Chapter 7

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Years ago I never saw myself standing on a stage entertaining men, but now that was how I was surviving. People were going to judge what I do but I was used to it now after three years of dancing in barely nothing.

I moved my body to the music as I closed my eyes getting lost in it as I swung around the pole as the men were cheering. No one could see my face since I still wore my masks, tonight I had a black lacy mask on. As I bit my lip sliding down the pole giving the crowd a view of my ass I looked over my shoulder and gave the crowd a wink before I lifted myself again and swung around the pole once more.

When my song ended I walked off the stage with my money in my hand, just as my boss nods at me. Taking off my mask just before I put on my robe I grab my cigarettes before I head out the back door to get some fresh air. Ever since the other night, I had been on edge looking over my shoulder once again. This had happened before right after I got kidnapped a few years ago.

As I blew out the smoke I leaned against the wall deep in thought till I realized I wasn't alone. "That wasn't very nice what you did the other night" He voiced left chills down my spine when I looked up to see the police officer's from the other night. "I thought I knew you from somewhere sweetheart," he says as they both step forward toward me.

Seeing both their dirty smirks on their faces, I threw my cigarette down. "What do you want?" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well sweetheart, I wanna finish what we started" The police officer 1 (still have no idea what their names were) but what he says makes me shiver in fear, making me back up against the wall but I already had my back against the wall as it is. The guy steps forward as his friends keeps a watch out for anyone coming down the alleyway. "Nowhere to go," he tells me as I look to my left to see that the back door to the club was shut so I wasn't able to get back inside, I didn't even realize that it had closed.

As he grabbed me by the throat as he forced himself onto me, I had gone into fear as I remember what had happened years ago. When my brain decided to realize what was happening it was too late I was struggling to get him off me but it didn't work. He was so much stronger than I was, my robe was ripped off my body same with the outfit that I still had underneath.

I was screaming but he placed a hand over my mouth to try and stop me but I bit into his hand drawing blood from him. "You fucking bitch! You fucking bit me!" He yells holding his hand as he took a step away from me, I was about to run for my life but he grabbed me and punched me in the face hard making me see black spots swinging my head to the side. I was dizzy from the punch but he didn't stop the attack, the officer kept going till I was lying in a pool of my own blood.

As I was in and out of unconscious, they did things that I never want to remember. No woman should go through that abuse but I couldn't stop it, I couldn't do anything. It felt like I was paralysed I could only hear them say the nasty words they spoke to me.

I woke to beeping noises to my left but I hadn't opened my eyes yet but I knew where I was by that sound.

The hospital.

My head felt heavy as I tried to open my eyes only one was able to fully open wide as the other remained shut. My throat was sore, I could feel the cuts and bruises on my arms and face well actually my whole body.

As I turned my head I see a nurse walk in my room as she notices that I was awake she gives me a soft smile. "Hello dear. I see you have woken up, let me get you something for the pain." And with that she left again.

A few minutes later she comes back in with morphine as she puts it into my IV drip. "There you hun, that should make you a bit more comfortable." She says.

"H-how..." I try to say but it was hard to speak my throat felt like knives were stabbing me.

"How did you get here?" She asks and I nodded yes.

"You we're attacked and a few gentlemen brought you in, they have been waiting outside for you to wake up."

I look at her in horror, I didn't know what happened after they attacked me in the alleyway. I had blacked out completely till now. I was scared I didn't know if the same two guys brought me in or if they left me to die there.

I knew she could tell I was scared by looking at me she gave my hand a squeeze but I jumped slightly. "It's okay hun, your safe now. I won't let them in if you don't want to see them but they said they were family."

"P-patch?" I chocked out with a sore throat, the nurse looks at me funny but then realised what I was on about.

"Their patch says Armored Beasts" She says, I relax that I knew who they were, I nodded my head. She gave me another hand squeeze before she turns and walks out the door. I lay my head back as I can now feel the morphine starting to work. I saw Tor walking in looking upset, he sighed before he sat in the chair next to me. "Your gonna be okay darling, I'll make sure of it" He says softly and that was all I heard him say before I fell asleep.

Merry Christmas 🎄

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