The dating question

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Interviewer: So, are you guys dating anyone?

Namjoon: We're very busy, so we don't really have time to date.

Interviewer: Interesting, because last week, a Twitter account called 'dimplelover97' uploaded a picture of you massaging the feet of another person. Were you massaging your girlfriend's feet?

Jin: *COUGH*

Jungkook: Oh shit.

Jimin: What was he saying?

Tae: I think they were talking about Namjoon's nudes.

Jimin: Why would they even-

Hobi: Jimin, Tae, SHUSH!-

Namjoon: WHa- HAHAHA, NO! It's not what you think, this is all just a big misunderstanding-

Interviewer: Sorry, maybe we got it wrong- was it your boyfriend's feet?

Namjoon: EXACTLY!- wait, NO! No no no! It was, well, it - they were my feet.

Interviewer: .........your feet.

Namjoon: Yes.

Interviewer: Forgive me for sounding doubtful, but I find that hard to believe, since you were facing the feet from the opposite direction.

Namjoon: ........ I'm very flexible.

Jin: Yeah he is. OH, I mean, Um - korean korean korean, korean korean-

Yoongi: Why are you saying the word korean?

Jin: Because then they won't understand me!

Yoongi:  then why were you saying it ENGLISH?!


Namjoon: Look, I know that people are very cerious about our dating lives, but I promise you- if we had any romantic connections, we would have shared it with the world. This picture is fake.

Interviewer: Well, I guess we'll have to take your word for it.

Namjoon: Yeah, HAHAHA-

*After the interview*

Jungkook: Phew, that was close. When I uploaded that picture, I thought the settings were set on 'personal'. I didn't know people will see it.

Hobi: why did you even have a picture of Namjoon massaging Jin's feet in the first place?

Jungkook: ....... I dunno, because it's soothing to look at?

Hobi: ...... Just watch ASMR food videos like everyone else, you weirdo

Jungkook: Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen. Namjoon, are you mad?

Namjoon: Oh, I'm not mad, I just feel sorry for you.

Jungkook: what? Why?

Namjoon: You know what Bighit do to artists who misbehave.

Jungkook: Wait, you mean....

Namjoon: Yep.

Jungkook: No. no, no, NO! NOT THIS! I'll take any punishment, just not the coconut hair! please, spare me!! PLEASE!!

Namjoon: Too late, I already texted them, they're preparing the bowl.

Jungkook: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

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