Jimin's protectors

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Jungkook: babe, you have to try these noodles, they're super tasty.

Jimin: No, thank you...

Jungkook: what? But you love noodles! 

Jimin: Yeah, but... I'm just not very hungry right now.

Namjoon: Really? How? You haven't eaten anything since breakfast.

Jimin: it was a big breakfast! Really, I'm full.

Jungkook: Jimin Hyung. Come on. Tell us what's going on.

Jimin: it's nothing, I'm just... I've been watching a few of our bangtan bombs recently, and I realized that I eat like a pig. It's gross. It's probably the reason that I've gained weight.

Namjoon: what? You haven't gained weight.

Jimin: Yes, I did.

Jungkook: Do you really believe that??

Jimin: I don't need to believe it, it's just facts. But listen, it's really not a big deal. Eat, enjoy your meal. I'm fine.


Jungkook: Well... If you think that YOU look like a pig, you should see me!

Namjoon: yeah, and me. Hey JK, I bet I can eat more than you.

Jungkook: you're on!

*Jungkook and Namjoon start shoving food into their mouths.*

*Twenty minutes later*

Namjoon: tired yet?

Jungkook: you wish.

*Thirty minutes later*

Namjoon: TiRed-EEGRFWF- YeT?

Jungkook: HA- DoN't MaKe mE LaUgH-

Jimin: Um, guys, I don't think that this is very healthy, maybe you should stop-

Jugnkook: And let that-HUURFG- grandpa defeat me? NEVER!

Namjoon: You're going DOWN, you coconut head. Speaking of, would you pass me the coconut milk, please?

Jungkook: I already drank it all, WHOOPS-

Namjoon: you LITTLE-


Namjoon: Ahhhhhhuifififjfj


Jugnkook: I think I'm gonna be sick.... Is the room spinning?

Namjoon: I don't know, but - UUURGGFTS. Oh, god, I just burped and it tasted like avocado and death.

Jimin: I knew this was a stupid idea! I should have stopped you right away, but I was just so surprised. You two never get competitive against each other.

Jungkook: we had to do it, for-Uuurdgf. It hurts to speak. No, I can do it! We had to do it, for - UUURRRGF. Nope, can't do it.

Namjoon: we had to do it, for you, Jimin.

Jimin: wait, what?

Namjoon: we wanted to eat like pigs, so you won't feel embarrassed when you eat.

Jimin: you did all of this.... For me?

Jungkook: yeah, for you. You- HRGFF- You shouldn't stop yourself from eating, babe. You're -HRRFGGGTS- beautiful and perfect just the way you are and - HHHRFFFGT- you don't need to change a thing about yourself and - - love you so much HRRFGLWTS-

Jimin: are-are you crying?

Jugnkook: YES-

Jimin: Oh, babe-

Jungkook: My stomach is so full, it just HURTS SO BAD-

Jimin: Oh, okay. But still, I.... I don't know what to say.

Namjoon: how about you eat something?

Jimin: but...

Namjoon: look, I... I hope that someday, you'll be able to see yourself the way we see you. But until then, please, just take care of yourself. Eat properly, don't work out too much, rest. If you can't do it for yourself, then do it for us.

Jimin: ...... Okay. I will. Thank you.

Namjoon: there, eat something.

Jimin: I can't.

Jungkook: why? Eat something, just a tiny bite-

Jimin: No, I really can't. You guys literally ate all of the food in the house.

Namjoon and Jungkook: Ohhh, RIIIGHT-

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