Chapter 12

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I step out of the car when I see the bus pull up at the bus station, as I watched the people getting off the bus I see my best friend being the last of them. She was carrying her bags looking around as I walked over to her calling out her name. Giving her a smile as she returns it but it doesn't reach her eyes, Lucy drops her bags as she wraps her arms around me as we hug each other.

When we let go of each other I see that she had a black eye, cut lip, bruised cheek and a handprint around her neck, I sighed as I squeezed her hand. "Your safe now," I say softly as she nods her head picking up her bags but I take one of them and walk over to the car.

The ride home was quiet, I knew she would be tired from the events of the day and it was sad seeing my best friend like this. As I pulled into the estate's gates she gasps. "Holy shit girl... Since when do you own a mansion"

I giggle at her "It's not mine... it's been in our family for a very long time, way before I was born that is. God knows before that" I pulled up to the front door as Angela's guards help open our doors and take Lucy's bags inside and up to her room.

"Wow, it's soo pretty inside as well. How come you never told me about this...?" Lucy asks, I bite my lip and sighed.

"There is a lot I haven't told you. I wasn't ready but I think I need to tell you about it all."

It was going to be crazy telling someone other than family members about what has happened over the years and who I really was and what my family did. We are known as criminals to the outside world, people thought we were bad people who were into drug trafficking, human trafficking etc.

After I got Lucy settled into her own room across from mine we both headed to bed now that it was nearly 4 o'clock in the morning.


"Wakey wakey!...... Bitch get the fuck up!" I hear Lucy yell in my ear as I snap my eyes open.

"Fucking hell Lu.. Go away!" I say as I pull my blankets over my head.

"Nah! You're getting your white girl ass out of this bed!" she says pulling off the blankets making me freezing.

"I really hate you sometimes you know that right"

"Aww, babe I love you too. Now get up!" she smiles sweetly before walking out of the room, when I looked to my left I saw that she had left a steaming cup of coffee. Taking it into the bathroom with me as I got ready for the day.

When I walked down the stairs I could hear Lucy before I could see her, she was giggling away with Stella as I walked into the kitchen. Stella was pregnant again with her second child, so she was in her moods of baking and by the look of things she was up early cooking away.

"Ah, there she is! Come and look at what we made!" Lucy smiles but I tell she was in pain from what happened last night. I give her and Stella both a kiss on the cheek before pouring more coffee into my cup, I got Lucy some painkillers and handing them to her as she gave me a smile.

I could see that Stella was wondering what happened with Lucy but I know she hasn't asked her about it yet.

"Why are you always happy in the morning," I asked Lucy as she giggles before taking the painkillers.

"Because it's a beautiful day and I am with my best friend!" She smiles at me, "now tell me is every guy around here as looking as Angela's husband?" She says fanning herself as we all laugh, I roll my eyes.

Throughout the day, I had told her who I really was, who my family are and what we do and what we have done. I trusted Lucy with all my heart she was like family to me another sister.


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