Chad Gable

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With the introduction of the 24/7 championship in WWE Drake is always busy with his quest to get the belt for himself. This of course leaves 205Live without an intune General Manager most of the time. This is where you come in, Drake hired you to be his assistant and make sure that 205Live runs smoothly when he's not around.

Three weeks into the job and Drake is still failing to tell you things, this time he forgets to mention that he signed one of SmackDown Live's former members to 205 last minute. So now you struggle to get caught up with Drake and the show once again.

"Okay, new member." You rummage around Drake's office for a clue as to who this new member could be. "New member." You repeat again and leaf through some papers. "Who is this new member?" You throw your hands up in frustration.

You take a deep breathe to calm down and go back to rummaging through papers again. After a few minutes of looking you still can't find any clue as to who the new hire was. Just as you're about to give up and wing it someone knocks on the door lightly.

"Come in." You sigh and slump down in Drake's office chair in defeat.

You glance at the door expecting to see someone like Mike or Maria walk through the door, ready to get their annual complaining in for the day. To your surprise someone you don't recognize at first walks through the door.

"Drake?" The handsome stranger furrows his brow as he enters the room.

"Hi." You put on a smile and sit up straight. "Drake's actually not here tonight, but I'm his assistant, Y/N." You introduce yourself and get a good look at who had to be Drake's new hire.

You look the man over and swear you recognize him from somewhere. He's on the shorter side, but buff. Tanned skin and a bright smile, yes, you know you've seen him somewhere.

"Oh, well hello then Y/N." The stranger nods his head with a grin. "Chad Gable." He introduces himself to you.

All of a sudden you remember just who this man is, Chad Gable. He'd cut his hair, and that's why you didn't recognize him at first.

"Nice to have you here Gable." You shake his hand firmly. "I'm also afraid I'm going to have to ask if Drake told you anything about tonight. He kind of forgot to leave me any notes on you." You sheepishly ask for any info that Gable could provide to you.

"Yeah sure." Chad nods his head, smile bright and bold as hell. God he was cute as hell. "I'm supposed to have a match with Jack Gallagher." He informs you.

You nod your head, remembering that there was a free space in the plans for tonight's show. You quickly jot that down on some paper then turn your attention back to Chad.

"Okay, thank you." You thank him for helping you out. "That match will actually be starting soon, can i show you to the locker rooms?" You offer to kind of show Gable the ropes a little bit.

"Sure." Chad beams. "I'd love the company." He nods his head and opens up the door for you.

You smile right back at him and go ahead and show Chad around the back a little bit, as well as where the locker rooms are. You go ahead and drop him off at his locker room so he can get ready for his match with Jack.

"Well this is you, I look forward to see how you do against Jack." You wish Chad luck and head back to the conference room to hang out for the show and keep an eye on things.

Chad heads into his locker room to change into his ring gear for the night, happy that he ran into you actually. You didn't seem to remember that Chad knew who you were, in fact, he used to have a crush on you back when you worked backstage when he was in NXT with Jason Jordan. If anything, seeing you now just made Gable's crush even worse than before.

Nonetheless, Gable changes into his gear and heads out to the ring for his first match on 205Live. The crowd seems to love him when he heads out, a fresh face for them to take in. His match with Jack starts and he gets to work.

Back in the conference room you relax and watch how the show is running from the monitor on the wall, the crowd seems to love Gable and his in ring ability. Seeing him in action in the ring gives you some flashbacks to when you both worked in NXT. You used to have such a crush on him back then, he seemed so charming and cute then.

Now was a bit different, Chad had traded in the long hair for a neat cut. Something that you couldn't deny that he pulled off very well, if anything it made him look better than before. He still had that bright smile that you used to adore so much, one that could just light up a room.

You finish up watching the match, that Chad ends up winning, and head out to congratulate him on his first night of competition on 205live. You run into him just as he breaks through the curtain out to the ramp.

"Nice going out there Chad, you looked great." You compliment him with a friendly smile.

"Thanks." Chad nods his head. "I think that the crowd like me to." He sounds cheery as you both can hear the crowd still being rowdy out in the arena.

"They love you, especially twitter." You assure Chad that he'll let plenty of attention here on 205. "Drake was smart to offer you a spot on the roster." You remind yourself internally to thank Drake later.

"Yeah , I'm glad to be here." Chad nods his head. "And seeing you again just makes it all that much better, you do remember be right?" He asks you with a curious smile.

"Of course I do." You nod. "How could I forget a smile like that." You tease a little with a giggle. "Hey i was gonna grab some dinner after the show, wanna join me?" You decide to just go for it and ask Chad on a date.

"I'd love dinner, meet up after the show then?" He agrees to have dinner with you happily.

"Yeah, looking forward to it Gable." You agree on the time and part ways for the night.

It was about time you asked the man out, you'd outgrown watching him from the sidelines. He was just too damn hot to let slip through your fingers again.

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