Jay White

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"Jay?" You call out into your apartment after a long day at work.

Silence fills your apartment and you furrow your brows, Jay should be home by now.

"Jay!" You call out his name again, remembering your boyfriends' bad habit of listening to his headphones way too loudly.

No answer again. You sign and drop your bag at the door before you go in search of Jay. You check the usual spots first, couch, fridge, gym. No sign of him. You check a few more rooms and come to the conclusion that Jay isn't home.

"Weird." You speak aloud to yourself and head back to the main room.

You pull out your phone and dial Jays number, curious to see where he could possibly be.

"Hello?" Jay answers the phone after a few rings.

"Jay." You sign when you hear his voice. "Babe where are you?" You ask him. "I got home and you aren't here." You spin around the room for emphasis, even though he can't see you.

"Oh yeah," Jay replies. "Sorry sweetheart." He apologizes. "I went out to grab dinner from that Italian place downtown that you like, on my way home right now." He explains quickly.

"Oh." You nod. "That was nice of you, I'll see you when you get home then." Satisfied you go to hang up the phone.

"No problem babe, love you," Jay replies and hangs up.

You pocket your phone and laugh to yourself lightly. With a little time to spare you head to the bedroom and change out of your sweaty work clothes. When you come back from the bedroom you head Jay open the front door.

"Jay!" You pad into the main room to greet Jay with his hands full of food.

"Hey, baby." Jay greets you with a smile and hands you a few boxes of food.

You take a few of the boxes and take them into the kitchen. Jay follows behind you with the rest. You both set the food down on the counter.

"So what made you wanna drive access town to buy food?" You ask curiously and grab some plates and forks from the cabinet.

"You texted me earlier, remember?" Jay replies. "Said you were having a shitty day. So I figured you'd appreciate some good food." He smiles at you.

"Awwww." You shake your head at him. "Thanks, baby." You give him a small hug.

"Of course sweetie." Jay nods and takes a plate from you.

The two of you eat in relative silence, just enjoying the food and each other's company. You usually don't like talking about your work, being a simple High School teacher. It's only when you stand up and put your plate away that Jay speaks up again.

"I was talking to my boss yesterday, he wants me on the New Japan tour." He tells you.

"Oh?" You nod and wash off your plate. "Which one?" You ask casually.

"The two month one," Jay replies quietly.

You put your plate away in silence, not knowing what you want to say. This was always a topic of argument for you and Jay. He was always gone away on work.

"Oh." You nod and turn around. "Great." You speak sourly. "You gonna take it?" You ask him.

"I don't know." Jay shakes his head.

You nod, still quiet. Jay sighs, knowing that your upset.

"Babe." He speaks up. "I won't take it if you don't want me to." He insists.

"No." You shake your head. "Take it if you want, I don't care." You insist right back.

Jay shakes his head again, looking down at you with those warm eyes of his.

"Yes, you do." He corrects you. "I know it bothers you when I'm gone, it bothers me to babe." He tells you.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure." You roll your eyes at Jay and pad out of the kitchen to take a shower.

Jay sighs as you leave, hating that you're mad at him. He cleans up the food and waits for you to get out of the shower.

You exit the shower and walk to your dresser with a towel wrapped around you. You find Jay sitting on your bed waiting for you.

"What?" You ask him coldly as you open your dresser.

"Y/N," Jay calls your name. "Babe, don't be mad." He asks you.

"I'm not mad." You reply cooly and pull some underwear from the drawer.

"Babe." Jay stands to his feet and walks to your side. "Come on, talk to me." He insists.

You remain silent and pull some more clothes from the cabinet. you can feel Jay's hands ghosting over your sides. You turn around and collide with his chest since he refuses to move.

"Move Jay." You warn him with a glare.

"No." Jay protests. "I'm not moving until we sort this out." He insists.

You push past him, still frustrated. You pull your towel off and change, still silent. Jay sighs heavily and sits back down on the bed, he grabs your arm and pulls you down with him.

"Y/N, just talk to me. Please." He pleads with you.

"What?" You sigh and let yourself be dragged down.

"Babe, we need to talk about this." Jay insists. "I won't take the tour if you don't want me to. You mean way more to me than some dumb tour." He tells you.

"Well, I don't want to be the reason that you don't go." You reply, frustrated.

"Forget about that." Jay pulls your damp self into a hug. "I love you, and I've made up my mind, I'm staying with you." He insists.

"You know I hate that you're so sweet right?" You sigh into Jay's chest, giving up on arguing with him.

"I know." Jay chuckles, "But you look cute when you get all mad." He lifts your chin lightly with his hand and presses a sweet but short kiss on your lips. "I love you." He whispers into the kiss.

"I love you too Jay." You whisper right back to him.

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