Chapter 5

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Walking out of the bathroom still having a headache after the night I had tonight. Tor had called my uncle Alessandro and told him where I was and where I was working. When I was standing in front of the three guys in that private still in my outfit I could hear my uncle yelling over the phone and it wasn't even on loudspeaker.

As I got dressed my phone was ringing off the hook since I had left Tor at the strip club, I knew it was family trying to get through to me but I didn't want to speak to anyone at the moment. I needed something to take the edge of things so I decided to head down to the corner. It was 2 am and there were people still walking around trying to score, whether it was sex or drugs.

No one cared what you did around here as long as you didn't get into their business.

As I walked up to my local dealer he gives me a nod, I went to hug him as he slipped the little bag into my back pocket and acted like he was patting my ass. "Cops are around the corner, be careful," he tells me into my ear, giving him a nod I put the money into his pocket and give him a kiss on the cheek before I walk off.

Seeing the cops sitting next to the corner store as I walk inside. "$10.50," says the old guy behind the counter, I pay the money and head outside.

"Hello miss your out late," says one of the officers who was standing next to the car.

"Where are you off to tonight," asks the other.

"Home" is all I said before I turn around but one of them catches my arm.

"Sorry, miss but we have to search you" was all they said before slamming me up against their car as they handcuffed me, biting my lip so I didn't make any noise from the impact. Officer 1 took the plastic bag away from me as they dumped the stuff onto the dirty sidewalk as officer 2 patted me down. I knew I was basted when he put his hand into my back pocket and pulled out the white powder that was held in the little baggy.

 I knew I was basted when he put his hand into my back pocket and pulled out the white powder that was held in the little baggy

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"Well looks here, look what we got," officer 2 says chuckling to him partner. "Looks like baby girl is doing some hard stuff"

Rolling my eyes I sigh to myself as officer 1 went to look through my purse. "Wow, who knew miss D'Amore would be far from home" he smirks holding up my ID.

"Wait. Where have I heard D'Amore before?" Officer 2 says looking over at his partner.

"The D'Amores are most known mafia family in NJ"

The next thing I knew I was getting pushed into the back of the police car being driven to the police station. Leaning my head back against the seat in the car I tune out the chatter that was coming from the front, but I realised we were heading out of town.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked but they both smirked and didn't answer. They were pulling to the side of the road officer 1 gets out of the car walking to open my side of the car pulling me out and made me walk down the bank of the hill. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked but it earned me a slap in the face.

He pushes me against a tree and I felt the bark of the tree cut into my hands. He pushes himself up against me as he fiddles with my pants, struggling with him. "Hold the fuck still bitch," he says but I slam my head into his making him stubble back, I could feel blood slip down forehead. "You fucking bitch," he says grabbing me by the throat and squeezing hard. I try to get air into my lungs but it doesn't work so I try the next best thing. I kicked him where the sun doesn't since. When he falls to the floor holding himself I also had fallen but I quickly got up before I kicked him in the face making him fall back m. He was unconscious.

Finally finding the key to the handcuffs it was a little difficult to undo them but I managed. I grabbed the officers gun before I made my way up the bank towards the car. Seeing as the other officer was taking a piss by the tree I quickly made a run for it to the driver's side. Thanking god the keys were still there as I started the car and took off making officer who was pissing shoot his gun to try and stop me.

I had never stolen anything in my life and now I was stilling a cop car! I was most definitely going to jail if I was caught.


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