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I watched her leave and it broke my heart..

I didn't know if she would be back or not..

I turned around and went back inside Doc was helping Emma as she cried I rolled my eyes. "Why did you stop her Braxton?" She says in her whining voice. "I can't believe she broke my nose" I could see from the corner of my eye my mother and Moana smirking and giggling about it while everyone else went about their business.


"I don't care Emma, we are not together. Your just a sweet butt, a hole to fill" I said shaking my head at her "just leave" I turn around and head towards the gym.

All I could see was the look on Shadow's face her sad look that broke my heart every time I saw it.

I took off my kutte and shirt before I grabbed some tape to wrap my hands up in. Shadow was right we both grew up being taught by her grandfather about boxing. So if we ever needed to stick up for ourselves we knew how only if there was a fight involved.

I was punching the bag hard and before I knew it I was sweating, I leaned my forehead against the punching bag when I heard someone clear their throat.

My father..

My president..

He stood there leaning against the door with his arms folded in front of him, he shook his head and sighed. "Why do you keep pushing her away?" He asks. "That girl has loved you ever since she could walk. I remember watching you two play together and you would always help her with her shoes." He chuckles shaking his head.

"It's not safe for her to love me.."

"Why? Because of who we are?" He asks as I nodded my head yes.

"Well I'm sorry to say but no one is ever safe in our world. Even if she isn't with you Shadow could still get hurt because of who her father and mother are." He says walking over to me. "You see son these women that we love once they have their minds on something they will go and take it. There is no changing their minds about anything, trust me I've been there with your mother. This is why we call them Devil Women. They belong right by our sides whether we like it or not son."

I sighed as I looked down before I looked up to see Moana and Rider walk in. "What the hell is your problem?" Moana asks. "Your her best friend and you forgot to show up to her important day?" She says shaking her head.

"Shadow doesn't deserve you in her life, ever since you got patched in I've seen you push her to the side for years I've seen my little girl get her heart broken" she continues to says.

"Mo enough. Go upstairs." Rider says but she doesn't move she just stands there glaring at me. "Now!"

She shakes her head before turning around and walking up the stairs. I swallowed hard when Rider kept glaring at me, I knew this guy since I was little and he wasn't much of a talker but when it came to protecting his family, his club he was badass always used his fists rather than a weapon.

"You hurt my little girl again boy and I'll take you to the ring" he says pointing a finger at me. "Do you understand?"

"Yes sir" I said feeling like I was 10 again.

"Give her a few days to calm down and apologise to her" Rider says before nodding to my dad as he turned to leave.

"I love you son but you need to pull your head stop hurting her, stop pushing her away. She isn't going anywhere. We all see that you love her, your just blind to see it yourself." My father says to me grabbing my shoulder.

I nodded my head sighing to myself he leaves me behind in the gym as I turned back to the bag. I hated myself for what I've done but I just thought it was to protect her..


I've been sitting on my bed with Moxxi my 5 year old white husky. I rubbed her head as I bit my lip to stop the tears. It has been days since I had my dance recital. I've only had calls from Eva checking up on me, even though she got on my nerves I still loved her. She was family.

Moxxi whimpers as she lays her head on my stomach she knew I was sad and hated it, I starch her head. I sighed looking at her I needed to get away "wanna head to nana and pops?" I asked Moxxi as she barks at me making me smile slightly. I get up and packed a duffle bag bringing some food for Moxxi and a few toys I loaded up the truck.

I head to the clubhouse as I quickly got out to see my dad walk over to me "what's wrong?" He asks looking over to see Moxxi in the car.

"Nothing I wanna go see nan and pop is that okay?" I asked him as he sighs in relief nodding his head.

"Yeah baby that's fine, I'll let your mum know. Just text me when you there to make sure your safe. I'll give them a call to say your on your way" He says as I smile at him, I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he helps me back up in the truck. When he closes the door I looked out my window to see Braxton looking over at me, rolling my eyes I start the car and headed out.

My nan and pop were my dads parents they lived in the middle of no where on a farm and that's how they liked it. No city to annoy them.

It was the best way to get my thoughts together...


Devil Women  (The Devil Riders series)Where stories live. Discover now