Chapter 9

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Blade 'Doc'

We were on the road again with another run but this time we were picking up a weapon supply for our other charter in the next state, they were having troubles with a local gang. They had asked Boss to see if he could spare a few guys to help run the gang outta town.

I was happy to help I needed something else to be on my mind other than the one girl that was always there. So Niko, Reaper, Digger and I all decided to help with whatever they needed. I was happy to get head out onto the open road, feeling my bike rumble underneath me as I pushed it to her limits.

I loved it, it was the best feeling.

As we pulled up to the compound we were greeted by their president Zac. Boss had known Zac all his life as they both lived on the same street when they were younger.

"Glad ya'll made it safe" Zac says pulling each of us into a hug. Digger had driven the van with our supplies as the rest of us rode our bikes. After we went through with Zac and his VP Lenny about the weapons we brought we all went into the clubhouse for a beer. Tonight Zac has put on a party for us, we normally did this too if another charter were visiting etc.

It was great to let off some steam as I sipped from my beer watching the fighting that was happening in the ring. Both guys were bloody and getting tired in a few seconds someone would stop the fight before they didn't more damage and once that happen another to brothers stepped up and began to fight.

Girls with barely any clothing on we're walking around, two were sitting on Niko's and Digger's laps giggling away to what they were being told. Reaper of course was married to Stella sat next to me sipping from his beer. He was a man of few words, Reaper had been through a lot of the years and it had turned him dark and twisted...

He was kidnapped by the same gang who took Maria, they had tortured him into talking but he always kept his mouth shut.

"Enjoying your night?" Lenny the VP came up to us taking a sit across from us.

"Hell yeah! These pussy's have no idea what their missing out on" Digger says as he nibbles on the girls neck, causing her to squeal.

"Im married" Reaper says.

"Yes But Doc isn't...." Digger smirks taking a sip from the beer.

"Nah I'm fine..." I start to say but it was already to late Lenny had called over someone as she walks over to us. She had blood her as her skirt barely covers her ass as her boobs were about to pop out of her bra and shirt. As she took a sit on my lap making herself comfortable but I was anything but comfortable. As she ran her hand up and down my chest I was thinking how I could make it out of this situation but nothing came to my mind.


"Where are you going" the girl asked who I forgot her name again, I had quickly grabbed a shower and I was pulling on my jeans before I put on my socks and shoes.

"Get dress. I have church soon." Was all I said when I put on my shirt grabbing my cut before I walked out of the room. I could hear some people talking in the main area of the clubhouse so I made my way there.

I got handed a cup of coffee from Grace, Zac's wife. I nodded my head in thanks as I went to sit down next to Reaper.

"Enjoyed your night?" He asked with a smirk, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Just the same as home..." I said as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Hope we can head home soon, it's been over a week" Reaper says running his hand through his hair, I knew he wanted to get home to be with Stella since she was pregnant with their second child.

I nodded my head finishing off my coffee, as we were talking Niko and Digger came over talking about how the girls were they had last night. When they were about to sit down when we heard tires screeching to a holt outside the clubhouse.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Someone screamed as bullets flew through the walls of the clubhouse. I flew off my chair onto the floor like everyone else was. I could hear the girls screaming as they ran for cover, but when I looked up to see the guys were okay I saw that Digger was holding his thigh.


As the bullets were still flying inside, glass and wood were also flying around but I had to help Digger before his bled out.

"What the hell are you doing Doc!" Niko yelled at me as I quickly got up grabbing Digger pulling him with me as I went behind the bar to the storage room.

"Fuck Doc" Digger says as I place him on the floor as I quickly ran to get the first aid kit. When I got back to Digger I immediately got to work digging out the bullet that was lodged in his thigh.

By the time I was done, whoever we're shooting the place up had long gone as everyone was cleaning up the place or helping the other guy with bullet wounds. I made sure my guys were okay first before I moved onto helping with the charter doctor.

I didn't realise that I too had a bullet lodge in my shoulder, I didn't even feel it when it went in I had been high on adrenaline.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?" Niko came over to say to me as the other charters doc worked on getting the bullet out of my shoulder. "You can't just go off and do that man!"

"I wasn't going to let Digger bleed out man" I said whining in pain, he shook his head before turning away to answer his phone that was ringing. Over the last few years I did become reckless in these sorts of situations.



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