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It was the day of my dance.

I was nervous as hell.

I was back stage getting ready, my heart beat was going through the roof. I had been texting Braxton asking if he was here yet but I hadn't received anything, only a text message last night when he sent me saying 'I'll be there, cheering you on. Good luck Bub x'

"Hey" I looked up to see Tom through the mirror smiling at me.

"Hey" I said placing my phone away in my bag.

"You okay?" He sits next to me.

"Yeah just nervous"

"You'll do great" he smiles at me, there was a knock on the door when one of the back stage girls poked her head in smiling telling us we had 5 minutes to go. "Ready?" Tom asks as I stand up taking a deep breath and letting it all out, nodding my head.

We walked to were we needed to be wiping my hands on the towel before I walked on stage to take my precision on the floor waiting for the music to start. As I was waiting I had looked out to the crowd I couldn't see anything since it was all dark.

After our final lift as Tom catches me he let's go of my legs as I was placed on the floor, we both were breathing heavily as he stokes my cheek. As I looked up at him he leans down and placed his lips on mine. To be honest that wasn't my first kiss.. but it wasn't part of the dance. Once the music finished we left the stage Eva came over to me hugging me tightly.

"Oh boo you guys did amazing" she says smiling wide as she gave Tom a hug. I heard my name being called from Ms. Lily she was smiling wide herself as she congratulated me and Tom and told us that the judges loved us and they would be in contact.

My mum and dad had come back behind stage to congratulate me "well done baby" my father says pulling me into a hug kissing my head before my mum done the same.

"Did Brax show up?" I asked but the look on their faces told me he didn't, I nodded my head as I stepped back I was pissed Braxton knew what today meant to me and if my father was here with everyone else that meant the club was having a quiet day.

I went to change clothes and packed my stuff before my dad took my bag from my hands. I followed after them to the car park getting into my mothers car I just stayed quiet.

As my mother pulled into the compound of the clubhouse I looked at the line of bikes and I noticed Braxton's bike was there along with Emma's car. "Set him straight baby" my mother says giving me a wink before I got out of the car slamming the door. As I got inside the clubhouse I saw Braxton walking into the main area with Emma behind him.

"What the fuck Brax!?" I yelled at him as I got closer "where the fuck were you?"

"Oh shit..." he says before checking the time.

"Oh shit... that's all you have to say is oh shit.."

"I thought I had more time" He says running his hand through his hair.

"You thought you had more time.." I sighed shaking my head biting my lip "you knew today was important for me and you didn't show up what the fuck were you doing!?"

"I... Ugh.."

"He was with me" Emma smirking speaking up as she walked closer to me.

"Really? You missed my recital to get your dick wet with a fucking hoe?" I said tilting my head to the side glaring at Braxton.

"Excuse me?" Emma says getting in my face.

"You better get the fuck outta my face before I knock your teeth out" I said getting in her face.

"Who do you think you are?" She says pushing me.

"I am the princess of this club and if you really know who I am then you'll know that my grandpa taught me bare knuckle boxing." I said just before she threw a punch to my face but I ducked and came back to her punching her in the stomach then upper cutting her in the face before I grabbed her by the back of the hair and slammed her head into my knee. I had to let her go because someone arms were wrapped around me pulling me away from a bloody Emma.

I was pulled into the shock room when I turned to see Braxton blocking the door. "You need to calm down" he says.

"Calm down... CALM DOWN! Are you fucking kidding me right now!? Do you care about anyone other than yourself?" I screamed at him.

"Of course I do Bub, I care about you!"

"Right.. if that was true you would of been there! You would of been there like you said you would! You lied to me" I cried I pushed his chest.

"Bub p-please..."

"No.. these last few years you have been pushing me away from what? I thought you were my best friend I stuck up for you when kids teased you about your stutter! And this is how you treat me?"

"Y-you don't need to be in this life Bub" he says trying to grab my hand but I pull away from him.

"I'm already in this life my father is the god damn road captain for fuck sake. You can't protect me from this, look what happen when I was 6 years old!" I screamed at him, making him look down at his feet.

I sighed biting my lip wiping my tears away "I love you Brax, I've always have since I was young... but I know I'll never be good enough for you and I realise that now..." I sighed pushing my hair out of my face and wiping my tears away.

He just leans against the wall as I wait for him to say something but it had been 5 minutes and still not a word. So I just left the room leaving him behind as I walked through the clubhouse.

My father walked up to me but I shook my head and walked outside to see Eva and Julio already there. I had messaged them while I was in the car so I could just leave once they saw me walk out they both got off the hood of the car. Eva was looking worried while Julio looked mad my mother must of told them what happen.

When I heard my name being called I knew who it was so I slowly turned around to see Braxton walk over to me. When he got to me he places his hands on the sides of my face before smashing his lips to mine, making me cry even more.

I grabbed a hold of his kutte and pull away, shaking my head as I stepped away from him. "Bub.."

I turned away from him but all kept doing was call my name out "Shadow please!"


When I get to Julio's car I get in the back seat while Eva gets in the front "Julio get in!" She yells out as we wait for him to get in and once he does he quickly drives out of the compound.

"Fucking puto" Eva mumbles to herself but I could still hear her as I leaned my head against the window crying silently, holding a hand to my chest as it began to hurt.


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