Jin puns are the best puns

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Jin: Haaah, it's my birthday tomorrow! I'm going to have such a joyful day, or should I say - a JINful day! I'll wake up at EleJin o'clock and play some video games. Then, I'll make myself chicken with JINger and honey. Then I'll watch a movie- maybe the one about the JiNie in the lamp. After that, I'll watch videos of armys saying how JINius  and handsome I am. Then, I'll buy my favourite flowers and decorate my room. I just love flowers, it's in my JINetics. I'll buy a nice pair of JINs that will show off my booty, but I won't post any pictures of it, because I'm doing this for me. And finally, after spending a relaxing day by myself, I'll join the guys for a fun birthday party and conJINue to have a great time.

Yoongi: Are you done?

Jin: Not even close

Yoongi: JIN god. I meant dear god- Oh, FUCK-


Jin's birthday post will be released tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy this disaster.
If you were able to count how many times I put the word 'Jin' in this post you'll get a free Jin meme

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