Namjoon's birthday plans

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Namjoon: It's my birthday! What should I do today? I could go to the park, make up a new word and try to get it into the new edition of the Korean dictionary, buy cool sunglasses , buy another pair of cool sunglasses after the first pair breaks, lay in the sun and get my dimples tanned, hang out with Jimin so I could feel really tall, and then- Wait, where is Jimin? Where IS everyone? Wait... Did they forget that it was my birthday today?


Namjoon: well, it looks like they earned themselves a verse in cypher pt. 5.


Hey everyone!

Sorry about the short chapter. I'm just really tired right now, and I wanted to to write Namjoon's birthday post when I'm well rested and sharp. I want to make sure that my baby gets the best I can offer (although he'll never see this. Ha). I really do love him. This precious, dirty minded, genius, dimpled ball of dorkiness and fluff.
What were we talking about again?

Aaanyways, I hope you still enjoyed this short chapter, and I can't wait to write Namjoon's actual birthday post tomorrow^^
Have a great Namjoon day💜

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