Adam Page

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You walked down the road with your large dog on its leash, dragging you down the sidewalk against your will.

"Man, what has gotten into you today?" You chuckle as you're pulled along.

The large dog continues to pull you along, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, you struggle to keep up with him. You try and pull back on the leash, hoping to get him to ease up and give your aching arm a break from the force of being pulled from its socket.

All of a sudden your dog yanks the leash hard from your grip, you let go and fall forward onto the concrete and your dog goes barrelling down the street at some unknown person or thing. You groan as you hit the pavement, knee's and elbows scraping against it.

"Woah there buddy." You hear a sweet sounds male voice speak up. "Hey, are you okay?" It sounds again and you find yourself staring at a pair of boots.

The man that the sweet voice belongs to kneels down and grabs you gently by the arm, helping haul you to your feet. You get upright and come face to face with a handsome man with a full head of gorgeous golden hair and a pair of soft eyes.

"I....hello." You squeak out a response.

The man cracks a small smile that you swear could knock a girl dead, and you notice your dog sitting quietly next to him.

"Hello." The man answers you with that lovely smile still on his face. "Nasty fall you just had there, this big guy yours?" He gestures down to the dog.

"Yeah, sorry about that." You nod and grab your dog's leash from the ground. 

As you grab his leash you get a look at your tore up palms, now bleeding from the impact and the sting starts to set in.

"Ouch." The man notices them too. "That must hurt." He comments.

"It stings, yeah." You nod to him quietly. 

You can now feel some blood running down one of your knees and groan a little at the pain now settling in. The man looks at you softly then speaks up again.

"You know, I don't mean to be forward or anything. But this is my place if you wanna pop in and wash your hands off." He offers and gestures to the house you both are standing in front of.

"Oh no." You shake your head. "I don't want to be a bother mister? Oh, I didn't ask your name yet." You blush a little at your silliness.

"It's no trouble at all, really." The man insists, shaking his perfect golden hair slightly. "Please come in, I don't want those cuts getting infected, my names Adam by the way." He adds with another small smile.

"Y/N, I'm Y/N." You give him your name. "And okay, thank you." You take him up on the offer to come inside his place.

"Great, and it's great to meet you too Y/N." Adam nods and leads you up the path to his front door.

He unlocks the door and heads inside, you follow right behind him with your dog on your heels. The three of you pass a quaint living room to a small kitchen.

"You can wash your hands in the sink." Adam offers and moves out of the way of the sink. "And sorry about your dog, I think he smelled the dog treats in my pocket." He takes some dog biscuits out of his coat pocket and your dog immediately trots over to him.

"Oh yeah, that's defiantly why." You laugh lightly and run some cool water over your hands.

The water soothes away some of the pain, but still, leaves tore up skin and a bruise on your palms. You dry your hands and bend down to touch your now hurting knee. Adam notices it and pulls up a chair for you.

"Sit down." He tells you lightly. "I'll be right back." He turns around and disappears around the corner.

"What have you gotten me into now?" You shake your head and look down at the dumb dog that you love so much.

Adam comes back a minute or two later with some bandages and hydrogen peroxide. He pulls up his own chair next to you and pats his leg.

"You hurt your knee didn't you?" He asks you. "Let me take a look at it." He offers and pats his leg again.

You decide that you can trust Adam and hoist up your leg to his level, setting it on his own leg. He lifts up your pants leg to reveal a nasty and bleeding gash.

"Ouch." You wince at the blood.

"Ouch is right." Adam agrees and dabs away some of the blood.

He cleans up the wound for you and puts a bandage on it, you then take your leg back and thank him for it.

"No problem." Adam insists and sets his things down. "I feel bad for making your dog haul you to the ground like that." He chuckles lightly.

"Oh, it's okay." You shake your head. "He's done it before, and will probably do it again." You sigh and pat the dog on the head. "But I love him anyway." You smile.

"I can see that." Adam chuckles. "I still feel bad though, let me take you out for some coffee or something?" He suggests to you.

"Oh, you don't have to do that." You shake your head again. 

"But I want to," Adam replies. "Please?" He asks you with those soft eyes that seem to pull you in.

"Yeah, okay." You give in, finding Adam to be handsome and just the right amount of charming.

"Yes!" Adam grins ear to ear. "I'll let you get home and change then." He walks you to his door with a smile.

"Thanks." You nod. "I'll be back in a few then, and I'll be sure to leave this guy at home." You laugh and pat your dog again.

"Probably for the best." Adam laughs with you.

"See you in a bit then." You wave and take off back to your house eagerly. "Good job boy!" You praise your dog as you walk home.

He'd managed to score you a date with your handsome and charming new neighbor.

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