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As I drove down the dirt road I could see Braxton bike at the end, so I knew he was here. It took my 10 minutes to get to the waterfall, I had missed coming here. Remembering all the memories I sighed as I saw him sitting on the soft sand.

Today was another gloomy day, it was like that day all over again but with a different issue. When I got closer Braxton looked over his shoulder, he turned back to face the water as I took a seat next to him.

"What are you doing here..?" He asked me, when I took a look at him I knew he had been crying. His eyes were red and puffy, he even smelt like alcohol and cigarettes. His hair looked like he had ran his hands through it a million times and he wasn't clean shaved like he always was.

"I came as soon as I heard what happened"

"Well you shouldn't have, you left remember" he said as he threw a rock into the water, thunder roared above our heads.

"Don't throw that in my face... I only left because I needed to get outta here. We weren't speaking anymore, you left me here after I told you I lost our baby.."

"And how you lost it was because you were being reckless, I know about the fire that the garage heard your ma talking to my ma. You just had to do shit dangerously didn't ya, you just couldn't listen to me could you!" He says angrily. "You lost our baby because of stupid fucking street racing rivals!" He says through his teeth shaking his head.

I closed my eyes and let the tears fall "I'm sorry Braxton.." I said before I opened them again.

"For what? You don't care.. I don't know why your even back if your just going to leave again" he says running his hand through his hair.

"I'm here because your mother was family. She was like a mother to me as well.

He laughs out bitterly "Shadow you'll never be part of this family, you think your the princess of the MC but your nothing. Rider only felt sorry for you because you were a baby left in a car that was about to explode by your real parents" he says standing up, so I stood up as well I pushed him.

"Fuck you Braxton! Don't put shit on me because your hurting right now! Don't blame other people because you can't deal with the pain you are going through! Maybe you should go fuck some whores, since your always doing that when things get hard for you." by this point it was raining down heavily once again, we were both breathing heavy and we were both soaked.

I could see the anger in his eyes as he stared at me, I could see the steam blow out of his mouth because of how cold the rain came down. I could see the fists that his hands made and how red and sore they looked but I never backed down I stood there staring right back at him till he looked down and whimpered. My heart broke watching him, he loved his mother so much more then anything in this world. I walked right up to him as my wrapped my arms around his neck, he cried into my neck as he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's going to be okay" I said into his ear "she loved you very much" I cried with him, as he pulled back he leaned his forehead against mine.

"I'm so sorry Bub for what I have said for what I had done.. Ma told me to come see you to apologise but I just couldn't.. losing the baby and now ma..."

"I know... I know and we will get there it" I said as I closed my eyes.

"I love you Shadow and I always will.."

"I love you Braxton"


I pulled into the compound and got out of the car as Braxton got off his bike, he walked over to me "that your bag?" He asked as I looked at him confused nodding my head, he opens the door and grabs it. "Is-is it okay if you stay here?.."

I nodded my head once again as he grabbed my hand and walked inside the clubhouse. I told Braxton that I would meet him in his dorm after I spoke to my parents.

"Thank you for bringing him back... he hadn't been home for a few days." Niko says.

"Yeah he said that he was at the spot for those days just thinking, drinking and smoking."

"Everything okay?" My mother asks looking up from her tea, I nodded my head yes. I said goodnight to everyone before I made my way to Braxton's dorm room.

When I got inside I could hear the shower water run as the bathrooms door was wide open. His wet clothes were on the floor, I went to pick them up to throw them into his hamper. "Shadow?"

"Yeah it's me, so you need anything?" I asked him.

"Come in"

"A-are you sure?" I bit my lip as pop his head out of the shower curtain.

"Your all wet you need a shower too otherwise you'll catch a cold." He says before going back into the shower I sighed as I took off my clothes I got into the shower, gasping as the hot water landed on my cold skin. Braxton pulled me under more, it felt amazing to finally be warm.

I opened my eyes to see Braxton was looking down at me, he grabbed the shampoo and I turned around. I could feel his hands work my hair and I couldn't help but moan because it felt good.

Once we were done we got dressed and headed to bed, when Braxton's head hit the pillow he was gone and so was I.


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