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It had been a stressful week, my mother had gotten worst and today I was going to take her back to the doctor to see what was wrong, but over the week I had barely spoken to anyone. Besides my father calling me non stop I just kept to my work.

As we waited in the doctor's office I couldn't help but bounce my knee up and down, my mother had reached over to stop me giving me a look to say 'if I didn't stop she'd beat my ass'. I was more nervous than my mother.

When the doctor walked in, she gave us a small smile before closing the door and taking a seat in the chair in front of us. "How are you feeling today Ms Schmidt?"

"I'm okay, just feeling tired," my mother says, I couldn't help but bite my lip my leg started to bounce again as the doctor spoke to my mother.

"I am sorry to say this Ms Schmidt but it looks like the cancer is back," she says my heart started to beat faster as tears came to my eyes when I looked at my mother. She sighed and nodded her head.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" I said snapping my head back to look at the doctor.

"There is chemo but this cancer has come back far worse than before. Your mother is stage 4..."

"Its okay sweetheart," My mother said as she grabbed my hand squeezing it. After that everything was a blur, I took my mother home as she went to her room to lay down I fell to the couch and started to cry as I held my head in my hands.

Everything was starting to fall apart, my father coming to town demanding things and now this. What was going to come next?...


A few days later I was back at work, I had opened the shop earlier than normal and I hadn't spoken to anyone at all over the weekend. I knew Maria was going to come looking soon because I knew she was getting worried with the number of texts and phone calls she was making.

As a few of my artists walked in saying their 'hello's' before they got to work, Alice took over the desk as I set up for the next customer of mine. I just wanted to lose myself in my work I needed to not think of anything but it was hard with the information my mother and I had gotten. My mother was dying and there wasn't anything I could do, except pay for the treatment but would it stop it? Would it go away? Would she survive this time around? Everything and anything was running through my mind and at the end of the day, I had a massive headache.

When the shop was shut and I was just sitting there at the desk my phone started to ring once again and when I looked at it, I knew I had to answer it.


"Where the fuck have you been? Why haven't you been answering anyone?" she yells into the phone at me making me sigh.

"I've been working, What's up?"

"I need to talk to you about something, can you meet me at the clubhouse?"

"Ah yeah sure, just give me 30 minutes and I'll be there"

"Alright but hurry it's important," she says before hanging up the phone, licking my dry lips I threw my phone into my bag before turning off the lights and locking up the tattoo parlour. All I wanted to do was go home and crawl into bed and sleep.

When I pulled up to the compound I walked inside, there wasn't a party going on just a few people hanging around drinking beers but something didn't feel right.

When I looked around for Maria she waved me over to a booth in the corner, I walked over to her she gives me a hug. "Are you okay? You look like you haven't slept" she says.

"I'm fine... What did you want to talk about?" I asked as I sat down.

"Right that... Okay, I need you to be honest with me okay" she says as I give her a nod. "Do you know why your dad is in town?"

"No, I don't. Why?" I look at her confused.

"It's just my uncle knows him along with his father and they did something bad"

"W-what did they do?"

She sighs running her hand through her hair "My grandmother on my uncle's side was killed and Martin Garcia had something to do with it all" she says, I didn't know what to say I was in shock.

"I..." I tried to say something but I just couldn't but she was about to say something else Digger walked over to our table.

"Looking for some more gossip?" He asks as he narrows his eyes at me when I looked up at him.

"Not now Digger," Maria tells him but he doesn't listen.

"So what is it going to be this time? The type of weapons we keep on ourselves or will it be something else?"

"W-What are you talking about?" I asked him, you could tell in his eyes he was angry at something or someone.

"You know exactly what I am talking about. You're here so you can tell daddy all about the club right?" I flinched at his tone, but how did he know about my father being here. Only Maria knew... Unless she told him..

"I-I'm not here..."

"Don't even worry about it. Why don't you go run along home to your sick mother, is she even sick or is that a cover-up too?" as he said that I stood up and slapped him across the face.

"How fucking dare you speak about my mother like that. You know nothing about me and where the fuck I came from" as I said this my German accent was strong, it always came out when I was mad since I mostly took over my mother and was born in Germany.

"Digger stand down!" I hear Alessandro growl and when I looked around everyone had stopped what they were doing and stared at us. When I turned to look at Digger the side of his face was red from the slap that I just gave him but his eyes were still angry well even angrier than before.

"I am not here to get informant about you, I came here for help from Maria when I needed it. If you don't believe me then why don't you get Cliff to look more in-depth about me and it will show you that my mother has cancer and oh that I was raped by the bouncer at my bartending job, which happens to be where I met Maria! So fuck you Jordan!" I turned to walk away but was stopped when I felt someone grab my arm, spinning around I punched Digger in the face before I rushed out of there.



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