Chapter 22

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"So I have been thinking about having a look down the road at the empty building that's up for lease," Lucy says we all sit around the clubhouse while the boys had gone off on a run, my uncle had left a We're prospects to stay back and keep an eye on things.

Bella was placing a sandwich in from on her son before she takes a seat next to me. "What were you planning on opening up?" Bella asks.

"A tattoo parlour" Lucy smiles.

"Wow that's great," Bella said as we sat around talking till someone yelled at us to all get down and the next thing we knew was the clubhouse was getting shot at. Bullets flew everywhere as people screamed while getting out of the way, kids were crying. As I looked around from lying on the floor I could hear Bella next to me yelling for Braxton to get down but he was too shocked and too scared to move. So I rushed over to him picking him up as I ran behind the bar.

As the bullets hit everything I held Braxton's head to my chest as the wood chips from the bar flew everywhere. As he held onto me I kept telling him it was okay and that everything would be okay. 

But it wasn't, it was far from okay. 

Everything had seemed to have stopped there was no bullets flying around anymore, the only thing we could hear was the tires of the car leaving the compound. 

"Stay down" My aunty Ruby yelled out, I didn't know where she was so everyone followed her command. I pulled out my phone to call Angela and tell her what had happened but it went to voice mail, sighing I put my phone back into my back pocket. 

"Braxton baby, are you okay?" Bella rushed over to us grabbing Braxton out of my arms as they both cried as she holds him to her chest. I got up to look around the place, it was a mess with tables and chairs were lying on their sides or broken. People were still lying on the floor as another prospect runs through the door that was barely hanging on.

"Ruby! I-I need help its Brody.." Jack one of the prospect says as my aunt Ruby rushes out to help him as I follow them over towards the fence. I see Brody leaning against the post holding his stomach. 

"Shit..." I say as I kneel down beside him, I could hear my aunt on the phone yelling at my uncle and telling him what had happened. I move Brody's vest out of the way as I lift his shirt so I could see but it looked bad so I pulled off my jumper and held it against his stomach. "You're going to be okay. Jack, you need to call an ambulance he needs to get to the hospital." I said.

"N-no hospitals. It will come back on the club" Brody says shaking his head. 

"Doc isn't here to help fix you up so you're going to the hospital," I said as Jack tell us that it's on its way. 

"I don't fucking care Alessandro. What the fuck is going on? I have women and children here and they came here shooting up the place?" My aunt Ruby yells over the phone as the ambulance comes through the gates.

As the paramedics help Brody into the back of the ambulance I felt a little bit dizzy when I looked down to see blood running down my arm. "Maria? Are you okay?" I hear someone ask from behind me, when I turned around I felt more dizzy than before, grabbing my head I felt someone hold onto my me then everything went black.


When I woke up all I could see was white walls as I looked around and I knew I was lying in a hospital bed myself. I looked up to see a nurse walking through the door "Oh your awake, that's great. My names Rachel I am your nurse." she says with a smile as she checks everything.

"What happen?" I asked.

"You had past out from some blood loss, you got yourself shot Hunny," she says squeezing my hand. 

"M-my friend came in..."

"Oh yes handsome young man, he is in recovery so everything is fine" giving me a smile before walking to the door to leave. As I lay my head down on the pillow I heard the door open once again when I looked over to see who it was. A man who I never seen before stands there wearing all black with a leather vest on like the one my uncle wears. 

"I have a message for your uncle. Tell him that the Sons of Chaos now deliver weapons around here," he says stepping closer his hand covers my mouth as I begin to panic as he pulls out a knife. He moves my blankets away from my body as well as the grown that the hospital put me in. He drags the blade of the knife along my thigh making me scream in pain but he was holding my mouth so it came out muffled. Tears were flowing down my cheeks by the time he was finished, he chuckles stepping back sending me a wink before he rushes out of the room.

I screamed for help as nurses came rushing into the room as well as my mother and my aunt Sofia. They looked shocked and confused as to why I was screaming and bleeding, the nurses had to rush me off to surgery again as the cuts were too deep.



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