glad to know that you like me back." You go ahead and hold your arms out for a hug.

"Wow, this went way better than expected." Sammy laughs lightly and hugs you.

"Good. Now come on, you're buying the first round lover boy." You joke and grab Sammy by the hand to drag him outside so you can get an Uber to the bar.

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