Marty Scurll

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The window in your bedroom creaks as you sit on your bed curled up in a few blankets. The thunderstorm outside is just beginning to pick up, the same as your heart is. You've been scared of thunderstorms ever since you were little. Sure you didn't really have a valid reason for it, but there was just something about the loud crash of thunder and heart stopping flashes of lightning crackling across the sky that made you positively uneasy.

"Mmmm, no god........s-stop." You whimper under the covers as another loud clap of thunder sounds outside.

Not about to ride this storm out alone you reach for your phone and dial your boyfriends number. If there was one person that could get you through this it was Marty.

"H-hey M-marty." You stutter into the phone when it stops ringing and Marty picks up.

"Y/N?" Marty replies, concerned about how scared you sound. "Y/N love, what's the matter?" He asks you in a concerned but soothing voice.

"Th-thunder storm." You stutter out again. "C-can......y-you come on.....over?" You ask him as lightning flashes through your window making you whimper again.

"Of course love!" Marty instantly replies, you can hear him rummaging around for his keys in the background. "I'll be right over Y/N love." He insists. "Just hang in there beautiful." You hear his front door shut right before he hangs up.

You drop your phone back down to the bed and wait under the safety of your covers, hugging a pillow close to your chest as the storm picks up outside your window. After about ten minutes you start to get worried.

"What if something happened to him?" You think to yourself about how it usually only took Marty five minutes to get from his place to yours. "Oh god." You shake your head as thunder sounds again outside.

The silence of your house makes you even more nervous, the only sound being the rain beating on the roof and the thunder raging outside. You don't even hear Marty's car pull into the driveway or enter your place.

"Y/N?" You take your face out of your pillow when you hear Marty call your name from somewhere in the house.

"In the bedroom!" You call out to him praying that he can hear you.

"Y/N love, there you are." You hear Marty again as he enters your bedroom.

The power is out so all you can see is his shadow illuminated by what you believe to be his phone's flashlight through your shield of blankets. You relax a little when you feel a weight sink down on the side of your bed.

"It's alright love, just a bit of a storm is all." Your blankets are parted by a warm hand as Marty appears before you with a soft smile on his face. "There's my girl." He cooed as he scoots next to you so the two of you can be close. "Come here love, everything is alright." He assures you as Marty pulls you into his lap.

Another round of loud thunder and lighting sound outside making you press yourself into Marty as hard as you can. You whimper into his chest as the rain outside starts to pick up making it sound like rocks on your roof.

"Man this storm is getting bad." Marty speaks in a soothing tone as he rubs your back for support. "Doesn;t matter though, I'd never let anything hurt you love." He assures you, kissing the top of your head lightly. "It'll all be over soon."Marty insists as he stares out your window at the storm outside.

Being from the UK Marty was used to this type of weather, the thunder and lighting being the norm for him growing up. You were the first person he'd met that was afraid of storms like this. That doesn't matter to him though, he loves you much more than he likes stormy weather.

After a while of being in Marty's embrace you start to feel a bit better. With him around you manage to work up the courage to detach from his arms so you can look and talk with him.

"Hey there's my beautiful Y/N." Marty smiles softly at you again when you sit back up.

"Thanks for coming Marty." You thank him for driving in this storm just for you.

"It's no issue love." Marty shakes his head. "I'd drive through the worst of storms if you said you needed me. Besides, we get alot of this weather back home." He nods to the window.

"Ugh, I can't even imagine." You shake your head in fear and disgust. "Light rain i don't mind, it's actually soothing." You express your love for just rain. "But when it gets like this? I-i can't even imagine having to live in a place where it's like this all the time." You shudder at the thought.

"Eh, it's alright love. It is just weather after all." Marty shrugs his shoulders. "In fact, it sounds like it dying down out there." He glances over at the window, seeing that the rain has died down a little bit.

"Good." You snuggle back into Marty's side. "The only good thing to come out of this damn storm is you." You sigh into his shoulder.

"Got that right love." Marty nods his head with a grin. "I am the best boyfriend in the world after all." He teases you with a light chuckle.

"Oh are you now." You lean back up into a sitting position to look at your smiling boyfriend. "I don't know about all that." You tease him with a shake of your head.

"Oh I am so the best boyfriend in the world." Marty retaliates. "I drove through a nasty thunderstorm for you." He points to the window.

"I suppose you did." You crack a smile. "Guess that makes you a pretty damn good boyfriend." You press a light kiss to his lips with a grin.

"Damn right." Marty nods. "The BEST one."

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