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Jordan 'Digger'

"You fucking idiot! What the hell is wrong with you?" Maria yells in my face.

"Someone had to ask her" I yell back.

"I was asking her till you came over being all alpha male! She doesn't know anything about her dad because he left when she was young, they never stayed in touch! Your a piece of shit bringing up her mother like that, they just found out that she has cancer again and this time it's bad!" Maria yells pushing me back "don't worry just go back to fucking the whores in this god damn place."

"Maria! Enough!" Boss yells out across the clubhouse as Maria and I have a stare off with each other.

That was when Ángela walks in looking confused "why the hell was Lucy driving away like a maniac?" She asks as she places her bag down on the bar.

"Because this fuck head accused her of getting information about the club and taking it back to tell her dad" Maria says she glares at me before turning to face to Ángela.

"Well you better fix it fast because if she's upset and the way she was driving it looks like she's going to get herself killed." Ángela says as Maria nods her head before grabbing her bag and walking out of the clubhouse.

"You girls are giving me grey hair" Boss says to Ángela as she rolls her eyes.

"Did you all have to act like that? That girl has been through shit like every single one of us. She maybe the granddaughter to this guy that killed grandma but she might not know anything about it. From what I have find out he Lucy's father left her and her mother at 13.." she says as she takes a seat at the bar.

"I needed information Ángela"

"I understand that but you went the wrong way about doing it. Could of sat down and asked her and not go full on at her" she says shaking her head.

"Does her mother really have cancer?" I asked

"Yep. Right after her father left she got it and she has it again not sure how bad this time. Why?"

"Ah fuck!" I run my hand through my hair "I said something that I shouldn't of" I said as she raised her eyebrow.

"What did you say?"

"Asked her if it was fake..?" I groaned hitting my head on the table as I sat in the chair.

"You what!? You stupid idiot! Your lucky she didn't bite your head off! Oh my god! No wonder she was driving like that!" She says as it made me groan again.

I rushed out of the clubhouse towards my bike, I had to find her to apologise.


My knuckles were turning white as I had a tight grip on the steering wheel as I drove through the city I didn't know where to go I just needed to get away from everyone and everything. I couldn't believe that Jordan had said that to me, I was so angry. I was angry with him, with my father and with myself.

My phone kept ringing but I didn't answer it I just wanted to be alone but I ended up somewhere I thought I'd never go to again. My father's house.

As I rushed to the front door I started to bang on the door, as I maid answered the door I rushed past her "Miss?"

"Where is he?" I asked but then turned and yelled out "Dad!?"

"Miss please." She says trying to calm me down.

"Where is my father?" I ask her as she walked down the hall I followed after her. She knocks on the door but I just barge into his office, he was in a meeting since there were men sitting in front of his desk.

"Lucia what is the meaning of this" he asked looking so angry.

"Did my grandfather kill someone?" I asked as the men in the room narrowed their eyes at me.

"What are you talking about?" He asked as he looks away.

"Did your father kill someone?" I asked again but he never replied to me, he just shook his head stood up from his chair.

"I am so sorry about this gentlemen this is my daughter Lucia. As you can see she has no manners." He spoke to the men.

"Like fuck I do! Answer the fucking question!" I yelled throughout the office.

"Lucia Garcia you will not speak to me like that in my own house I suggest you leave this office immediately and I will come find you when I am done."

"Don't even bother.. I know the answer couldn't even look into my eyes to tell me no." I turn to walk out but stop "Oh by the way, I'm not Garcia anymore I changed it when you fucked off" I slam the door behind me as I walked past Jenny, she tries to talk to me but I ignore her as I got into my car.

I couldn't believe this...

My grandfather was a murder...

Who happened to kill a Moretti...

I had tears rushing down my face as I hit my steering wheel but the next thing I knew was I was upside down with everything around me smashed I could feel my head bleeding.

But then everything went black.


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