The more I taste, the more I want (Jaeyong)

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When Taeyong put the add in the paper for a roommate he was not expecting such a quick response. After the last asshole moved out he was left with double the rent along with all the other bills. He hopes this guy isn't a homophobic prick like the last. He's thoroughly cleaned the place, which wasn't tough considering his anal tendencies when it comes to such a task. He likes things neat and tidy, he likes order in his life. Don't get him wrong though he also likes to get a little freaky at times too. He's single and enjoys sex when he can get it. He's pretty bold when he's feeling horny but quiet and kind of shy any other time. His friends say he has a split personality and he kind of agrees.

Jaehyun is a regular college student, not extraordinary in anyway other than he's beautiful and doesn't know it. He's been told plenty of times but never agrees. He is also single and likes a one night stand with a pretty girl every now and then. He's been wanting to get out of his dorm for a while because he doesn't have time to study with his roommate always having guests over, so he answers the add for a roommate in an apartment not too far from his college. He doesn't really know what to expect, he's just hoping that he'll be able to study in peace.

When Taeyong hears the knock on the door he's a bit disturbed, he was horny and thought he had a little time to take care of himself before the meeting but the person had to be early. He reluctantly pulls the vibrator out of his ass and dresses himself quickly. He runs to the door with his still throbbing erection and almost comes on the spot seeing the beautiful man standing there getting ready to knock again.
"Hi, sorry I was busy." Jaehyun looks apologetic and tries to apologize.
"I'm sorry, I can come back later." Taeyong grabs his arm and ushers him in.
"No no I'm not that busy, come in I'll go over house rules and such then you can decide if you want to sign the lease." Jaehyun nods and follows the boy in.
After getting some drinks and snacks they sit facing each other on the couch.
"Ok so, I like my apartment clean, quiet and organized. I don't want you coming in at all hours of the night and no parties. I won't give you a curfew because you're an adult but I do want you to be respectful. Oh and one more thing, if this bothers you then don't even bother because I am fed up with worthless pricks who think they are better than me.
I like dick, big hard dicks and I like them in every cavity I can take them in if you know what I mean." Jaehyun is choking, unfortunately he had just bit into a cookie. When he finally gets under control he calmly responds.
"Ok well I like vag..." Taeyong covers his mouth.
"That's fine whatever you like is fine by me just don't think you can come in here and treat me like shit or abuse me because you're homophobic." He states firmly and Jaehyun wonders just what kind of people he's had to deal with in the past.
"No no of course I'm not homophobic at all I'm a very open person and in fact I..." Taeyong whips out the lease.
"Good I'm glad to hear it now I'll need this filled out and a check for two months rent up front, while you do that I have something to finish up in the other room." Jaehyun just nods and let's him go.
Taeyong goes into his room and yanks his shorts back down and proceeds to jack himself off, his hard on never did go away. The sad fact now is the face running through his mind as he pleases himself is that of his new roommate. With how hot he is he's very disappointed that he's a vagina man but he can still think of him, there's no harm in that right?
He softly moans and whimpers but tries to muffle it by biting his pillow.
He's face down, one hand on his dick and his other up his own ass. Bless his long fingers.
When Jaehyun gets done he goes to knock but hears the other doing who knows what behind the door and being the nosy person he is he quietly opens it just a crack. What he sees is an unholy, too sexy for any human pleasuring himself unashamedly. He can't peel his eyes away and he knows this is bad. He watches as Taeyong comes all over his sheets. It was the hottest thing he's seen in a long time. When he sees that Taeyong is starting to come to his senses again he quickly shuts the door and waits a few minutes for him to collect himself before knocking.
Taeyong jumps, his heart is pounding so hard he can hear it. "Did I really say all that stuff to him? Oh my god. I can't even control myself to wait until he leaves. What kind of wretched slut am I? Oh my god." He slumps against the door too embarrassed to open it.
"Taeyong? I left my check with the paperwork, let me know when it clears and I'll plan to move in. Thank you, and I'm, I'll let myself out." Taeyong barely let's out a noise of approval as he waits to hear the door click shut. He cries himself to sleep this night hoping that Jaehyun doesn't think he's a creepy pervert.

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